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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. What are you talking about? Does the Internet not work where you are? Do you have the news?
  2. meh I dont think that is illustrated on-screen. The series is great but a product of its time. If Jedi was made today, they'd cut the Ewoks and make Luke more directly responsible for the victory over the Empire.
  3. Pavs had potential and had demonstrated an ability to play at a high level. Does he have issues? Yes, thats why he has a goalie coach. Hutch went from the ECHL to the NHL in one season. Certainly expectations were higher for him this season than "worst. backup. ever." And ofcourse Helle who seems to have gotten worse the more time he's spent being coached by Wade. Look, we can keep saying "the coaches have done a decent job" and "the GM has done a decent job" and "the goalies have done a decent job" and "the team is pretty decent" and be happy being a not very good team. But if everyone is doing a good job why are the Jets so bad? And worse, why are they very consistent in their issues that have existed seemingly since they arrived here? Bad team D. Poor preparation. Poor effort. Inconsistent goal tending. Lack of ability to adjust during games. The big blame was the Atlanta 5. Well Kane and Ladd are gone. So now the new boogieman is the goalies. If I had to pick, I'd say its coaching. And if they decide to change coaches this summer, it should be a clean sweep of every coach. After that, you can only look at the GM for not bringing in the right mix of players and making changes when needed. Goodness, imagine if the lottery ball didnt bounce our way this year...
  4. Im no goalie expert but we seem to have had a string of goalies with "potential" who had glaring deficiencies that were never coached away. Too often a goalie looks like a world beater and then is shell shocked. I question preparation. We've seen examples of goalies just the same - played well, had potential, sucked, changed coaches and lived up to that potential. We need a coach who can help the goalies hit their potential.
  5. I dont know... young team over-all. Grow with the goalie? We keep using Price as an example of a goalie that struggled early but grew with the team. I think the Jets expected Hutch to be better where they could ride him for stretches. Maurice seems to have lost all confidence in him. The expansion draft changes things. Without it, I could see Pavs back here as back up or bringing in a veteran on a one year deal. There isnt much they can do. If they bring in someone now, it has to be someone with another year left (for expansion purposes) and the other team to take Hutch. Or they bring in an expiring contract and use a roster spot on Hutch not playing which also creates a negative situation. I dont see them getting out of this. And I think Helle is a good goalie and they should go back to him next game. Every goalie has bad games. Good teams are good enough to win when their goalie isnt great. I think Helle is good enough that if the Jets were good, he could have a bad game here and there. Helle though, isnt good enough to steal a win when the Jets play like garbage. Hopefully that comes with time.
  6. i guess he really inspired the team. By the way, I've been saying for years now the Jets need a better goalie coach. That's a must have for next season.
  7. The only answer is calling up Pavs and I think that would be distasteful to management. It would create a distraction. And you'd have to carry Hutch anyway so you'd waste a roster spot and you'd have to find someone for the Moose
  8. Well not embarrassing as the Islanders game but two games like that in short order? Not good.
  9. Wouldn't give him a long term deal at 29 years old.
  10. True. Luke's force abilities destroyed the first death star but in Return of the Jedi, the second death star was destroyed without his help. And Vader and Palpatine were both killed regardless of Luke's intervention.
  11. Sort of Jets related. nice story https://twitter.com/globalwinnipeg/status/819288185259835398
  12. They're lucky a Jedi came along eventually. Although come to think of it, didn't the A alliance destroy the second death star with both Vader and the Emperor on it with no help from Luke?
  13. Armia did get power play time so its not like he wasnt rewarded with a push up the line up. As poor as Stafford has been, I can see the appeal of him in the top six. Scoring is his forte. And by accounts here, he played decent enough. he wont keep the spot when Laine is back so what does it matter.
  14. From Dave Meltzer: Mark Hunt files lawsuit against the UFC, Brock Lesnar & Dana White By Dave Meltzer | @davemeltzerWON | Jan 10, 2017 9:12 pm Mark Hunt today filed a lawsuit in Nevada District Court against the UFC, Brock Lesnar, and Dana White. ESPN's Brett Okamoto reported the story earlier tonight. It's a landmark case because Hunt is claiming that the defendants "affirmatively circumvented and obstructed fair competition for their own benefit." Hunt had been threatening legal action, feeling that his career has been harmed by facing people who have cheated. Hunt was upset because he felt Lesnar was not punished enough for a failed drug test before their fight took place, and that he went into the cage without knowledge that Lesnar had already failed a test, as the result of a June 28th test didn't come back until after the July 9th fight. The tough aspect of this case is that Lesnar failed for Hydroxy Clomiphene, and not for steroids or another PED. So while there are two failed tests, on June 28th and July 9th, there is no evidence that specifically ties Lesnar to PED usage for the Hunt fight. Lesnar is currently serving a one-year suspension from UFC competition as well as within commission states that license pro fighters and wrestlers due to the positive tests.
  15. And again, its like being caught cheating and your wife says "I was told you slept with my best friend on my birthday" but you know it was the day before her birthday so you say "That statement is absolutely false". Because the fact is, Trump has, since last year completely changed his tune on Russia and lied about his connection. Would that seem to jive with the idea that he or his top aids were conspiring with Russian hackers and/or he was potentially compromised. If some guy I knew found out I cheated on my wife, I'd preemptively distance myself from him in hopes of claiming he doesnt even know me, should the truth ever come out.
  16. You mean the stories all over the internet and every news site in the free world? Here is one on CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/donald-trump-intelligence-report-russia/ CNN has the same "memos" has Buzzfeed but is not printing the details because the actual stories are not varified. But if these are the legitimate summaries the intelligence leaders have presented to Trump and the Gang of Eight, are they not serious? I mean, if the CIA shows Trump a report of 20 things they claim Russia has on him and he says "Well that ONE isnt true." that doesnt make me feel much better.
  17. They only seem to enforce them during their ticketing campaigns. I recall some police sources speaking out against the photo radar stuff by saying having real police officers enforce the law during regular patrol makes more sense in that it can often lead to uncovering other crimes. I dont like the cell phone law per se because I think the campaigns are needlessly expensive and sleazy. Police dont need to be told "between these hours and days you can write tickets and in fact you better write X amount of tickets". They should enforce laws on general patrol in a reasonable way. Paying a cop to dress like a hobo at intersections taking money from drivers while looking to see if a guy glancing at his phone can net the city a $300 payday is not the same as pulling over a distracted driver.
  18. I believe you posted a response of something like "there is nothing going on" as a result of a fake news article that purported to detail the specifics ofa summary included with an Intelligence briefing provided to the President, Preside-Elect and Gang of Eight (the leaders of the Congressional Intelligence). Your response seemed to me to me saying "there is clearly something going on here". But one specific story being wrong doesn't mean the underlaying report is wrong. In fact, spreading wild untrue stories would be one strategy to trying to paint the whole report with the #fakenews colour. The intelligence leaders seem far more concerned about this than to assume its all made up. And the denials ring hollow in such a way as to confirm there is something. Now you have Trump admitting Russia hacked the democrats during the election. Why would he suddenly do that in the wake of these reports of him being compromised? To arms-length him from Russia a bit? His claims that Russia could never have anything on him because he has zero ties contradicts his own previous admissions and those of his son. So while its possible Trump is telling the truth that he has not been compromised, he has lied and continues to lie about Russia. Why? He continues to dismiss and belittle his own intelligence community. Why? Could it be he's very afraid of what might be out there?
  19. Did I misunderstand? You seem to be saying there is nothing to this because one or two of the specifics is being reported wrongly.
  20. Regardless of the specifics, there is clearly something going on. Sure, people are denying the golden shower story but in such a way that it could read as "yes we nailed hookers but watched them pee on each other? Thats #fakenews. I pee'ed on THEM". Cohen claiming its untrue because he never met a Russian in Brussels (or wherever) could just as easily be the right meeting but wrong location. That's the problem with stuff like that. But US intelligence believes these stories have enough veracity to prepare a serious briefing with a summation of the supposed acts that Russia has that might compromise Trump. The question as to why they'd provide that info to the Gang of Eight rather then just Trump and Obama? People want to say 'so it would leak'. isnt it just as likely its so Trump cant bury it? Could the intelligence people be so concerned, they believe this requires congressional involvement? Trump now backing away from Russia and admitting they did hack. So they didnt hack but now they did. What's to stop the eventual story being "well they have nothing on me" becoming "okay, they got me".
  21. Wait, are you saying that the pee-party being untrue means there is nothing going on? You mean the briefing by intelligence agencies with Trump and the Gang of Eight never happened?
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