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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Amazing part is there is so much growth potential to his game, clearly. Not only because he's 18 and will add muscle and size to his frame but learning the game. If Laine has the same learning curve as Ehlers, he will explode next season and score 50+. And Ehlers...man is he good. Really good. Im glad they dont share contract years...but both those kids are going to get very rich very soon.
  2. Why were they able to activate them anyway? They carried too many players. Since there is a roster freeze, no one can be re-assigned. Are teams allowed to carry more than the maximum allowable during roster freezes? I was surprised to see Copp scratched. Its hard. He is a good player but would be better served on the Moose then scratched every game here. On the other hand, he's a solid extra player. I would think Stafford would be one extra forward. Waive Burmi to the Moose and send either Copp or Tanev down. But thats tough. Neither are scoring but both bring something to the table. Dano should safe. Would like to see more offense but he's finding his groove as a solid puck possession player who aggravates the other team. The last couple of weeks, every game seems to have opposition trying to kill him. He's like an aggravating water bug out there. And he's skilled enough to play with skilled players.
  3. Hard to believe Stafford isnt getting benched. What more (or less) does he have to do?
  4. Matthias and Armia in. Copp & Tanev out. Interesting...
  5. Feeling is that USADA must have felt Brock's use was unintentional. He likely made $6-$7 million or more with PPV bonus money so the fine is nothing. Brock is also still subject to out of competition testing which is something he would absolutely loath if he didnt have to do it. And he'd only have to do it if he planned on fighting again. So it would seem he hasnt closed the door on fighting again...
  6. No. I think Chevy wanted a long term deal and agreed to compromise when Trouba agreed to sign a lower salary on a bridge deal. And there might be a promise to trade him...who knows.
  7. Goodness, why? He wants a scene where where its his face behind the mask...? *fart*
  8. Some creative theories I've read were that Luke was the savior because he could use both sides of the Force (The balance?). Anakin gave into the dark. And the dark side was too powerful. But Like could tap into both but knew his limits. In TFA, when Rey is fighting Kylo, she has that moment of zen before she defeats him. The novelization refers to the dark side speaking to her to kill Kylo, but she resists. So similar to Luke. The Balance in the prophecy might not mean equal sith/Jedi or just light side, but the balance between both. The Jedi got so wrapped up in their rules that they ended up destroying themselves. Qui-Gon is another example to a degree.
  9. He actually doesnt say "Skywalker", he just says "no, there is another". Because when Lucas wrote Empire, he didnt have Luke and Leia as siblings. originally his plan was for Luke's sister to show up in Return of the Jedi but it would be someone new. This is why Leia kisses Luke at the end of Empire, because Lucas never envisioned them as related. The line is a nice bit of foreshadowing but knowing now that its Leia, it raises some issues. Yoda thought Luke was too old to train. Leia is the same age. And ofcourse Ben knows about Leia but its like Yoda is reminding him. Then again, for whatever reason (gender bias? lol), Ben seems to think Luke is the great hope, not Leia. Its also possible Yoda referred to Leia in a different sense, that she was a second hope...but maybe not as a Jedi. There was speculation during Revenge that Padme would touch Luke's face when she said his name and from that we'd take the premise that the force was stronger in Luke through some sort of mystical transference or that the first born would be stronger. I think Leia was first born though. And Lucas was too off his rocker to come up with any reason for Luke to seemingly be more powerful than Leia. Then again, Luke didnt seem powerful until he was trained and Leia was never trained...so who knows how powerful she could be. Luke refers to her as having the Force in Jedi. They have to be careful with the new series not to make the original triloigy pointless. When Jedi ended, we felt that we had seen Luke's journey completed - he had redeemed his father and destroyed the Empire. If we look at it as not Luke's journey but Anakin's, then he was redeemed and he destroyed the Empire. But TFA shows us that the Empire essentially continued and so did the Sith (or at least a version of the sith). Im hoping that whatever the outcome is, its Luke who leads to victory so that his position as the saviour of the Jedi and vanquisher of evil isnt undone.
  10. Here are aspects of the CRTC decision (interesting, I dont even have 50mbps): Key points from today’s CRTC decision, and the accompanying national broadband strategy: 100% of Canadians must have access to reliable, world-class mobile and fixed Internet services. The decision includes: Internet access defined as a basic service, access to world-class speeds, options for unlimited data packages, and a level playing field for rural and remote Canadians. New network speed targets of 50 Mbps download speed and 10 Mbps upload speed, and the ability to subscribe to fixed Internet package with an unlimited data option. Canadians from coast to coast to coast must have access to high-speed mobile and residential Internet connections. To fund this, the CRTC will redistribute hundreds of millions of dollars from telecommunications company revenues over the coming years. Going forward, rural, remote, and urban communities must be able to access Internet speeds five times as fast as the U.S. minimum (10/1) and the government will encourage the widest availability of the fastest 4G/LTE mobile networks. Finally, the CRTC issued a new report outlining the imperative for a national broadband strategy and what the federal government should consider when building it.
  11. I work for a telecom and whenever someone asks me where I work, I have to then listen to their laundry list of complaints. I have a friend with relatives in a small community and they flat out tell me how much they hate my work. Not only do they think the company should have high speed Internet and TV, they think it would be smart to offer it for free to gain customers. When I point out the expense for the limited return, they say oh so they dont care about us then? No, not really. EDIT: In this decision, it refers to 100% of Canadians...so, someone living in the Yukon wilderness will have high speed internet wired to their cabin?
  12. I always felt it was a weird line in A New Hope the way the actor delivered it BEFORE the prequels. So Im content with Obi Wan simply lying and being a bit smart about it. If I recall Luke tells Ben he's returning his droids and Ben sort of rubs his chin and says "Ohhh, that's odd, I dont recall owning any droids". It was odd at the time because a simpler way of doing it would have been just stating that R2 had a message, not that Ben was a previous owner. And the way the line is delivered really does fall under Ben's "true from a certain point of view" since it IS true he never owned the droids. But he did know them.
  13. Crosby, Ov & Stamkos have their choice of 30 teams. Not many players do. And Stamkos very nearly considered going elseware. Again, just like Wheeler and Buff here, he chose Tampa but if he played for Edmonton and became a FA, maybe he doesnt choose Tampa. They had a leg up because he was already there. When a player has their choice of 30 teams and nearly maximum dollars from those teams, Winnipeg isnt the only one not on the list. If it was me, I'd want a chance to win, but how the organization treats me matters...plus the taxes matter, which gives Florida a big advantage, especially against Canadian teams. Weather wouldnt bug me so much because when Im home Im working. But my wife and kids would have an impact. Frolik left but some say it was his wife's decision and they moved to another Canadian team but one that was bigger. It might be nice to land Crosby, Ov or Stamkos in Free Agency but guess what, the other teams they didnt play for had the same chance as Winnipeg. Zero. Because they've never been free agents. So it's moot.
  14. C3PO has his memory wiped at the end of Revenge. Thats why he was blissfully unaware of everything. R2D2, however, knew everything. But he seems to have strategically kept his mouth shut. It makes Obi Wan's line "I dont recall owning any droids" sort of funny if, in retrospect, we accept that while he didnt own the droids, he certainly spent time with them. Another one of his "true, from a certain point of view" lines.
  15. Its possible they didnt know Vader was Anakin. Its possible they believed he died, even believed Obi Wan's lie that Vader killed him. All we really know is Owen didnt want Luke following in Anakin's footsteps, tried to keep him from leaving. We also know his Aunt was more open to it and seemed okay with the idea Luke was like his father, which makes me think they were also told the lie that Anakin was a great Jedi who was betrayed and killed by Vader. Thus, Luke's Aunt understood his desire to go out into the Universe, but Owen saw it as a dangerous path. I think the fact Obi Wan stayed on Tatooine could indicate that he and Yoda believed Vader *might* come looking for look. Obi Wan was there to protect him. And ofcourse, steer him towards Jedi training before Owen stepped in. Anakin hated Tatooine and vowed to never return. They must have felt he'd not go looking for him there. And remember, he had no reason to look - he thought Padme and the baby were killed.
  16. Hiding Luke SKYWALKER from his father Anakin SKYWALKER on Tatooine where his father is from by giving him to his step brother and his wife to raise. What a plan! Obi Wan sort of implied he wanted to train Luke but Owen wouldnt allow it. Obi Wan insinuated that Luke would begin training. Luke blew him off at first, until his Aunt & Uncle were killed. So it seems the plan all along was to train Luke. The real hidden twin was leia. She was the fail safe. True but thats what I mean by clunky and really a poor job of explaining all this.
  17. Maybe that will be some other story. But in THIS film, it was unclear. Actually it wasnt unclear, it was just stupid. Bail allowed his daughter, the Princess, to go into a suicide mission. Worse, as far as we know, she's the only other person besides Bail who knew where Obi Wan was and, as we later learned, Bail died shortly thereafter. Its a good thing "will of the force" is a big part of Star Wars and how things are destined to unfold a certain way, because there are big logic holes.
  18. About time... Lets get on this please
  19. Buff and Wheeler signed here rather than go to UFA. Both players would have been cream of the crop Free Agents had they done so. Is that the same as getting someone else's FA? Not exactly. But it dismisses the idea players dont want to play here.
  20. I agree. I was actually surprised by this during the election. The "***** factor" was there for sure. People were more accepting of a black man then a white woman. It will be 1000 years before there is a black woman President at this rate. Its a women thing though. Many black voters supported Obama because he was black (regardless of his actual policies). But Hilary didnt get the sisterhood vote. During the OJ trial, one of the things that hurt the DA was the women on the jury looked at the strong, smart female prosecutor and decided she was a ***** and they didnt like her. Hate to say "women are catty" because that in itself seems sexist. But I think there is something to it. Even in my own workplace where there is clear sexism, I've seen female employees defend the sexism because "well she's a *****". Sad but true. Many women like a woman who stands by her man. But they loath a woman who stands in front of her man. its why they love the style and grace of most first ladies but when they start making their own name they feel they should "know their place".
  21. Yes, maybe. Most pro hockey players want to win, especially as they get to a certain point in their careers.
  22. The election was very close actually. Anyone who voted for Trump to 'drain the swamp' got taken in and Im surprised so many were so foolish. If they voted for him because they believe in what he believes in, at least thats relevant if repugnant. My opinion as a right-wing supporter who was open minded to Trump was that he simply disqualified himself. There comes a point when you have to stop holding your nose and voting for whomever your party tells you to and decided where the line is. For many Trump supporters, there was no line. Because they want a whiter America. Because they love celebrity. Does he deserve a chance? Sure. He's the President. True belief in democracy requires Americans to respect the office and support the position. Protest if you want, peacefully. And use your vote to make change. Earlier in the thread there was a brief discussion about left vs right. Both have their share of lugnuts. I've always felt that right wing people embrace the mantra "I might disagree with what you say but will fight to the death your right to say it" whereas lefts feel if you disagree then your position is wrong and not worth fighting for at all. (I feel this is very true in Canadian politics). And I think a lot of "rights" got sick of being told they were wrong and wanted it to stick it to the left. Protest votes are fine. But what made me hope for Hilary was that, as I said, Trump disqualified himself in my opinion. So it wasn't a protest the establishment option to me. it was one candidate option.
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