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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. If you want to keep him. He would still be eligible to be selected by Vegas. So jets would protect him. Didnt the NHL just make a rule allowing Vegas to target free agents prior to the rest of the league? Not sure if that impacts trouba at all, I didn't listen too closely
  2. Odds are they protect 4 D and then only 4 forwards. Leaves Dano or Lowry as likely picks by Vegas. Then again maybe they'd snag Burmi .
  3. Enstrom cannot be exposed. He just be protected. So you're suggesting the jets ask Enstrom to waive his no movement clause so they can expose him but not to worry because they make a deal with Vegas not to choose him? Seems unlikely to me. More likely they would just ask Enstron to waive and he'd say no.
  4. Why would enstrom do that? Unless he has a desire to go play in Las Vegas. Unlikely to do it. There are ways to get around it but most likely Jets would protect 4 d and lose a solid forward. Lowry or Armia.
  5. Enstrom must be protected as he has a no movement clause. If trouba returns they have to protect four D unless they can make a deal to leave Trouba Myers or Buff unprotected and not chosen. We will lose s good player no matter what
  6. For oft about expansion draft. If we bring trouba back we are going to lose armia....
  7. Wow finally Matthias figured out which way his stick goes.
  8. He's an odd skater though. Cant put my finger on it. But its like he doesnt jump to the puck quickly.
  9. Yes. Absolutely. I've seen him do that in another game too...I dont remember the context but someone did something nasty and he was right in their face. Might not mean too much now, but wait until he has another 20lbs of muscle on his frame and he's tossing guys around like sacks of potatoes.
  10. To be honest, I have long stopped caring. if the FBI finds something new and decides to prosecute, then great. They didnt. But if there some expert amateur detectives out there that can make the case against her on blogs then for sure, we should just go to her house and haul her away.
  11. Dano is a great choice. Not only is a great part of a checking 4th line, but he can actually move up if needed (injury etc) and play top six minutes. Yes, thats not ideal, but he likely wont hurt them there. He's a good player with potential to be better offensively. Tanev-Burmi-Dano is actually a really solid puck possession 4th line that could pot a few goals.
  12. Thats speculation. Based on what we know, seems more likely you're half right. Parents want him close but because his dad is a hustler and wants to make a fortune off of Trouba as a "brand".
  13. It came from Lawless who sort of mentioned it in passing and then when Hustler scoffed, Lawless pushed back and said "well, it IS a consideration to the Trouba camp, I can tell you that".
  14. I dont disagree. It was Lawless who said it was a "consideration". We dont know how much. It could be his gf said "hey baby, playing in Boston would be great because I want to go to Harvard but UofM is a good school". Or she could say "well, if you stay in Winnipeg that's fine but Im out of here". It could be she is perfectly fine going to med school here but can't get in and Trouba is the one saying 'well, that sucks, Ill try to go back to the US'. Its most likely just all the reasons together make him more desirous of playing in the US. We cant really know other than the strong rumours that he wont sign anywhere in Canada.
  15. Jacquie, please stop letting truth and reason cloud the debate here. This is about how nasty a woman Clinton is because blah blah blah blah? Okay??
  16. (CNN)FBI Director James Comey said Friday the bureau is reviewing new emails related to Hillary Clinton's time as secretary of state, according to a letter sent to eight congressional committee chairmen. Developing story - more to come ***October surprise anyone? Trump gaining momentum...
  17. As noted on the Big Show, guess what other Finnish player had 6 goals in his first 7 games of his rookie season in the NHL...
  18. Lawless was only half right. Its much harder for her to get into a school here as an American. She might not get in. But, still, imagine you're her. You might not see the U of M med school in the same light as schools in the US. PLUS, doing your residency here? Opening a practice here? That's probably not her dream. I can imagine conversations between them centering around "but you can play hockey anywhere..." Who knows what carries the most weight to them though. If he signs for six years, then he's looking at Free Agency at a time when his girlfriend might be in a place where she's looking to advance her career. It might work out. Or $30+ million might make her feel a little better about Winnipeg.
  19. Lawless flat out asked the agent if the Jets were permitted to make an offer, agent danced around it, Lawless pressed him, agent danced and Lawless said okay so Jets werent permitted to make an offer...silence. And Dreger's words were interesting as noted above, that he said Jets were prepared to offer. If I didnt know Chevy better, I'd say they leaked that to Dreger so Trouba would hear it. $30+ million is generational money. Sure, maybe your dad doesnt get to market a Trouba App. But this isnt your dad's career. Lawless also made it known that Trouba's girlfriend wants to go to med school in the US. Hustler sort of challenged that and Lawless flat out said "its a consideration". I imagine a young American girl who isnt a hockey player is not loving the idea of a medical career in Winnipeg
  20. I understand why they're doing it. The line is playing great. Its not just Armia, although he is clearly the straw that stirs that drink. But Lowry has been much better and so has Matthias. Lots of hustle. That line is always in the other team's zone. Even Lowry on the PP...I get it, he's winning faceoffs and he's parked in front of the net. He's serving his purpose. When everyone is healthy, I cant imagine dropping Armia to the 4th line where Lowry will end up. But the 3rd line probably becomes Connor-Perreault-Armia and that should be a lot better for him.
  21. Wow what a game. Armia is dynamite. That whole line is playing tremendous. It's a shame Matthias doesn't even need a stick since its of no use to him but hustle is there. Other guys fed off the hustle of that line I said after last game that there wa plenty to like. And here it is. Great effort. Helle was great. Even Burni was decent. He hits guys at least. And Laine. What can you say. That shot is unreal. Everyone was ready for it. Goalie staring right at him. Boom. In it goes. Tremendous.
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