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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think it would be weird if someone didnt find this plausible. The intelligence game isnt going to always hit a homerun, but you've got various agencies reporting pretty disturbing things about Russia's efforts to hack. You've got Trump's own words of being closely tied to Russia and his sudden reversal. You've got Trump's own words of basically being a womanizer. His son revealed their immense ties to Russia. And you've got the awkward denials, from Trump and Russia. Clearly something is going on here. Does it mean Trump has been compromised? No. But he seems more angry that the intelligence briefing was leaked then that it exists. His claims to have zero ties to Russia are a lie. So who's he trying to kid? What is he hiding? Knowing his ego, if there are tapes of him engaging in wild sex parties, you have to wonder what Russia could get him to do to avoid that release. What is more troubling than Trump's sex games is the speculation he was intimately involved in assisting or otherwise working with Russia on hacking the Democrats. You're bordering on treason in that respect. Trump hasnt even served a day as President and he's looking like a complete disaster. Let's hope the people around him are smart enough to drag him through an acceptable term.
  2. Oh Russia says they dont compile info on their opposition? Well I believe them. lol
  3. Also, the so-called Alliance seemed like a bunch of wussies. They didnt want to fight at the end.
  4. Trump over-sells the denials. So does Russia. They have no "opposition" reports on Trump? Really? Riiight. And before I saw the details, its pretty easy to imagine. Trump was there on business so often. Drinks start flowing. Maybe some drugs come out. Hookers. Maybe some of them are underage. And voila, you've compromised a future President. Trump sleeps around so why would he not have under those circumstances? It would make sense of why Trump lied about his Russian business dealings. He thinks if he just claims it never happened, that people will just forget about it. It raises an interesting ethical dilemma. What if he IS compromised and Russia actually uses that to influence him? And the VP knows...senior intelligence knows etc? What do they do? Would the cabinet act to remove him? If he was as ethical as President Bartlett from the West Wing, Trump would invoke the 25th himself.
  5. Yeah I don't get it. I believe it's the spot around 1:18 that injured Rude. And Kenny came very close to a vey similar landing. It's cool they want floor seats to have better sights. But make the raised platform twice as wide so flying spots have no chance of hitting the edge.
  6. Trump is arrogant enough to allow himself to be compromised. Will he be strong enough to let himself go down rather then become an unwitting agent of Russia? http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/donald-trump-intelligence-report-russia/index.html
  7. No one speculated Maurice would be fired mid-season.
  8. Yes. Waiving Hutch, calling up Comrie and letting Vegas take Helle.
  9. Thats part of its charm. If they were all excellent singers, it wouldnt be as good. Its "regular" people singing. Really fun.
  10. I disagree. Trump's actions and words and attitudes are the negative issue. Streep was under no obligation to use her voice to do Trump a favour. Her words were suitably diplomatic in their call for empathy. Unlike Trump, she didnt call for anyone to be assassinated. She didnt mock his appearance. Streep didnt miss an opportunity at all. And Morgan is just piggy backing on her for his own two cents in this way. Okay Piers, we get it, you could be an even more effective voice than Streep. Sure.
  11. Dont make silly arguments. Is there anyone foolish enough to think the city's enforcement is anything but a revenue generator? When a city unabashedly deploys its police force to collect revenue needed for the city budget, then every instance of that must come under a microscope. If Winnipeg was a fair ticket-giver, then we wouldnt even be talking about this one instance.
  12. What's Bob Essensa doing? He was goalie coaching around the league wasnt he?
  13. How do you know that? Presumably the cop wasn't waiting outside his home. Seems he drove perfectly fine. And his car isn't a snow generator so even if some blew off it's not like it's an issue for miles upon miles. Excuse for city to collect revenue. Period.
  14. I get her point. I imagine she's not a fan so to her, they represent examples of sort of low brow easy mindless entertainment. You can replace Football & MMA with whatever examples would suit or or me personally. I get her point.
  15. She also said MMA wasnt art. Come on...shes nuts. lol
  16. Exactly. It wasnt explored beyond maybe one line in the film. But the idea was Saw was so terroristic in method that the Alliance didnt want him anymore. In fact, I cant remember the exact line but it seemed to imply he caused them problems. So one could extrapolate that his methods were so harsh that it caused a greater than proportional response by the Empire in return. Up until the end of this movie, it seemed the Alliance was more of a political opposition and werent committed to an actual war, whereas Saw and people like him saw the Empire as something worth fighting and dying to oppose. RO would have been better as a two partner that could be fleshed out. But I understand why they didnt want to take that chance.
  17. I think the intent was the Alliance and Rebels were the same. Saw was more guerrilla warfare, more terrorist in nature, which raised an interesting ethical question. Is it okay to be a terrorist for a good cause?
  18. Maybe Im in the minority but I liked his voice in RO. I liked the character. I thought his ending was a waste though. It felt too neatly wrapped up for the story. Like, they couldnt fit him in so he decides, for no good reason, to just die. Silly. Should have been a greater sacrifice.
  19. Im generally annoyed by celebrities thinking their beliefs "trump" everyone else. I do however understand the thought that someone with celebrity might embrace the idea that its their responsibility as someone so fortunate to have a large voice, to try to do good. ideally, that means less lobbying celebrity causes and more of what Streep did - which was not so much an attack on Trump, but an appeal for dignity and empathy and respect. I think celebrities can lose touch in the sense they like to lobby ideas that might be detrimental or difficult for the average person. Climate Change being one where yeah sure, we should all buy $80,000 enviro cars and outfit our homes with solar. But to Celebrities, its a no-brainer. To us, not so easy. Anyway, just my two cents. Left or right, I think the group of people that actually defend the conduct and behavior of Trump will grow smaller. It gets to the point that the bigger the *******, the greater the stench of what comes out of it. And that gets hard to defend.
  20. If the Jets were looking for veteran goaltending help, Jonas Gustavsson has been waived by the Oilers. He's a former Jet (sort of).
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