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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Another "money and the ethnic vote" rant? (Us old guys know Im referencing Jacque Parizeau)!
  2. Its possible to not want to play in Winnipeg and also not have a personal vendetta against the city. He clearly wanted to NOT be a Winnipeg Jet. For whatever reason. His dad, his gf, the nightlife, who knows. We've heard a lot about outside influences on him. Maybe he is perfectly content here but others with influence want him somewhere else. Thats still the same thing - he doesn't want to be here. But he wasnt going to lose a year over it. No way was Chevy signing a one year deal. So this is a compromise. And much like they hoped Kane would magically love to be here, they hope Trouba signs long term in a year or two. He probably wont and we will be in this position in two years. Odds are though, Trouba plays his ass off. Both because it means the Jets have to pay him more in two years and hoping another team offers more for him.
  3. Dude, if you have a small ****, so be it. Dont project your feelings. This isnt about how "Winnipeg feels". Its common sense. And the discussion wasn't about how the Jets feel either because we know how they feel. Dont argue a different perspective and pretend it's the same thing. It isnt.
  4. Well....Ill say she was attractive before but she's a stunner now. I thought it was going to be one of those surgeries-gone-wrong stories but it wasnt. Ivanka is gorgeous too by the way. And seems to have some sense. Too bad she has to support her dad.
  5. Its very different for very obvious reasons. Hamonic was under contract and explained the matter to his team mates. The reasons are out there. Trouba was not under contract. if he wanted to play for the Jets, he had signed a long term deal. All the comps are out there. This isnt like the Jets are low balling him and they're millions of dollars apart. Unless Trouba had a change of heart, this deal made no sense. It was all about Trouba not being willing to lose an entire season to try and go somewhere else. He can say it's not about Winnipeg but it is. He might mean its not about the people of Winnipeg but for whatever reason, he did not want to play here. And usage is asinine. If it was usage and he lost a month and a half, then Trouba is dumb. Players dont dictate usage. Especially at his level. Listen to the interview with the agent a few weeks back and you'll see. I believe Trouba when he says he's now a Jet because he signed the deal. But that's him speaking the obvious. Perhaps he and Chevy have a deal to play the two years and re-visit it so in his mind, he wont ask for a trade under this contract. But if he wanted to be here, he wouldnt have signed two years. Its two years so he has an out clause to try and leverage his way to a trade later.
  6. From CNN: The Trump campaign had said Gloria kept polling locations open "two hours beyond the designated closing time." The lawsuit targeted polling places in the greater Las Vegas area that have larger minority voting precincts. Dan Kulin, a spokesperson for the county, told CNN that no early voting stations extended their closing times. They did, however, process voters who were in line at closing time to allow as many people to vote as possible. "From the polling, it appears that Nevada is so close that the Trump campaign thinks it's worth challenging any violation in voting protocol. The numbers that came in could represent several thousand people across the four precincts, which could determine who wins the electoral college vote or change the Senate race," said Robert Lang of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He said the Trump campaign is "smart to put a marker down for a future challenge, considering what happened in 2000 in Florida." ***What a goofball. I hope he gets put in his place tonight.
  7. Doesnt Trump want the early voting records kept separate from todays? or something like that? Laying the groundwork to say there were shenanigans if there is an above-average voter turnout today that screws him. It almost seems like Trump expects to lose but narrowly and are hoping for some sort of hail Mary to get State intervention or a Supreme Court ruling to go his way, like Bush/Gore. Then again, if it's a landslide he'd probably say "Come on, can anyone believe Hilary could beat me by that much?"
  8. That's an hilarious picture. Probably innocent but it makes it seem like he either is making sure she votes the way she's told, he isnt sure whom she'll vote for or he isnt sure how to vote.
  9. I was holding out hope (maybe blind faith) that should Hilary win that Donald would shock everyone and step up with his best speech about coming together as a nation. i guess Im just nuts. If Hilary wins, all eyes (and ears) will be on Trump to see how crazy he is during his "concession" speech. I hope he loses a landslide just to eliminate the questions. If I understand the Nevada issue, polling stations must allow you to vote if you're in line prior to closing. Trump doesnt seem to like that, especially in minority-rich areas. Hmmmm. He wants everyone to vote along as they are white idiots.
  10. Hamonic was very different. He didn't dislike New York and want to leave there. I think you know the difference. Trouba is being very careful with his words. He's basically saying "what can I do, I signed a contract". That's not the same as "I love Winnipeg and love the Jets and just wanted the best deal" because he didnt sign the best deal. He signed a deal that allows him, in two years, to say "Im not under contract anymore, trade me."
  11. Interesting: Star Tribune Wild beat man Mike Russo addressed the Kane to Wild chatter on Sunday when he wrote: " I can only say that I’ve been told by multiple sources multiple times that there were trade talks. But you can assume that in order to add $5.25 million in salary (even if salary/cap space were retained), it would have had to be a “hockey trade.”
  12. Very interesting if Trouba met with Chevy without his agent.
  13. If he blows me out of the water at practice, sure. But assuming there is some rust and he'd BETTER for getting a couple more practices in, I'd debut him on the road. But it sounds like he's playing tonight.
  14. Exactly my point. Its not about a crappy city or poor weather. Its really over blown. I had this argument with a friend of mine last weekend who said Winnipeg sucks and no one wants to be here despite several Jets' players re-signing. Every single city has players that prefer not to play there for some reason whether its weather, night life, wife hates it, family is far, CDN money, taxes whatever, But the chance to win, being treated right, cures all ails.
  15. If Im the coach I debut him on the road and away from the local fans and media. Because I wont blame Jets fans if they boo him off the ice the first time. They might cheer him, who knows. But all this funny business about right vs left is laughable. He didnt want to play here so if the local give him a little jab on his return, I dont blame them at all. Boo him off the ice the first time. Then move on.
  16. Its funny. We used to hear how Edmonton would have to greatly over-pay to get a FA if they could even get him to pick up the phone. Now we hear how every free agent wants to play there. Its about winning first and foremost. if Winnipeg is winning with a young talented team and the Jets feel they need a FA, they will get him. If it was all about weather and money every player would play in Florida.
  17. I think it's the compromise. Bridge isn't good for anyone really. Even a trade. He's cheap now but any team trading for him has to resign him. If ahytbing he's a great pick up for a team going all in. Problem is teams going all in aren't giving up what the jets want. Bridge deal was the only way to avoid the nuclear option. If there was no dec 1 deadline this wouldn't have happened. This deal gives them time and space and figure out the next step. Trouba didn't want to lose a year and Chevy wasn't signing only a year. The money is relatively low. Buys time and gets a good player back cheaply. Trouba should be motivated to play his ass off.
  18. I wouldn't put him with buff. Morrissey has played well. Start trouba as 3RHD with Stu or Chiarot. Ease him back in.
  19. Foolish tk trade Myers and put eggs in the basket of the player that doesn't want to be here. It's not an either/or situation anyway. They want to keep both. Trouba will eventually be traded unless he has a change of heart which I doubt.
  20. And we go through this song and dance two years from now. Another bridge. Which is funny cause if that Happened trouba would have played here for four years and left millions on the table. Unlikely though. Just like Kane jets will hope trouba magically decides he loves wpg. And just like Kane he won't. And will be traded next year
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