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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Myers skated today though. So take that for what its worth. Probably not *that* far off.
  2. I stand corrected. Im remembering an early story with an alleged witness statement.
  3. Manslaughter?? Didnt he stand over his prone body and say "I told you not to mess with me" before emptying his clip into him??
  4. Westworld finale was great. Now they have announced the second season wont air until 2018. ugh
  5. As far as assets that arent pro yet, I guess so. But they do have an enviable top four in Toby, Buff, Trouba & Myers. Most teams would love that top four. Add Morrissey who is very good and getting better and they are doing well. Its when you lose a couple of top four at the same time that you run into trouble but most teams cant lose half their top four and not miss a beat. The Pens won a cup with a less than scary D.
  6. Police shootings are complicated in a different way then the average idiot walking around with a holster and an attitude. When a cop shoots someone, the feeling is to look for any reason to indicate it might have been justified rather then looking at it objectively. And again, I think some of it comes down to the attitude of the officer. In this case, the officer was at a point in his emotions that he just wasnt chasing after this guy. Probably, in the moment his brain considered drawing his weapon, he equated the situation as threatening because the suspect was within physical distance (possibly in a tussle). But in that time it took for everything to happen, the suspect was far away and obviously, the shooting could not be justified. There was another case recently where several officers fired on a man in a vehicle. His wife and everyone swore he had no weapon but he clearly did. But again, at what point do we just execute people, even if they are carrying a gun. There is a "just shoot em" mentality. But if you're the police and you live in a time where everyone has a gun and everyone feels righteous about using it...how itchy does your trigger finger become? There is no common sense rationale that equates the second amendment with carrying assault rifles. There just isn't. In fact, I think its a stretch to make the second amendment even relevant today at all.
  7. You cant have a rational discussion about the second amendment with a gun nut. There is a great TV commercial that sums it up showing a guy walking into an office with a rifle of the time of the founding fathers. He aims it point blank and fires and misses. He then has to load it in the style of the time. Ofcourse everyone can easily escape. The fact there have been multiple amendments is indicative of the fact the constitution is not sacred and should be re-visited from time to time. As for the gun violence, I think one of the issues is that people are not in the right frame of mind when an incident occurs. Stress, fear, anger, adrenaline. They cause people to act differently and irrationally. This guy that shot the football player. I bet, in that moment, he felt like he was well within his rights to kill a man because that man was being aggressive towards him. We've seen it before. There was a theatre shooting where a guy had a carry permit and shot someone and waited for police and claimed he had every right to do it. In that moment, people think irrationally. That is why police and military have special training. And they still act irrationally. I worked for many years in a high octane environment and it takes a lot of self restraint and self reflection to be understand how you react in those situations and recognize what is rational and just and what isnt. I've belted people and, when Ive "calmed down", I regret my actions. I've seen people make terrible errors in judgement because of anger, fear and a sense of righteousness. Add guns to the mix and a lot of lobbying that tells people they have the right to "stand their ground". It's ludicrous.
  8. Must be an American thing. Dont see Government Alerts on my phone. Seems like a very American thing to do...lol but a good idea actually, especially the Presidential Alert. When you hear that alert, you know your ass is in trouble.
  9. Ehlers is good, shocked he didnt score there. Though he did somewhat beat Darling. Darling had a great game. It happens sometimes.
  10. It was a regular text message. Was it something different in the US?
  11. But they were awake, watching TV, no? The volume wasnt impacted for me. It was whatever my TV/sound system was already set to. So if I was blasting the sound, then yes, the alert would be loud but it wouldnt anger me. I set the volume after all. The momentary invasiveness of it is really a small price to pay for a very impressive and worthy system. And it worked like a charm.
  12. That's probably why. The TV does not come to life, rise up and seek you out. ;-) I was watching a recorded program and the audio cut for a split second, screen went blank and before I could swear at the TV, a red screen appeared with the message. Then it returned to live TV. Text came moments later. Email a few moments after that. Im SHAW TV and MTS Cell. I heard MTS TV and Bell TV also interrupted live and recorded programming.
  13. Finally, GnR come back to Winnipeg. Nothing better than an outdoor stadium show!
  14. No signing up. It was forced to my email and text (I assume). Same with TV. I hear it was pushed through MTS, SHAW, Bell, whether you were watching live TV or a recorded program on your PVR. Where are you located, what service provider do you use? I just went back and checked. The email came as a Breaking News Alert from the Free Press. So they'd have my email. I assume if they dont have your email, they cannot email you. The Text however appears to be a force text from my service provider (in this case MTS), I'd assume all service providers would be on board with doing this but wonder if the national carriers were. Anyone get the text from Rogers or Telus? The fact the TV message came through SHAW and Bell make me think everyone was on board. Tremendous system. And I wonder if it uses (or if this is how it would now be used) the Emergency Broadcast System. Remember back in the day watching local cable, they'd do those occasional tests. I havent seen that in forever since generally watching non-local and PVR. If there was a zombie Apocalypse, would they communicate in the same way as the Amber Alert? It was quite impressive. I heard it surprised the police how fast the vehicle was identified.
  15. Its not a back to back game. And if your goalie cant start two games in a row that arent back to back, then its time to move on from him. Helle is #1. Hutch is the back up that will play those back to backs and to spell Helle when he looks like he needs it.
  16. Ummm well I can see it. Depends where you consider your ass. How good is Darling. Two break away saves. How bad is the ice in Chicago? Jets falling all over the place.
  17. I think they'd be nuts not to take either Lowry or Perrault should either be available. Both are centred who are defensively responsible and can contribute on offence.
  18. You do realize it was someone who received the Amber Alert that immediately saw the vehicle in question which led to the safe recovery of the child, right? System worked like a charm. Hopefully you will never be help from anyone.
  19. Laine seems to get better. He and Ehlers will be the new Hull & Oates. Almost doesn't matter who his centre is but Little has played very well. Little is probably a better playmaker than Scheif and might stay with Laine. You almost always take the centre. But Jets didn't need a number 1 centre. They needed Laine. Is 40 out of the question for this season? 50? In a couple of years, 70?
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