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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. And he doesnt help lack of effort. he doesnt help lack of preparedness. He doesnt help lack of in-game adjustments. All they can hope is he plays better than he has his entire career. Hey Chevy, what are the secrets to the Jets being a contender? "Just have to go on a run". And you can add "Just need Pavs to play the best hockey of his career". Likely scenarios. Its like me buying a house, car and giant TV I cant afford and my creditors asking me what my plan was - "I planned to win the lottery". And imagine the Jets didnt win their own lottery and didnt draft Laine this year. Good God. I always argued with those people who said the Jets would never compete because they were a budget team. Chipman promised us the best effort to compete. Where is it? This team is terrible. Worse, they are WORSE in practice then they are on paper. So something is making them worse. Coaching. Management. Wrong mix of talent. All of that falls at the doorstep of Chevy.
  2. Pavs will play average and the Jets will win enough games to get a decent but not great draft pick. just to cap a wonderful season. Who is keeping Flaherty employed? Its ridiculous. If any coach performed as poorly as him, they'd be gone ages ago. Well, I guess other then Huddy. At BEST they have to clean house of all assistants this off-season. And no one should be shocked if they fire all the coaches including Maurice. Chevy is safe but at this point he shouldn't be.
  3. And WWE is getting roasted in some circles for that sappy tribute video. Did you guys see the fan reaction when they came back live? A mix of boos & stunned silence with a spattering of light applause. Boy...if there was a better example of the bubble the McMahon family live in, I dont know what it is. In other news, they will be inducting OJ Simpson into the Hall of Fame since he was never found guilty.
  4. If the Jets make the playoffs on the back of career-best goaltending from Pavs, then management is really out to lunch and should be replaced.
  5. If there was draft, i think they might have done what I suggested at the beginning of the season - Hutch to Manitoba and Pavs backs up Helle. This is just embarrassing and there really can be no great outcome. I guess the best case scenario is Pavs still isnt very good but Jets win a lot of 5-4 games.
  6. Give him a goalie coach who doesnt suck and let's talk.
  7. this should not be allowed. At least without strict rules on usage. And certainly should be made aware to the public. Slippery slope
  8. This sums up how I feel: Voice370, a support group for family members of those aboard the flight, released a statement expressing their disappointment. "Commercial planes cannot just be allowed to disappear without a trace," the statement said. "Stopping at this stage is nothing short of irresponsible, and betrays a shocking lack of faith in the data, tools and recommendations of an array of official experts assembled by the authorities themselves." How can the world allow this plane to disappear and not continue to search until they find it? Its not like its on Mars. Its in the South Pacific. Map the entire Pacific Ocean if you have t. all it takes is time and money.
  9. CNN Washington (CNN)Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent president and 44 points below that of President Barack Obama, the 44th president. Is this the quickest case of buyers remorse in political history? hahahahahaha Love it!
  10. I expect Pavs to play well in the short term. Thats his MO. But this is not Plan B. Its not even Plan F. This is "we dont have a plan". In any other market, they would be talking about the GM. The coach would already have been fired. Chevy handed the reigns to a 23 year old rookie goalie, signed an older near-rookie to a 2 year contract and unceremoniously buried the only starter in 2.0 history in hopes someone would take him for free. The fact this is happening is embarrassing and its a black mark on the General Manager. Imagine if Pavs plays anything short of above average? What then? How do you fire the coach when you handed him three goalies who all under-performed? You almost have to skip Maurice and start talking Chevy. Worse, what if Pavs plays lights out? 1) do you accept a trade offer at the deadline? 2) if he plays great and miraculously gets the Jets into the playoffs, you walk away from him in the off-season? This is just a mess of epic proportions. And this is management having no idea what to do. This is "lets get through tomorrow". Im officially disappointed in Jets management.
  11. When lawless speculates you can take it to the bank thos now calls into question the decision to waive him in the first place and puts the target squarely on Maurice and Chevy. Jets are passing disappointment and heading to embarrassment.
  12. This is heartbreaking. And ridiculous. The only reason is money. Money! Are you kidding me? this is one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all time. These are real people missing. You don't just give up. Brutal.
  13. No. just this past month. There was essentially a cover up back in 83. Snuka admitted to several people at the time that he caused the injury that killed Nancy. But at the police station he played the wild Samoan character that didn't understand English. Vince McMahon showed up with an attaché case and spoke with police. And the police closed the case. There was a lot of speculation that Vince would not want a trial now because of his involvement coming to light. The coroner wanted it investigated as a homocide and identified "mate abuse" injuries on her body. It was commonly known Snuka beat her. But he was a big celebrity. And Vince was a great sales man. The story came back to light in recent years due to some in depth articles written about it. It resulted in the DA filing charges and intending to take it to trial. Snuka begged off claiming he was sick and suffering dementia. Most people didn't believe it because he was still accepting bookings. Trial was delayed pending evaluations and finally just recently due to his failing health the judge threw it out. Should also be noted, much like Oj, Snuka lost a civil trial where he was deemed responsible for Nancy's death and was given a $500,000 judgement. He never paid a dime and claimed poverty the rest of his years even while making appearances for WWE.
  14. Dismissed due to Snuka's mental incapacity. Had that not been a factor he would have gone on trial.
  15. When Laine is back. At least watching him and Ehlers and Scheif and trouba is good.
  16. I don't understand wheee people get the idea Pavs is the answer. He's not lighting it up in the AHL. I was the biggest Pavs fan. He's gone next season. He's not the answer. He's not apart of the equation.
  17. They opened the show with a graphic. Should not have done anything more really.
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