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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Praising two or three dictators? I think if the backlash snowballed, he would be looking at a dive in popularity. But not enough Canadians care and too many lefties are presenting praise for Castro as reasonable, which confuses people. I wasnt overly clear. If people called for his resignation, I'd applaud it. It wont happen ofcourse. JT is wholly unprepared for the job he has and terribly out of touch with Canadians.
  2. Unless you think Jets management is maliciously trying to hinder his development, then you'd be wrong. At least in the context of the game conditions present yesterday. I agree he should go down. and maybe will when some guys come back from IR.
  3. I dont think think there was anything complex about JT's statement. Nor was there anything complex about the way Castro conducted himself and treated his people. Oh he did some nice things? Well then I guess the murders were ok. Smart liberal wordsmiths might come to Trudeau's aid and clarify his statement in a way he's not nearly smart enough to do himself. But it doesnt change the shameful and embarrassing tone-deaf and ignorant statement he made. Imagine if JT was PM when Bin laden was killed...he would have mourned his death too.
  4. I'm flabbergasted. These are Canadians! So tone death! If these people had the chance to cease power in a dictatorship would they do it??
  5. Im no expert but the reason Pavs appears quicker and makes highlight reel saves is that he is not a strong positional goalie. The knock on Helle is that he is very strong positionally but thats about it. I've heard people say if the puck doesnt hit him, then he misses it. Thats an exaggeration ofcourse. He lets his glove hand drop and isnt fast enough to make the crazy glove save.
  6. No but it doesnt mean he's a bust like some say. Its a great point about how talented goalies can take time to reach their potential.
  7. Doesnt seem like a difficult deal to get done. I would say Bombers likely offer Nichols the best deal. Taking into account they gave him the chance to be a starter and even traded away their "established" starter for him, you'd think there is some mutual loyalty. Bombers dont want another Willy situation though but like Rich said, if he made over $300,000 this season, he isnt signing for less next season.
  8. He's got two years left on his contract so he can afford an Uber and all...but classless on Florida's part.
  9. I actually some people tweeting about how anyone who is critical of the PM better not have ever visited Cuba on vacation. I dont see the connection whatsoever. In fact, perhaps, as Rich demonstrated, people who visited Cuba might have a personal story to relate about the country and Castro. Its a weird world we live in now where world leaders can openly embrace a guy like Castro and in many circles its considered a relevant opinion. Personally, I'd be thrilled if it led to Trudeau's shamed resignation. I actually think that would be reasonable. How many more despots is this kid going to praise on behalf of "all Canadians"? Worse, I bet JT didnt even think he was making a controversial statement. He was probably legitimately shocked at the backlash.
  10. Left the poor guy outside in the alley waiting for a cab. Strikes me as ownership or GM wanting to get rid of him from the start and just looking for an excuse.
  11. Hmmm, in one thread paying Hitler a compliment, in another downplaying praise of Castro. War has changed. The US cannot carpet bomb an entire city anymore. Trump thinking that General's are stupid for warning of an attack sort of plays out like a video game. But these arent video game people. And the enemy hides among civilians. You're fighting an enemy with no honour. Only one side is expected to play by the rules. And ofcourse, if you capture one of these vile people, you have to be nice, kind and fair to them.
  12. Pretty big news as Canada becomes a joke around the world. That's what happens when you elect a childish empty suit. Don't blame me, I voted conservative lol
  13. Incredible lack of awareness. What an embarrassing human being.
  14. And Trudeau falls all over himself to show support for Castro. What an embarrassment he is
  15. Unless you actually could not get outside your home due to the doors and windows being covered in snow. Which did happen to some people. At our home, we could get out the door. The way the home was sheltered (or unsheltered as the case was, with wind blowing the snow off our front porch), we had no snow over the door. But it was completely over the single story garage. We could walk onto the roof and slide down.
  16. If you were a kid in the aftermath of the Blizzard of '86 and you werent outside, you missed out. It was a child's dream come true. Cancelled school and massive snow drifts/banks/hills to play on.
  17. Another commissioner who wont acknowledge what is right in front of him - that contact sports have the potential to lead to brain disease. I'd respect him (and Bettman) more if they said 'look, there are legal ramifications here so I cant comment' then this garbage. It makes them look clueless. "Last I heard..." is so dismissive as if he doesnt care and just heard something somewhere...
  18. Really? It was pretty damn big. Began snowing on a Friday. Remembrance Day was on the following Tuesday. School was closed on the Monday due to snow, closed on Tuesday due to the holiday and back to school on Wednesday. The video I dug out and posted a couple years ago:
  19. In remembering blizzards, my dad was here for '66. I remember '86 and '97. Its interesting because '86 shut down the city for days. But '97 didnt. I guess the increased snow removal technology helped. If we got a blizzard this year, we'd end up doing a full scraping two days beforehand and then not clear the snow until Jan 1st and the new budget kicks in.
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