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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Choke choke choke. Oh well. Just need to go on a run. Right Chevy?
  2. Good hands by Stafford to knock it our of the air on his third whack at the puck. Soft D by Buffalo.
  3. @ediger Thank you for the plug! Everyone knows Kenny now but maybe a few years ago they had no idea what he'd become. Perhaps we will see the next one in action tonight. Jackie Lee has all the tools to go somewhere. He'll be in the main event! and who doesn't want to see the Jizzled Veteran
  4. Meltzer thinks Kenny could be that special talent WWE doesn't have. I agree. He could connect like Bryan did. He could be huge. Really huge. But I still doubt he's going this soon. Although I've been told some clues that might make it seem more possible. I'll email him in a couple of days and see if he lets the cat out of the bag! Lol
  5. Um this might be my new favourite world leader.
  6. The True North suit is just off centre due to camera station. The MTS suite is exactly the same on the side of the camera station.
  7. Expensive but doable by virtue of how his contract works with declining cash every year.
  8. No but Im not surprised you'd believe that.
  9. The subtle stuff was amazing. 4 Rainmakers to finally do it. Kenny never hits his finish. They did a punch/punch spot near the end and Kenny appears to be sobbing between blows. His facials manipulated that crowd at will. It was the same thing with his match with Goto at G1, they took the crowd on a rollercoaster. They need to get rid of the platform the ring sits on or at least make it wider. Kenny was an inch from disaster on that table spot. Similar thing ended Rick Rude's career years ago because his back hit the edge of the platform.
  10. Oh and US taxpayers are paying for the wall. Not even in office and already breaking a key election promise. American voters are almost as stupid as Canadian voters. But both will be regretting their choices in very short order (most of Canada probably is already).
  11. Sent you a message. Hoping to have the store online within the next couple of weeks or so. We have a very good designer and will have designs of many Indie talent across Canada who arent "big" enough to have a Pro Wrestling Tee's store.
  12. Washoping Glenn would stick. if only to retire in a Bombers jersey. Seems like a good guy. Best of luck.
  13. Great post. He's very private but very cordial with fans. He'd be happy to hear you're a fan. He's a top seller on Pro Wrestling T's. And when he's here he usually has a few items of merch with him (that sells immediately). We're actually launching our own store soon and have a couple of new, exclusive Omega designs. He got the internet in a tizzy this morning by saying he was taking a step back from Japan and considering his options... lol
  14. Shoot out? In a gold medal game? hahahahahaha Ridiculous. What idiot allowed that? Are they trying to save on renting the arena for an extra hour?
  15. Honestly his goal isn't WWE. His goal is proving he's the best in the world and WWE is about being the most known but not always the best. There is more money long term there because you can be there forever and they can market you forever. Kenny isn't a money guy. But goals change as you age. If anything I could see WWE seeming like a new challenge to him once he conquers Japan. Kenny always laid low. People that really knew him and weren't insecure competitors knew he was going to be a star. Think back years. I vividly remember the moment I said whoa this kid has talent. He was 17 working a bar show he wasn't allowed to. Doing moonsaults off railings. He was the first person to email me when our booker quit in 2003 to say we can reinvent things. But he never really sought attention like some of those other "darlings" did. In fact I was trying to market him years ago and he didn't want it. He's a shy guy if you can believe it. Hearing him on the podcast with Callis and Jericho saying there is only one indie he works for in the world and that's is....fills me with pride. He's given back to us more than he ever needed to but he's fiercely loyal to those who believed in him. The match is on YouTube for those that havent seen it. Only the second match of all time to earn 6 stars (out of 5!)
  16. And supposedly JFK's father, desperate for a President in the family, made the deal with the mob behind JFK's back. I dont doubt RFK's genuine desire to bring the mob to justice was real. The democrats expected women to vote for the female candidate in the same way black voters voted for the black candidate. And it wasnt the same at all. I tend to doubt Trump had a real strategy. His attitude and bombasticness attracted people. His celebrity attracted people. Those are results of who he is, not how he strategized. His racist remarks and some of the populist "anti-Muslim" stuff attracted bigots and the mis-guided. Making Hilary "a third Obama term" coupled with that sentiment brought out the racists. Im not sure there was much strategy until the annoying but effective Kellyanne Conway came on board. I guess that jerk who got fired had a stratgey but it seemed to be for Trump to be Trump...with the volume turned up. Conway seemed to embrace the idea of Trump being Trump and then she'd go on the mainstream news and smooth the edges. That FBI Director should get a cabinet position since he's the most directly responsible person for Trump's victory. Trump wont likely be impeached. But he will quit before the next election. The only surprise will be whether he passes the torch to Pence or shanks him in favour of his daughter or son-in-law.
  17. Reports are an intentional jumper. Seems like an odd thing to do if the intent is suicide. No guarantee from only 4 storeys. Hope the jumper pulls through.
  18. TNA has been sold to Anthem (owned by the Asper's Fight Network). Dixie Carter is on some board of Anthem but out of power. They have also brought back Jeff Jarrett and Dutch Mantel (Zeb)
  19. Chiarot seems like he can rise to the occasion when he plays with better talent. I think Myers can help him. Morrissey-Buff Enstrom-Trouba Chiarot-Myers Would be the best D we've iced in along time.
  20. Some fat bloated workers can give tremendous advice. Wrestling is not unique from sport in that you have to be a great performer to give advice. You can be a bad performer but have knowledge and insight. What happened locally was, Kenny came along when the business was changing from old to new. And especially in Indie wrestling, the old try to hang on. Same thing in WWE too with guys protecting their spot and cutting off young talent, but in WWE they will be pushed out. In Indie wrestling, the old guys usually control the promotions. That's why a lot of them didnt like me initially because I pushed young talent and "disrespected" the vets (I didnt really, I had lots of vets). A local guy named Robby Royce was one of the exceptions. A veteran who others said was ahead of his time because he was trying to work like Shawn Michaels when everyone else was trying to work "old school". He always saw the talent in guys like Kenny and smartly wanted to work with them. And he worked with Kenny a lot in my promotion. But the guys who had WWE dreams but were too insecure to cheer for their fellow wrestlers to make it, are the guys I mean, the ones that buried Kenny because they knew he was more talented but he wasnt their buddy. I bet on Omega in 2003 and I bet on a winner.
  21. Not just match of the year maybe. The preeminent journalist covering wrestling and MMA, Dave Meltzer called it the greatest match in pro wrestling history. Said Omega is the best big match wrestler on the planet. Said Omega could be the elusive special star WWE cant seem to make. And gave it 6 stars out of 5. Attendance was up at the Tokyo Dome over last year (this event is the WrestleMania of New Japan). Subscriptions to New Japan's streaming service set a record for foreign views. 10,000 new subs came in the day of the show with 55% from the US. Omega is proving himself to be the foreign draw New Japan needs and a huge draw to North American wrestling fans. And this while not really being pushed as a main event guy for very long. Last year at this time, he lost the Junior Title in a mid-card match. The sky is the limit for him. WWE has long wanted Omega. And he has long wanted to stick with New Japan and become a legend. My suspcions have been he would consider WWE as an option down the road but he's always measured his success in wrestling by making it in Japan. WWE is going to back up a brinks truck to Omega's home and dump a pile of money on him. He's not a money guy and I'd suspect would take less to stay with New Japan but he also knows his own value and will want to be respected for that value. He's going to be very rich. A lot of older fans and casual fans today will recognize names like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Steve Austin. They will recognize Kenny Omega in the same way ten years from now. A lot of comparisons with AJ Styles who, when his contract with TNA expired, WWE didnt even want. Two years in New Japan and Styles signed a contract with WWE and by-passed NXT, going straight to the main roster. But Vince still wasnt sold on Styles until his house shows saw an increase in attendance. The difference with Kenny is, if he ever signs with WWE, he will walk onto RAW and be a top guy from day one. On a personal note, when I see local wrestlers mention Kenny on Facebook and put him over and talk about how they always knew he'd make it, it makes me laugh. Some of us knew he'd make it. But a lot of these guys are trying to connect themselves to someone who they pissed on for years. Here's a quick story for you. In 2003, I had to convince our promotions then-booker to make Omega a top star. That booker quit a few months later before he gave Kenny the top spot. The second I took over, I ear-marked Kenny to win his first heavyweight title. And the veteran champion at the time (who might be familar to some fans) refused to put him over. Another "veteran" said Kenny and his close friends didnt know how to get over. Called them "Vanilla Midgets" (ie. too small, too bland). Kenny just did Jericho's podcast over the holidays and was asked about working indie promotions. He said he only works for one, PCW (ours) because its like coming home. If you're a wrestling fan, when Kenny appears in Winnipeg, do yourself the favour of seeing him live so when he's in the main event of WrestleMania, you can say you saw him wrestling in a bar in Winnipeg. Speaking of which, PCW is this Saturday at Doubles Bar. Kenny wont be there. But it will still be good.
  22. I don't mind Chiarot but where was he on the Florida goal?
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