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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. At least Laine is pretty good. A time will come when he basically scores every game. He's unreal. What the most he can score in one season? 70?
  2. So the first ever Amber Alert in Manitoba was issued this evening. The child was safely located when a winnipegger saw the truck and called police. So it worked perfectly. Very interesting. I was watching a taped program on my DVR and it interrupted it to flash the Alert. And I received a text and email message. Very impressive communication. I assume the TV Alert interrupted all live programming too? I was one Shaw but was it the same for MTS?
  3. Playoffs are hard this year. Lawless sort of broke it down last night in that they are so far out of it now, they have to win like 35 games the rest of the way to have a chance. And even if they play well, thats definitely shooting above expectations from this point. But its possible,
  4. Thats a weird bottom six. I think it will shake out as Perreault-Lowry-Dano and Tanev-Copp-Thorbs. Thats a solid top six. And a good 4th line too. Really good depth through all lines actually. Send Connor to the Moose to get his offensive flair back please.
  5. You're seeing that through Trump-coloured glasses. He clearly was setting up the likelihood of losing and being able to claim he was cheated. I mean..that's just so obvious.
  6. Great timing by Chevy to throw Kane's track suit in the cold tub. lol Good to see Roslovic doing so well. Should be a big part of the Jets in due time. I still think Connor might benefit from some time on the Moose and rekindle some confidence with Jack.
  7. Saw some people on twitter saying Ehlers is snakebit and will come around soon and yet he's having a great season. I breath easier on a break into the O zone when he has the puck. He's so good. He's really good in a way Laine isn't yet. But when Laine does come to play at his level all the time and understand the time and space of the NHL game, he will be unstoppable. You see Laine and you think there is a player that can score every single game. Give it two years, maybe three and E-S-L will be scoring a ton of points.
  8. You're absolutely correct. Before the FBI helped him win, Trump was already screaming about how Hilary rigged the election. He's STILL whining about it and he won. So the relatively quiet efforts to clarify some votes from the democratic side is pretty low key compared to what Trump WOULD do and is, in fact, doing.
  9. I think Trump didnt expect to win nor did he want to win. He wanted to get close enough to use the election as a platform for his own means. I think his refusal to say he'd accept the results was because his plan was to lose and then publicly contest and use it to become the alt-right spokesman, probably start his own news network etc. It was all about business for him. He wasnt coy at all. He said he would not accept the results. He clarified by saying he would only accept the results if he had won. His team attempted to portray it was leaving open the potential of a Bush/Gore scenario but he clearly didnt care about that and he never answered the question like that. I have little doubt his people could and would raise money for recounts if the roles were reversed. But I actually doubt whether he'd want recounts. He'd point to the evidence of potential issues and declare Hilary a fake President and assume his role as the real voice of the people. His plan was screwed by his winning. He himself never disputed suggestions he'd quit if he won and during his own victory speech he referred to the "next two years" before correcting himself and saying "or four or maybe eight". It shouldnt be up to the candidates or their teams to raise money for recounts. I think if there is even a semblance of issue, the government should want to clarify. Hilary is way up in popular vote. I think that adds credence to the idea, if there was a hint of issue with the voting, that they make sure. Not to over-turn the results, but to get a clear result and to allow for better systems next time, if in fact there were issues this time. I'd feel that way regardless of who won.
  10. Regarding accepting the results? I think its completely different. Hilary has accepted the results. She conceded on election night, made the phone call, offered to help the new President-Elect. Where there are close counts or potential impropriety, I think there is a duty to recount. In fact election officials should do it, non-partisan. Not to change the result, but to confirm the system. Trump does no one any favours when he says 'well I won but it was still rigged'. That doesnt make people vote. Trump flat out said he would not accept the results unless he won. That is different than accepting the results and allowing concerned parties to lobby for reasonable recounts.
  11. The saga of TNA might have finally stabilized. Anthem (owned by Leonard Asper) has paid off Billy Corgan to make him go away. Corgan says he will continue in wrestling in some form. He also agreed not to sue Anthem or TNA but maintained his right to sue individuals. There is a belief he might go after Dixie Carter personally.
  12. Just for the purposes of signing him to an NHL contract which they have done. He was on an AHL contract.
  13. I dont think there is anything wrong with recounts. Why not make sure? I dont see anyone from Hilary's camp not accepting the results. I doubt Trump would be as gracious had she won the Electoral College but lost the popular vote by so much. I mean, the guy is claiming the election was rigged and he won it, so what does that tell you. His ego cant handle losing the popular vote.
  14. So his play on the road trip was going to somehow cost us the game tonight? More deep breathing exercises are required during jets games.
  15. They've both been traded??? lol Maurice, last week, was asked about optional skates and he said "they arent as optional as one might think". But Helle has been playing a lot. Perhaps he was studying tape.
  16. Im surprised another passenger didnt belt him. If that was my plane I would have at least told him to pipe down and not because of his topic.
  17. Okay, finished 11-22-63. I loved the series. But I was left a bit deflated by the finish.
  18. "Nuance" - the word of the day for clueless lefties to excuse their pandering and praise to a vile dictator. Nothing nuanced about it. There are political differences. There is even good and bad. Then there is evil. You dont praise evil, even if it does one good thing.
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