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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. A couple good games makes people think a team is a cup winner. A couple bad games make people think the players suck and the coach should be fired. Rinse. Repeat. It happens. Six top nine players on IR. Ridiculous schedule. Numerous young players in the line up. Let's stay grounded here.
  2. People thinking those players are why jets have lost three in a row....
  3. Finally got 11/22/63 on Blu ray. Three episodes in and I'm loving it. I assume it was just one season and that's it right? It could be an ongoing series....
  4. Im sort of a video hound so I record a lot of video (same with friends) and every year make a "2015 DVD" etc its always fun to see when there is an inexplicably hot day or sudden snowfall and most of us watching have no recollection of it.
  5. Burmi is more talented than Wright and Wright was more responsible. Neither guy can score to save their lives. Seems Burmi has played much better since the trade rumours. It seems to me he has accepted his role more and rather then try to be a scorer, he is playing well as a puck possession guy. Which means he doesnt want to be traded...or wants to be traded and is showcasing himself. Regardless, he is playing better.
  6. If I recall it was 30+ in April and then cooled off in May. If we can keep the 30+ in April and the teens into November/December, it makes Winnipeg winters not too shabby.
  7. TSN's stats referred to 6 top-9 players on IR. Thats unbelievable. Two full lines in the top 9 on injured reserve. Not many times can absorb that and win. The Jets have actually done very well.
  8. I wondered that. But to be honest, that line hustled a lot, worked hard, did generate some chances. It might have been Maurice sending a message that hard work will get critical ice time. it could have been feeling his top guys werent good enough. It could have been trying to manage the time and rest the big guns for a shift. Not sure. Burmi had an awful give away early. But aside from that, that line was hustling again.
  9. Ehlers has been on fire. He *should* score 5 one of these nights. He's been driving the play a lot, lots of scoring chances.
  10. Yup. Not only that, Copp said the exact same thing. He said he was sent down and told to work on offense. Maybe its a conspiracy to keep the truth from us. lol
  11. I can understand their feeling in that if they sign a contract for $5 million, why is 15% being taken off and given back to the owners? But there is a very simple answer to it. The players want a free market system where rich teams are free to over-pay players. They think they want that. But when the league collapses and teams go bankrupt, they wont like it very much. It will be fun watching the players go on strike (or get locked out) and claim they deserve more than 50% of revenue. Its pretty clear that salaries rise faster then league revenue. And the players want the owners to take that on. They want to share all the money but have the owners carry the debt. Doesnt work that way. If the players dig their heels in and risk and entire season, I think the league will crush them.
  12. Yeah Im not sure what they think they will accomplish by going to war again. NHL wont change the split from 50-50. Might be a lot of newer players full of piss & vinegar thinking they will draw a line in the sand but they will lose a year of salary, have the cap lowered and wages rolled back and end up accepting it.
  13. I believe they said escrow this year is 15.5% and they might get back 3% or something like that. If I recall, the escrow started off much smaller. Wouldnt it make more sense to shrink the cap? I guess you have to err on over-paying the players and clawing back via escrow than under-paying. But it still doesnt make sense to me that the predicted revenue can be so much lower that you are clawing back 12% of salaries AND raising the cap.
  14. Posted that in the TV thread. Update is, State appealed and Dassey will NOT be released now. Man...what a crock. How proud the State must be to keep this guy in jail because they cant admit their predecessors were wrong. Judge shouldnt just release him, he should vacate the conviction outright.
  15. There was an interesting dicussion on H&L last night when they talked about the news the NHL would agree to the Olympics in exchange for the PA not opting out of the current CBA. Lawless said players hate the current CBA because of the high escrow. But Hustler rightly pointed out what other option is there? They have an agreement that the league and players split revenue 50-50 so the high escrow is because the players are signing contracts for salary that is greater than 50% of league revenue and thus, have to give some of that money back. Hustler asked what other option is there? Lawless said he had no idea but that the players want an entirely new system where they get their money. So I'd expect a pretty tough negotiation next time. And just remember when the PA claimed the owners were greedy when they made more than 50% of revenue, the players are going to want more next time. Not sure how you argue 50/50 isnt fair... My only question is this: if every off-season the league and players agree on the cap and every season they determine the players took more than their share of league revenue, doesnt it stand to reason the cap is too high? Players are paying 15% escrow and only getting around 3% back. So every year they are paid 12% more than their share. Wouldn't dropping the cap by 12%, rolling back salaries by 12% lower escrow? And if every year, the league takes the escrow money, why does the cap keep rising?
  16. Stamkos out with torn meniscus. 4-6 months possible... yikes. (double yikes as I have him in my pool).
  17. I thought you said Copp was better than Lowry. Lowry is playing very very good right now. Again, it will be up to the Jets but I strongly suspect if they got to pick which of Lowry, Armia and Dano got selected by Vegas, Lowry would the Jets' last choice. Dano, Armia, Lowry would be the Jets preferred order of selection by Vegas.
  18. Trade deals will be interesting. Trump's bluster was really that these are bad deals for the US and he will make them better. Well, the point when two nations negotiate deals is to compromise. Will be interesting to see what happens. Its not like in business where he can just decide not to pay. I suspect with Trump, his bluster will give way when the people actually doing the job fill him in on how it really works.
  19. That's not the current line up of the second place team in the Western Conference.
  20. Isnt he a 3rd line centre on a good team right now?
  21. Yes. Poor choice of words. I meant he wouldnt be left exposed whereas Pavs isnt eligible to be left exposed. So Jets needed a goalie to expose that wasnt Helle.
  22. PA wont agree to that. Which would seem to signal their intent to open the CBA again. Which is great. We'll miss a season and the players will capitulate anyway. Because they are the players, not the owners. Being a millionaire hockey player is a tough life. Not sure the threat of players going to the Olympics is really solid. They break their contracts, get suspended indefinitely...whats the point of that? Sure, the league wont want to do that (looks bad, risks fan backlash) but if they dont provide a very stiff penalty then whats the point?
  23. At least she waited until Ford was done with Star Wars...imagine if they were negotiating with him for the next film. Although since the "news" was out there widely I imagine Ford doesnt care. if Im him my reply is "Did I nail Princess Leia? *Posts pic of gold bikini* Damn right I did."
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