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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I have a feeling no matter how white, rich and "friend of Candidate" Trump's cabinet was, the Trump-coloured glasses far right crowd would defend it. Just as they'd be critical of literally anyone a democrat President-Elect would appoint. Works both ways when you wear blinders.
  2. Yes, those that voted as pledged for Trump upheld democracy. Those that voted against their pledge by not voting for Hilary also upheld democracy as long as you're a republican. lol It was a silly campaign to begin with. But not completely without merit. If the Electoral College serves no purpose but to essentially ratify the vote, get rid of them. Their purpose is to be the final judgement on whether the winning candidate is worthy and qualified. One could certainly argue Trump is neither. In an election where he barely won and, in fact, lost the vote by a significant number, the purpose of the college was relevant. And they did exactly as expected and in our modern time, exactly as they should...which in turn shows how useless the whole thing is to begin with.
  3. It seems pretty representative of Trump as a person. Plays up that he's the blue collar candidate (when he lives in a palace of gold) and then appoints a cabinet of billionaires, millionaires, friends. Its looking like a country club. Whats the over/under before Trump gets bored and quits? Im saying two years.
  4. They could lose both 10-0 and PM isnt getting fired yet.
  5. Man of the people, Mr Blue Collar. His cabinet is very representative of America. Or a least Trump's America.
  6. Boy where have we heard this before. It's the coaches fault...yeah sure Alex
  7. I clicked on CBC and they mentioned nothing about terrorism so it cant be. Must be unlucky accidents.
  8. I think they say that 30 years pass between ROTJ and TFA. Rey is early 20's and Kylo is closer to 30.
  9. Letting Hayden be Vader in ROTS was a mistake. Well, they could have corrected it with better directing and design. But his Vader looked so puny. Also, using a more "clean" and advanced Vader suit was stupid too. RO got it right with the same suit he wore in ANH but since everyone is used to seeing a "better" suit, it looks wrong when its actually correct.
  10. There has to be more to him though. They risk disappointing people if Snoke is just....Snoke. Much like Rey's parents have to be someone we know.
  11. Id make an Obi Wan film after Revenge and before A New Hope. A New Hope makes it seem like he just hid out on Tatooine for 18 years. But who's to say he didnt have any adventures. I mean, something must have made him age about 40 years over that 18! lol It would be cool seeing Obi Wan both "keeping watch" over Luke and going off on another damn fool mission. Obi Wan mentioned trying to give Anakins light saber to Like when he was young but Uncle Owen wouldn't allow it. So we can assume Obi Wan had a more direct involvement in Luke's early years. Something happened and Owen decided he wasnt going to let Luke grow up to be a Jedi and banned Obi Wan from coming around. If Vader was hunting down Jedi, I could see Obi Wan going to help. Windu as Snoke. Hmmm. They could certainly explore Windu again. He was alive when he was tossed out the window. Did the electricity kill him? Did the fall kill him? As a powerful Jedi he should have been able to save himself if it was just the fall that was his undoing. Going into hiding as well would make sense. I've seen people say Snoke is a reincarnated Anakin too (by the scars on his head). I think the problem is, Han and Leia talk about Snoke like he's just some guy they know. I think that eliminates anyone "big" from the Prequels.
  12. There are rumours that RO does reference the sequel trilogy in ways we just dont know yet. One might be that Vader's castle becomes a location in Episode VIII or IX. And that would make sense to a degree. Would be cool if Kylo pays it a visit and its abandoned but contains "memories" or relics from Vader's time.
  13. The one thing I thought we might see is Lars San Tekka (if that was his name), the old guy at the beginning of TFA who provided Poe with the map to Like Skywalker. I figured they'd retroactively make him someone important especially since they made a point of him mentioning how Leia would always be "Princess" to him, implying he was a player during the original trilogy. I also thought they might keep someone alive from RO and possibly re-visit them "old" in TFA trilogy. But the fact they did neither isnt really a disappointment. There was a bit too much of plot contrivances happening because they had to happen to move the story along. But perhaps thats JJ Abrams influence as that was the issue with Star Trek too. Perhaps if they had let RO be split into two films, they could have paced things better and let Vader have a bigger role. They really HAVE to have a Vader story now. And an Obi Wan story. My prediction is the 3rd anthology film will be Vader hunting the remaining Jedi after ROTS. You could combine that into an Obi Wan/Yoda story also, but would have to figure out a way for them not to run into Vader. Not sure how you script a satisfying payoff/climax without Vader and Obi Wan meeting, but Im sure someone can figure it out.
  14. RO definitely served the saga in the sense it set up A New Hope and also retconned the Death Star's fatal flaw. It somewhat connected the Prequels to the original saga also. But I think if it had tried to address TFA, it would have come across as trying too hard. As it is, the weakness of RO is that it seemed to collapse under it's own weight. I get the sense they had enough footage to make two or three films and had trouble editing it down and keeping everything they needed, hence the choppy first act and some of the weak narrative. As for why the First Order build Starkiller, I think its as simply as remembering that Star Wars was based on old serials. The bad guys do bad things, always trying to create a bigger, better, badder super weapon. Star Wars is its best when its relatively simple. They created the Death Star II because it was bigger and badder than the first. They created Star Killer because it was bigger and badder than the Death Star.
  15. I think that was Geonosis or whatever it was called, not Mustafar. Mustafar was first shown when Anakin went there to kill the separatists and fought Obi Wan (if i recall correctly). There is the idea that the second Death Star is a flaw but I would suspect the Emperor ordered its construction and kept it secret - had two different compartmentalized teams working on both. And recall the second Death Star was far from finished (although fully operational). it was clearly created in haste. Im a bit surprised there was nothing in RO connecting to the new sequels, but in all honesty, its probably for the best.
  16. Its not about sending him down because he sucks. Its about asset management. He can be sent down without waivers. He's played well in limited action and is now injured. I'd send him down to play maximum minutes in an offensive situation.
  17. Then I'd be pretty worried if I was Burmi and Stafford. They cant keep all the players up. Since they waived Pavs to the moose, I cant say I'd be too surprised if they tried the same with Stafford, only because he has the name value that they might get something for him in a trade, so.... But surely Armia and Matthias will play. They could send Dano down but I like his game.
  18. Petan to the Moose. Matthias dresses. Dano back to the Moose (which I dislike) or Burmi goes to the Moose and has to clear waivers. Stafford as the extra forward along with Thorbs.
  19. "It's A death Sentence". What is 'rejected Winnipeg mottos' for $500.
  20. I heard Helms (who works for TNA as an agent) did his 3 Count and Hurricane gimmicks. Be interesting to see if WWE he anything to say about that.
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