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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Couturier has 6 points in 14 games and is a -3. Interestingly they have the same career points right now. Over their careers: Cout: 364GP - 60g, 103a, 163pts Scheif: 241GP - 67g, 96pts, 163pts Big difference is games played. Anyone wanna go back and pick again?
  2. How dare the left wing media spin the racist words and actions of Trump as racist. How DARE they! The best part about this is, the media didnt spin a damn thing. Trump said it and did it. Even his own advisers begged him to shut up. But Trump was smarter than he looks - he appealed to base that was larger than many could have imagined - the racist, xenophobic, misogynistic gun nuts. Make America White Again!
  3. Why cant you have a discussion without projecting your feelings on others? Calling me sanctimonious is rich. Again, you cant see reality through your Trump-stained glasses. There is nothing redeeming about him. This isnt about electing Trudeau or Obama or Clinton where there can be political differences, sometimes very strong differences. His own words and deeds rise to the level of disqualifying him from consideration to the majority of people with any sort of sense. The KKK is having public celebrations. I rest my case.
  4. Read this, from Republican strategist Ana Navarro. This is what every sensible conservative should be feeling if you want to look your daughter or wife in the eyes, if you believe in equality for all. As a conservative I *have* to denounce Trump lest anyone subscribe to the horrifying thought that Trump speaks for me. http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/07/opinions/navarro-republican-voting-for-clinton/index.html
  5. Who are you trying to convince? The fact you are actually arguing this shows that you cant see past your own red Trump hat. You sure hedged during the campaign because you assumed he'd lose and you could then pop in here with your usual irrelevant attempts at humor but now he won so you have to defend your guy. People ripping on the crazy stuff Harper might do was silly because it was all nonsense. These are things Trump himself said he wanted to do. This guy's rhetoric and tone has been appalling. Racist, bigoted, angry, clueless, obnoxious. That is fact. This is HIS words and actions. This guy bragged that he could sexually assault & harrass women because he was a star and then it turned out to be true. He wants to eject 12 million immigrants. He wants to build a giant wall for which he has no plan to construct and fund. He wants to either eject Muslims or ban them or just subject them to intense scrutiny depending on which day of the week it is. This isnt about different political beliefs or opinions. This guy is a bigoted clown, clueless and unqualified. He has no respect for minorities or women, by his own words and actions. He's a lout. And people like you will defend that because he represents your "general" political leanings. Sorry that says more about you then anyone else. And the idea that people that say this are sour or sore losers? hahahahaha everyone has been saying this all along! Now we see the reality of people who kept their true feelings suppressed...take a stroll around social media and see the comfort at which the bigots and losers now proudly fly their flags of ignorance. Go ahead, defend him. Insult me, insult others. It speaks to who you are, not who I am.
  6. The left wont need a negative spin machine when the right will provide plenty of negative facts and actions. One of the things that has become apparent to me as a right-leaning conservative is how many people dont care about the person, the issues or what's right. They care about winning for their side and it doesnt matter if that side is wrong. When Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square and no one would care, he was right. His supporters on the right just wanted to win and nothing else mattered. The people who DID turn away from the Republican's is all the more shocking and impressive since so many didn't. Dont defend the things Trump has done and said. Dont defend the angry, hateful rhetoric from so many of his supporters. Dont attack those that feel scared, disappointed, ashamed in this outcome. Be insightful and empathetic to the perspectives of those we have a very difficult time understanding. How must so many women feel today when they see a man just like so many men they've likely encountered over the years is now President? Men who verbally and physically abuse them who think its cool and fun to talk about their bodies, to touch them without permission, to think that's okay? How must so many minorities feel today? Kids born in America who are now waiting for the federal government to swarm in and eject their parents. Muslims who love America who are frightened they might be forcibly removed, subjected to undue racially motivated scrutiny by the government or worse, walking the streets in the aftermath of the environment Trump created where it's now okay to openly express your racism and hatred? We can hope this is proven to be over-reactions but these are real, relevant feelings, well deserved in the wake of Trump. Funny meme's and "yeah but what about Hilary" nonsense is all fine, but there are an awful lot of American's today that are reasonably scared to death. The spin isnt from the left, its from the right trying to downplay the tragedy and horror of the history that was made last night.
  7. This is completely false. Why would anyone call Trump a bigot when he wasn't spouting big stage, public bigotry? That makes no sense. Be bigger than to defend the right at all costs. Sometimes the right is wrong.
  8. Hillary is leading the popular vote. Regarding Black Lives Matter, the thing the KKK wants is not just the idea of a President who would be a KKK member. Donald wouldnt be that. But to create a scenario that triggers a "race war". That's why they wanted Trump. George HW Bush showing he's a true statesman, calls Trump to congrats him and publicly did so as well. Bush had left a very gracious hand written note on the desk of the oval office for Bill Clinton. Classy guy. CNN reports Trump begins to receive full Presidential intelligence briefings today. So we shall see if he changes his tune on anything in the next few days and weeks.
  9. Well he controls congress. It will be interesting to see how much he actually wants to be President. Living in the White House will be a bit of a step down for him. Could Pence doing much of the work of the office. If the house looks like it might flip in two years, I could see him stepping down. But it truly wouldnt surprise me if he does something impeachable. Politicians do shady things all the time but are generally smarft enough not to step over the line (or get caught). Will Trump be that smart when he thinks he's untouchable? I feel really awful for minorities in the US. Cannot imagine how they must feel today. Every man who voted for Trump should look their daughter/mother/wife/sister in the eye today and explain themselves. When we elected the empty suit Trudeau people said "meh, it could be worse." That's true. Saw a map of 18-25 year old voters and they overwhelmingly voted in favour of Hilary. Im a conservative mostly but the Republican's deserve to be roundly punished for this. If they hadn't flirted with the fringe crazies all these years, this might not have happened. There will always be those with darkness in their hearts, but they are supposed to be marginalized and kept buried in their caves. Trump just lead them to the light. Hopefully he takes this responsibility seriously.
  10. I wonder if Trump is still concerned about the election being rigged. I imagine his first act as President will be launching an investigation into that.
  11. All those American's that want to move here? Dont bother. You made your bed. Wallow in it. Also, anyone catch Trump's victory speech where he referred to the next "two years, three years...maybe eight years"? Does he himself not expect to be president beyond two years?? Could he resign prior to the mid-terms and turn it over to Pence?
  12. Agreed. This idea that Trump represents the common folk is laughable. He made it shameless to wear your bigotry as a badge of honor. People that would normally keep their hatred to themselves and at least pretend to be upstanding citizens feel they dont need to anymore. They feel Trump is one of them. They feel Make America Great is making America whiter and more manly.
  13. banning Muslims for one...? Building a giant wall...?
  14. What role does the FBI guy earn in a Trunp administration? Lol yikes. That Corey Lewandoski or whatever his name is sure is an obnoxious guy. Sore winner? Its interesting because usually people feel disappointed when their candidate loses but there is a real sense this isn't a mere political difference. It's potentially a horrendous societal setback. It risks embolding the worst of society and you can see on social media that it has happened. It removes the public shame from those people openly racist Hopefully trump cools it and people like Pence take on greater roles. Historic night. But the wrong side of history. Let's hope Trump rises to the occasion.
  15. That's not true. One is a qualified intelligent person that a lot of people disagree with politically. The other is an obnoxious unqualified racist mysognistic idiot.
  16. Kid is pretty good. 65 more to go. Scheif is leading the league in points. Quietly.
  17. America is the laughing stock of the world.
  18. 19-3 for Trump so far in early results
  19. Why do I have a bad feeling? Are Indiana and Kentucky bugging me that much? Lol
  20. it wasnt the worst thing Trump said but possibly one of the worst when he said he wouldnt accept the outcome unless he won. Its tough to lose. But its important to put the process above the hurt personal feelings. Unless Trump wins, in which case angry Americans should burn the country to the ground. Just kidding. Hilary would concede graciously I imagine, if that were to happen. But boy I wouldnt want to be around her behind closed doors!
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