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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Luke lost it in Jedi when Vader learned he had a sister and threatened to turn her instead. He also was incensed watching the Rebel fleet getting beat up but controlled his emotions...for awhile. He then force grabbed his saber and the fight with vader was on.
  2. Coaches Latvia. Hartley Yeo Dave Cameron Sheldon Keefe Ron Wilson Dallas Eakins All potential HC replacements. (I found the list online - Im no coach expert).
  3. Thats a good suggestion about the Helmet. Hopefully we see a flashback like that, sort of a dark side perception of things. It would make sense of the original idea that Kylo was obsessed with finding dark side or "Vader" items. The thing about the Sith being gone, it just seems too much of a coincidence. Sith are gone but the new bad guy is also old and evil and is training an apprentice in the ways for the dark side of the force. Plus rebuilding an army in the image of the Empire. has to be some connection there.
  4. Sounds like Comey provided a briefing on the hacking investigation and said something that riled up Democrats. I cant believe the guy is still running the FBI after his Hilary shanking. But it sounds like Dems are going with the devil they know rather then the devil they dont. In the event Comey is replaced, Trump could replace him with someone even worse.
  5. When I read the rumour I thought of it as a Snoke trick, making it appear a tormented and evil Anakin (as he'd look post-Sith burning) appearing to him to guide him. You could also have Anakin appear to Luke. It would not make sense, in fact, if none of Yoda, Ben and Anakin appear to him. So certainly we should get some force ghosts in the next film. As for how Anakin could be a force ghost, he looked confused when Obi Wan vanished. We can assume he went to Palpatine for guidance or learned it on his own. I just feel like the mystery surrounding Snoke requires something interesting and cool and some connection to the over-all saga.
  6. Might indicate Myers isnt as close as last week had indicated.
  7. I recall Lawless reported that one of the deciding factors in firing Noel was Chevy talking to Maurice. He wanted Maurice all along and once he knew he could get him, he canned Noel.
  8. If you fire him now, no one. If you fire him in the off-season, then I'd assume there are many possibilities.
  9. Laine on Injured Reserve. Assume he's out a bit longer than hoped for.
  10. There is a difference between a foot of snow and ice and normal snow fall on the top of a car. There was a photo floating around from twitter. I think it was an Ontario police force of a car completely encased with just a little patch cleared on the drivers windshield. I get that. The issue isnt the specific infraction. In this city, our government uses WPS and photo enforcement as revenue generators that is required for budgetary reasons. This comes on the heels of a checkstop program that consisted of WPS doing fairly ludicrous checks of vehicles that they'd otherwise never do with the intent of generating revenue for the city. For this reason, its important for us to be critical of the actions and motives of police. Its too simple to say "well, there's a law and he broke it". That's akin to putting our heads in the sand.
  11. Its not time to fire Maurice. Although if Chevy makes the decision, he might as well. But Maurice will be under review this off-season since it will be time to give him an extension or move on. If he had three years left, its a moot point. Its possible they'd keep Maurice if he had three years left, but the prospect of giving him an additional three years might be enough to make them cut bait.
  12. No. I never have. I dont see this as an issue at all.
  13. It was probably a happy accident but Luke was very much like Anakin. Emotional. Wanting to help his friends. Quick to anger. Impatient etc. Anakin was turned almost without realizing it. Whereas Luke was so focused on not turning. Vader tried to use Leia in the way Palpatine used Padme. And Luke had the same reaction as Anakin. But at the moment of "strike him down", anakin did. Luke did not. He was willing to die himself. Anakin wasnt.
  14. There was a strong rumour that Vader & Anakin as two separate force ghosts would appear to torment Luke. I dont like the idea that Snoke is a whole new character. And if he wasn't, the production wouldnt admit it. If he's new, that undermines the original 6 part saga. It spanned, what 30+ years? And Palpatine's plan was in motion for years prior to that. So the Sith had this plan for decades, get defeated by the one remaining Jedi but all the while Snoke is chillin', waiting for the Empire to crash and burn before he interjects? Seems like a terrible plan. There has long been rumors of Anakin appearing. In TFA, Kylo speaks to Vader's mask but he says "show me again Grandfather". That implies he's been shown something previously. Has Kylo and Anakin been in contact previously?
  15. I always come back to his victory speech where he said something to the effect of working for the next "two years...or four years or more". That slip of "two years". I think he steps aside at some point, claims he's made America great and theres nothing left for him to do. He wont be impeached unless they lose control of congress which is possible as a backlash in a couple of years. Imagine him working with a Democratic majority? Yikes. But Im not sure who the Dems have as a suitable candidate in four years. I'd suspect Pence ends up President unless Trump brings him down.
  16. We were complaining about the same post at the same time. Lol
  17. Scheif is on pace for 38 goals and 78 points. Well give or take based on games played. He's been great.
  18. The rumoured list for this years Hall of Fame: Diamond Dallas Page Rick Rude Christian William Regal Mike Rotunda (IRS) Natural Disaster (Earthquake & Typhoon)
  19. The weird part is, since Maurice arrived, his intent was a tighter D game. The stats show the Jets lowered over-all scoring chances per game (for themselves as well as their opponents). I think its the wrong system. Wouldnt something more akin to the Pens be useful? They had a maligned D and used their speed and playmaking to control puck possession. if you always have the puck, your opponents arent going to score too often.
  20. Well its a summary of memos prepared by a former Mi6 agent. So its not an investigation. Intelligence people use sources. And those sources have sources. Will take more than one credible agent's summary to prove anything. But the denials dont pass the sniff test. Trump has lied so much about Russia. And then suddenly he admits Russia hacked during the election? Trying to distance himself. If you read the dossier, Russia wanted to distance itself too after experiencing buyers remorse on Trump. Its really quite fascinating.
  21. Buzzfeed has tried to go more mainstream. There will be people who appreciate them releasing the dossier as a matter of public record. I read through it and its very interesting. But I agree that Americans should be appalled that something like that would be leaked. I would think any suggestion, rightly or wrongly, that the President was compromised or conspired with an enemy nation to undermine a federal election would be confidential and properly investigated.
  22. Its fascinating. Because there is an effort to paint this dossier as complete fiction. And yet, that's not really what is being said. There is definitely an over-sell going on by Trump and his supporters. The problem is that he lies, seemingly for sport. So what can you believe. I read the dossier. Are the events therein confirmed? Ofcourse not. But the source who compiled them is considered credible. That's what the intelligence game is - seeking information from sources you deem credible. We can agree the dossier should not have been leaked. But it would seem the intelligence community considers it important enough to have sent to enough people to ensure its leakage. Im not sure I buy that this is the result of Trump's attack on the CIA since the dossier was originally paid for by the Republicans...and then the Democrats as opposition research. The idea the Russians dont have information on Trump is laughable. Ofcourse they do. Whether its compromising or not isnt the point. Russia would effectively not be doing its job if it didnt have intelligence on him. I dont care so much about hookers pissing on the President. We know he's a sleaze. But what really needs investigating is the suggestion that there was quid pro quo between Trump (and his team) and Russia. Isnt that important enough to warrant an investigation?
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