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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I agree. Im not sure why "Knights" was an issue. Its one thing for London to get pissy but something entirely else to actually have a case. And its not like the NHL couldnt appease London in some way. Golden Knights is even more specific though and uses a similar logo and colour scheme as the other Golden Knights. Given the fact they had an issue with London over "Knights", how could they not have googled "Golden Knights" and nipped it in the bud beforehand? If anything, they should make a deal with London and drop the Golden and tell the other team to go **** themselves. Vegas Knights is infinitely better than Golden Knights.
  2. We must be looking at different RCAF logos. Not only is it clearly an alteration of their logo but the Jets admitted as such, as Rich stated above.
  3. Thanks! Virtual Venue doesnt seem to show individual seats. Anyway, I got secon 130 row 6, seats 1-3. So I think I did alright (really wanted an aisle).
  4. Yes and no. I think this argument is totally reasonable when dealing with reasonable people. Lots of Canadians have guns. But the culture is different. You're not carrying your hunting rifle around with you for "protection" because you think everyone is out to get you. You dont have a gun in your nightstand, glove box, ankle holster, work desk, closet, TV tray etc. I think part of the issue with the gun lobby is that it doesnt just create a sense of entitlement to have a gun for safe and reasonable purposes. It creates a culture of entitlement to carry and use whenever THEY deem appropriate. And the laws like stand your ground only help to embolden the idiots, especially with interpretations like "if you feel threatened you have the right to shoot to kill". That's far too subjective. You can get into a fist fight here and kill the other guy with no intentions of doing so (only takes one punch) and get charged. In the US, someone throws a punch and you can shoot him to death and be justified. It's ridiculous.
  5. Having talent isnt just about those specific players either. You need assets to make trades too. And we had none. Yes, Kane ended up being a windfall for the Jets so thank you to the Thrashers for that. Then again, if Kane had been developed by the Jets maybe he'd be better and less of an ass.
  6. How many seats per row in most sections, example section 132? And which way to the seat numbers go, are they the same on both sides of stadium? Trying to decide on GnR tickets and can remember anything. Being offered seats 20-22 in Sec 132 but dont know if that includes Aisle seat and if its in straight view seats or slanted away from stage. Help!?
  7. Vince was incredibly lucky. And ballsy. And hired the right people along the way. In some ways he's a genius. In others, he's the emperor with no clothes. Vince Sr's WWWF was bigger than a regional and was on its way to going national already. The WWE narrative is that Sr would never have sold to Jr if he knew his plans but that isnt true. Sr knew. And if Jr hadnt attacked the other regions, someone else would have. Both Crockett in Atlanta and Watts in Texas would have gone national and Crockett had Turner behind him. Watts had the best TV show in the country but ran out of money trying to compete when the oil business busted and took his promotion with it. Vince bought WWF from his dad for $1 million, far less than the company actually grossed at the time. And he made the partners payments on the purchase fee but took ownership immediately. Again, WWE's narrative is Jr was so ballsy he accepted a deal whereby had he missed one payment, he would have defaulted and lost everything back to the partners. But that was impossible. He made the payments out of revenue generated by the company. So it was a sweetheart deal. Jr DID risk everything on WrestleMania. And that was not a safe bet. He previously nearly lost it all by producing an Evel Knievel jump that flopped. WrestleMania was looking bad until the last few days when they did incredible marketing including Mr T and Hogan on SNL. From that point forward they were golden...until the mid 90's decline when WCW began kicking their ass. It was a lot more brief than the narrative. They were not good, not good, not good, horrible, great. In fact, the time they went to Bret Hart and asked out of the contract to the time he actually left, they went from near bankruptcy to on fire. Very short period. 97 turned it all around. Mid 97 they were rough. By fall they were going to be fine. So the Linda Narrative is that she built this business and was partners with Vince and negotiated all the deals. But the real story is that Vince made all the decisions, creative & business. I have no doubt she helped manage the operations. But she wasn't the secret business genius. In fact, when Vince & Linda created Titan Sports and bought Sr's WWF, they hired a guy named Jim Barnett as Director of Operations. Barnett was the last wrestling promoter before Linda to serve in a Presidential Administration, serving for Carter. Barnett was a very highly respected promoter who previously worked for George Championship Wrestling (precursor, in a way, to WCW). Barnett was forced out by Ole Anderson who accused Barnett of embezzling. And since Barnett was in Carter's administration, Barnett left quietly to avoid the negative PR. But he negotiated a lot of the TV deals that helped WWE expand. In those days, there was little or no national TV. So to create a national TV presence you had to negotiate deals with regional stations. What Vince did in a widespread way is attacked those regional deals. Where a regional promotion would get paid X amount for their content, Vince went in and offered their content for free. It would be the same TV show he taped in the North East so it cost him nothing and squeezed out the regional. He then inserted region-specific interviews with his top stars to promote upcoming live events. He didnt invent that concept either but used it the best. Sometimes this backfired. Turner was loyal to Georgia Championship Wrestling and wouldnt let Vince on his station. So Vince bought GCW to get the timeslot but the fans were incensed about seeing WWF instead of GCW. Turner turned around and gave Ole another timeslot, pissing Vince off and he eventually sold the slot to Crockett (which Crockett claims was the money Vince used to finance WrestleMania). So Barnett was really part of the brains in the early expansion. In the Saturday Nights Main Event years which was probably the glory years of the expansion, it was **** Ebersol who helped Vince upgrade all the production. The story is Vince and Linda walked into the NBC studios and couldnt believe wrestling could look that way. Coming out of the 90's near-bankruptcy, it was Russo who helped him immensely. It should be noted, when Vince was on trial and had to make plans to run WWE because he thought he was going to jail, it was Patterson who was running things (I think Jerry Jarrett was there too) and Jim Ross was there also, not Linda.
  8. I doubt it. Would be pretty hypocritical of Wheeler and the rest if they said how the locker room is united and they'd welcome back Trouba...and then shun Perreault. Would say a lot (in a very bad way) about the leadership in the locker room.
  9. Thats pretty solid. Even those ones that look like AHL career players are good players (and you need skill in the AHL too), many of whom are borderline NHL call ups.
  10. At the time, Lawless reported it as Chevy wanted Maurice and once he knew he could have him, he made the coaching change. It was stated as a scenario where Chevy wanted Maurice badly.
  11. Chipman has been consistent in saying he would spend to the cap if the team was ready to legitimately compete for the cup. I'd take that to mean they'd spend more on a year to year basis and when they thought they had a real chance, they'd bring in some players (maybe rentals, maybe one year remaining type guys). The "not a cap team" stuff began the second the NHL returned and no one knew (well some of us did) how successful it would be. The Jets operations make a profit every year. If you factor in the spin off revenue that Chipman and his family/companies make directly and indirectly due to the Jets return, then they can afford whatever it costs.
  12. Money will talk. jets use the logo of the damned Air Force. Money talked in that case.
  13. Lol usually you secure trademarks before making it official
  14. Absolutely. She was up for Sec of Commerce so this isn't quite as big but still cabinet level. Realistically she is experienced. Not sure the optics of selecting another super wealthy friend for a position like this. Isn't Trump the choice of the working class? Then again Linda is self made. Well she married a guy who's dad was wealthy.
  15. I dont see an issue with a team trading with Vegas to get back a player Vegas chose. But I also dont see it happening. If a team loses a player they really wanted to keep and Vegas would prefer someone else, they'd have that conversation before the draft.
  16. Not really Moose news....yet. From the Sun: The Winnipeg Jets have locked up 2016 first-rounder Logan Stanley. The big blue-liner signed a three-year, entry-level contract on Tuesday that will carry an average annual value of $1.137 million. Stanley, 18, has two goals and nine points in 20 games with the Windsor Spitfires of the Ontario Hockey League this season.
  17. How many guns did those basasses have? How many times did they shoot the suspect?
  18. This is such a wrong mentality. Firstly, do you believe every crime deserves the death penalty? Because the "dont mess with cops, dont get shot" is silly. Is running from a cop, "messing with"? Are you really saying evading police is a death penalty case? Let's not even factor in mental illness that can cause people to react aggressively or that as humans, people can react poorly in the moment. Not deserving of death. How often do armed intruder's threaten your kids? If we armed everyone to help them in the rare event they were confronted by an armed intruder, we'd need more crime scene clean up crews to mop up the blood from the times those guns are used to shoot others, not armed intruders. The paranoia that people are out to get us so we need to arm ourselves is silly. The fact a time might come when you call 911 and need the police to help you does not mean we should all be armed so we dont need the police at all. That's not even an argument worthy of debate. If this is the sum total of your reasoning to have guns, then the anti-gun people have already won. No one needs guns.
  19. Ernie from Return of the Living Dead! He was great in that film.
  20. So those six players suddenly cant shoot when two of them are swapped? The coach isnt out there skating and shooting.
  21. Armia was very good when he got hurt. Best player on the team? He wasn't scoring. He was excelling at playing defensively on a line that was very good at puck possession. But it was a short sample size also. I like Armia. When the trade happened and no one was talking about him, I posted some stuff about him from Finland calling him Selanne with less of a scoring touch. So we know he can be good. But lets not get crazy. But all things being equal, I'd rather see him in the top six than Stafford because even if he doesnt score (which Staff isnt doing either), his other facets are better. I think the LLE line was split up to spread speed and scoring over two lines. Probably the Wings were loading up against Little's line and Maurice was trying to juice Wheeler's line a bit. Had they scored and won, we'd be talking about the genius of splitting them up. So let's take some deep breaths.
  22. Well you dont know why, so cant really make a judgment on whether the reasoning was stupid or not. they still had their chances. Probably most coaches are going to defer to veterans and I think he does with Stafford. Stafford doesnt fit this team anymore. He's not fast and he doesnt have the hands he used to. Wheeler might be in the same boat in 5-6 years because he's not a natural goal scorer but right now he works his tail off and he's fast and he's big. Stafford just isnt. But on the shootout, Stafford is a scorer. So I cant say I hate the decision. Although if its me, I keep L-L-E together. Maybe he was trying to get Wheeler some more opportunities by giving him Ehlers. Ehlers is dynamic and could be a top scorer when things start going his way.
  23. Its not really a western. It has elements of a western but that's just window dressing for the bigger story. One thing I liked was that they laid out mysteries and had an end game/reveal in mind and didnt waiver from it even as fans guessed them correctly. Where Lost fell off the rails to me was how the writers loved writing themselves into corners without knowing how they were going to resolve it...and then the resolution was always disappointing and the fan theories were probably better. Probably a reflex to try and swerve fans. Westworld didn't. They stayed true to their story. I think fans embrace a concept when they feel they are part of the ride.
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