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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Hey lets not pile on. Too much discussion is better than too little. Ducky is a solid contributor and starter of threads. Not every swing has to be a home run. He's allowed to have a few bunts! As we all are!
  2. One thing the Jets need right now is a major shake up. ;-)
  3. After the first three I guess you can. Instinctively I dont like it. Because the shoot out is stupid anyway. But if we must have it, there is something to be said for depth in the later rounds. Plus, it actually forces the coach to have to use some strategy. If you can use the same player over and over again, then it takes it away. Make it harder, not easier. Actually, get rid of it altogether. Oh but people that dont like hockey like it so it has to stay.
  4. I made a comment in the other thread that one can hope Trump feels "dared" to be a good President. He's all ego. If he feels compelled, by his ego, to try and be "good", then he has the power to do that. Generally, I think he will end up bogged down in nonsense. Since winning, he cant even stay out of the cesspool so no reason to think he will as President. Appointing Steve Bannon certainly doesnt signal to anyone that he wants to appear inclusive of all Americans. I will defend him on one thing - this stuff about his kids getting security clearance. Its funny, his campaign manager confirmed there was informal talk but Trump claims its all a lie. Notwithstanding the rules against it, if his kids have jobs in government where they might need to view classified information then obviously they should have clearance. Trump's answer should have been that. But whatever. His "slip" in his victory speech about doing good work "for the next two years" makes me think he has little desire to be in this for the long haul.
  5. Agreed. And I think the Jets are loving the depth they have. Fans are quick to pitch fantasy trades but in reality, enjoy the riches. And keep in mind, Pavs, Stafford and others come off the cap next season. Get through expansion and see the lay of the land, see who we lost and whether we can replace that in-house or need to go outside. I dont see the Jets making many, or any, deals this year. Stand pat and see what we have. *maybe* they trade Stafford or Pavs at the deadline (Pavs being the one they'd most likely move) since he serves no real purpose right now. But if the Jets are a quality playoff team at the deadline, Stafford is the type of veteran insurance they'd probably want to add. So we'd just as soon keep him.
  6. Laine is remarkable but whats even more remarkable is how much better he's going to be. He still makes a lot of mistakes out there. Someone mentioned two games ago that "Laine watched a great game" and that can happen with a rookie. He's still finding his footing in the NHL. Sometimes he makes one too many plays or tries to do too much. Other times, he looks for the pass when he should shoot. When he figures it all out and it becomes natural, he's going to be a legit threat to score on every single play. I look at Ehlers and see vast improvement from last year. Last year he was raw talent. This year, he knows how to play. He drives the play on every shift, digs the puck out, sets up his team mates, knows when to shoot. Plays hard every shift. Transfer that level of development and knowledge onto Laine, add 20 lbs of muscle and this kid might be the best option to score 60+ since Ovechkin was good.
  7. Hutch is here because, in part, every team needs to have a goalie exposed in the expansion draft. Helle isnt eligible and neither is Pavs. So Hutch is it. I think the options you mentioned are all too expensive for the Jets' needs. If the Jets were cup contenders, perhaps they'd see the value in a veteran back up. But since they arent really cup contenders, continuing to grow and develop with their young goalies is likely the way they will go. If they felt they needed a veteran back up, they would have kept Pavs with the Jets.
  8. Its so weird this is news since this has been commonly known for years. Whats interesting is the backlash from women who think Carrie is being rather flippant about sleeping with a married man. I've seen that mentioned a few times. Carrie is the ***** for sleeping with a married man. Ford is cool for being the married man who slept with a much younger woman. Hmmmm. Either way, they were both adults so whatever. Its mildly interesting but like I said, everyone knew this anyway. It would be more newsworthy if they went to bed during filming of The Force Awakens.
  9. Is De Leo now the only press box player who is healthy? Because I think generally they like to carry one extra forward. They are going on a long road trip. They want someone who can skate with the team and be on the trip if he needs to go in. Maybe they didnt feel he was completely ready to go in. maybe they watched him and Thorbs and decided Thorbs had the gameplan down better. I dont know. Maybe tweet Maurice and ask him.
  10. Agreed which is exactly what the Jets were doing. Injuries have forced him into a more regular role. The argument seems to be "he's only playing due to injuries", then what's the problem?
  11. Just because they can bring someone up from the Moose doesnt mean its the best thing for the development of that player. The idea early was, should Copp play 4th line minutes with the Jets were top six with the moose? He was specifically tasked with improving his offensive skills so playing the 4th line with the Jets wasnt in the long term best interests. Perhaps De Leo would be a better 4th line winger, I dont know. But Maurice seems to think Thorbs playing there doesnt hurt the team so maybe his feeling is, plug Thorbs in rather then take a young player from the Moose and have him player lesser minutes and a lesser role while at the same time scratching a well-liked veteran. What's the net positive. The Moose dont exist to "win" as much as they exist to develop players for the Jets but there are a lot of Moose players with the Jets right now due to injury and if you gut your main development roster, it does impact the development of the players still there. I dont see Thorbs as a net negative in this role. And neither does Maurice. As guys return from injury, he likely gets scratches due to players higher up the depth chart coming down and pushing him out.
  12. At the beginning of the season, Maurice said that players would cycle in because of the rough schedule in November. Thorbs was kept up as the 13th forward so he was going to play. He was going to play anyway because injuries always happen. He's a capable 4th line player. The argument is, if he's only playing 4 minutes a game, why not let a younger player have the ice time to develop. But if Thorbs is going to player a bit more and contribute, then I dont have an issue with it. Do I want him playing a head of a healthy Copp or Armia? No. But I understand why they do it. Its not just about assembling talent. Its about assembling the right combination of talent. "Good in the room" usually doesnt go far with fans and I get that. But we dont know what sort of impact he has on his team mates. And even if that means he needs to play once every 5-6 games to remain engaged and remain as a "voice" in the room, so be it.
  13. Two wingers that you might describe as mid-six grinder/possession type guys or a big bodied center who wins faceoffs and has offensive upside. Hmmmm... Even if all three players were equal, you keep the center.
  14. That would be a big risk. Because you'd need the player and agent to be in cahoots with you. Would be wiser to send a player or pick to Vegas in return for them not picking someone you want to keep, if Vegas was willing to do it.
  15. if we had to give Vegas one of those three, I'd suggest it wouldnt be Lowry.
  16. Your own point against Thorbs was that Buff stood up for Morrissey!
  17. I would suspect that, if they have to fight, they'd prefer to see Thorbs in the box for 5 minutes (or thrown out) then Buff. Buff is big and strong, doesnt fight often and it isnt his job to fight.
  18. Im not arguing to dress Thorbs, who scored last game by the way. You have tunnel vision. If Thorbs scored a hat trick, beat up six Hawks, made 20 saves himself and rescued a child and a kitten from the rafters of MTSC, you'd still want him scratched. I get it. My point was, a 4-0 win generally means little to no line up changes barring injury.
  19. No, you rejected the notion that Burmi was playing better because he committed a give away, which Laine does on a regular basis. If you wish to formulate a more relevant argument to dispute that Burmi has improved, please do so. My remark was to illustrate the silliness of your position. But since you have agreed with me now, its moot.
  20. If its those three, Vegas likely picks Lowry.
  21. Better send Laine to the Moose then. Burmi has been playing significantly better and seems to have embraced the role he's been given a lot more than he seemed to have before.
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