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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Buff no, but unless Toby loves Winnipeg, why wouldn't he consider it? "Hey you want to play for a cup contender?" "No."
  2. Ill give you credit for making this point long before anyone else brought it up. I heard it mentioned on H&L last week (or the week before) and Lawless shut it down pretty quickly. Dreger agreed with him. But how often is this team going to look unprepared, undisciplined and unmotivated? How long are we going to accept lousy special teams? If we accept that we have talent, then why do they suck? Is it not the coach's job to get the best out of his players? Whether its the players' faults or not, right now, this coach is not getting the best out of his players and that happens far too often with far too much consistency to be acceptable. We cant just say "youth". If this team fought the good fight and lost, great. But they dont play up to their talent most nights. Why not? We've changed coaches. We changed Captains. We added depth. We added high level skill. What else are to do? Because the question will start getting asked about the GM...and Chevy probably gets one more coaching change before he gets replaced. If we accept that Chevy has assembled quality puzzle pieces, its Maurice's job to assemble those pieces into a beautiful picture. It's not happening. Timing forces this discussion too because Maurice's contract will be re-visited this summer. Will he be extended? How can you justify that? Would they go with a lame duck HC? Probably not. So he's either extended or fired. And how can you extend him? If that decision needed to be made today, you simply cant. I made the point before the season that as much as we all like the trend to speed and skill, I was worried the Jets werent tough enough. In Year 1 & 2 when they really sucked, they hit everything that moved and played hard. Now that they are better, they play soft with questionable effort. At least if you're going to lose, embrace the speed and skill and try to score 7 goals a game like the Pens. The time to fire him isnt now. The season is basically lost at this point. So we let the excuses rule the day. Bad schedule, tired players, young team, injuries yadda yadda yadda. And they have the opportunity to show everyone those excuses were valid by how they play in the second half. And that will determine whether Maurice gets fired or extended.
  3. My sister has had numerous open heart surgeries but never in Winnipeg. Not a chance. Neither my parents nor her cardiologist would allow it. None of which changes my initial sarcastic post.
  4. Stafford is as good as gone. The feeling might be to wait until the deadline to maximize return, but really, is it the difference between one round of draft pick? Trade him sooner than later. Toby has played generally well this season. Whatever happened back home seems to have had an impact. Without knowing the details, its hard to say if its reasonable. If we had another top 4 LHD, Toby could be trade bait (both to move on from him and also to help with the expansion draft) but since we dont have any other option, he's not going anywhere.
  5. So, chatter about the Clinton foundation soured voters but the bigoted and sexist things Trump said/did plus the fact he was actually being sued didnt sour voters? I mean, sure, Trump's supporters obviously didnt care. But Clinton was cruising a few weeks before the election. The FBI thing was the big bomb being dropped that caused the reversal in momentum. Even Trump and his team thought they had lost the election until that point.
  6. Interesting situation here: If this is true and is what it seems, its stunning, especially the heroes at the back flipping off and waving bye. There is a slight question as this personality has created hoax vidoes in the past to generate followers. It does raise another issue for airlines - why dont they have cameras in the cabin (or do they??). I already think they should have them in the cockpit but the unions dont like it. But in the cabins seems like a no-brainer.
  7. Start with stafford. Upgrade the bottom pairing D. It's a start
  8. It's too often. Win a couple, look like they turned a corner and then **** the bed. Unprofessional. Time for them to grow up.
  9. Disgusting. Getting to the point where you question things. Are these guys professionals? Pisses me off. Get rid of someone. Send a message.
  10. Saw it tonight for the second time. No heat in the theatre. But aside from that it was enjoyable. I still find the ending clunky. We know the Tantive was on Yavin after Bail called Antilles with a mission (which was to take Leia to Tatooine to find Obi Wan). And yet the Tantive hid out inside the command ship and went to what many of them thought was a suicide mission. Makes no sense. Would have been better if Bail ordered the Tantive to Tatooine, Antilles objected cause he didn't want to miss the battle and Bail insisted. Would have made the mission to get Obi wan more important. Then have the Tantive monitoring the battle, seeing it not going well and swoop in, receive the transmission and swoop out.
  11. I'm sure you know my statement was an exaggeration dripping with sarcasm. But honestly would this player have survived if it happened here? (Or some other US cities for that matter). His proximity to this advanced care saves him. Heartwarming story to be sure.
  12. Very indicative of the deep divide in the US.
  13. Damn it, I just prepared a post in a new thread. Glad to see the lockdown lifted here. Dont over-moderate. Multiple issues here. Many of those investigations were run by republicans and found nothing of substance. Clinton admitted her use of private e-mail server was wrong but it doesnt mean she actually committed any nefarious act. I believe Colin Powell did the same thing. Doesn't make it right, but it changed the narrative from an "entitled lefty" to "sometimes people do things for convenience when they shouldn't". Clinton won her nomination. If you feel she was not electable, then sure, that's a failure of the Democrats. She lost. So maybe they made the wrong choice. Maybe Trump would have beat Sanders too. Its moot. She was the nominee. The massive and clear momentum swing that happened as a result of Comey's unethical and potentially illegal acts cannot be denied. The election was close, despite Trump's assertion that he won a landslide. He didn't. I saw some stat that had the difference in electoral college came down to 37,000 votes (or something like that) and ofcourse, Hilary won the popular vote by a significant margin. So the FBI gaming the election could have been the difference. And yeah, maybe Benghazi would have been the difference. Maybe if Hilary hadn't gotten the flu, it would have made the difference. Who knows. Regarding Russian hackers, again, unless you discount the intelligence community, it was very likely a fact,. People generally misunderstand the "hacking". It wasn't hacking into voting machines and adjusting votes. It was hacking into emails and collecting damning emails (or what they felt would be damning) and strategically releasing them. Supposedly they had damning emails about Trump too...but the plan was to screw Clinton. Regardless, its worth an investigation, no? So what advice to those of us who are "right"? I've been pointing this out for ages. Too many people get stuck in their left vs right ideas and it doesnt matter if Satan himself was the nominee, you'd still support your candidate and make excuses for their BS. Im a "right" who wanted Clinton to win. Something about Trump disqualified him. Period. (In my opinion). And this game of whataboutism doesnt change that.
  14. Pretty amazing. If this was Winnipeg he'd still be in the waiting room
  15. Petan is centering the 3rd line tonight. Thorbs out. Lowry down to the 4th line. Colour me surprised.
  16. There's no indication he isnt a good team mate. Everything I've heard about him is he's very nice, down to earth. Remember, it was he who went and played hockey on some pond with kids one winter, just for fun. Sounds like he's a good guy. And very talented. Just no hockey IQ and doesnt seem like he wants to accept his part in being scratched.
  17. http://business.financialpost.com/fp-tech-desk/crtc-approves-broadcast-part-of-bell-mts-deal-two-approvals-still-needed-to-go-ahead Cant copy & paste from there but they suggest the government might attach more conditions before approving the sale, such as transferring wireless spectrum to SHAW to keep 4 carriers in the province. If I recall, SHAW had previously bought spectrum and then sold it off when they decided not to get into wireless (they pushed a wi-fi strategy). Now, they own Freedom (formerly Wind) and want to get back in. If MTS was forced to sell 1/3 of its wireless to Shaw, it would automatically create a 4-way competitive landscape here and eliminate MTS' main advantage here - the bundling of all home services.
  18. I think the FBI gave Hilary an early Christmas gift - a lump of Trump-shaped coal. Its not the only reason, ofcourse, but it easily could have swung the result based on the closeness of the election.
  19. No, not really. Shots often have nothing to do with the outcome. Scoring chances do. But that's a different debate. The popular vote is important because of how large her victory was and how often the popular vote and the actual outcome align. The popular vote is indicative of the will of the population in THIS campaign. Saying Trump would have won the popular vote because he would have campaigned differently is a non-starter. In THIS campaign a significantly larger group of people wanted Hilary to win than Trump. That is fact. More Americans voted for Hilary than Trump.
  20. You're being a bit obtuse I think. Ofcourse we want good people in those position. This isnt like Trudeau's answer to why he appointed more women "Because..." with no explanation, which in turn revealed he did it ONLY because they were women. Having women and minorities in cabinet is not to look PC, it's the very relevant taking into account of people's personal experiences in running a diverse country. And thats not to say white people cant do a good job or arent respected. Bill Clinton was called the first black President. There is certainly room for "well, its awfully white but these are good people". This is largely white, male, filthy rich, friends of Trump and even on the surface some of these appts seem to be lacking.
  21. Some familiar names to Bombers fans (and prior discussions) in this. Dont forget the story from earlier this year about the personal cheques Caspien wrote to Sam Katz... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/secret-commission-hq-1.3902708
  22. They dont really. They are appointed based on their pledge to vote the way their state population voted. In some cases, it is illegal to vote otherwise. So basically, it was set up to be the sober second thought last line of defense and evolved into a scenario where they became pointless in the grand scheme of thing. There have been so-called faithless voters over the years, but it doesnt ever matter. The point against doing away with them and just going to a popular vote is that larger states would control the outcome. Without the College, Hilary would have won quite handedly (assuming both candidates campaigned the same way, which they probably wouldn't have).
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