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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. He was the last available to pick in the draft? I think you're mistaken...
  2. Different teams value players differenlyt. Jets like what Stanley has. He's 7 feet tall and 300 lbs. And you cant teach that.
  3. Some solid D prospects there. With Enstrom and Buff aging, its good to see some prospects that have a solid chance of being decent NHL players.
  4. I agree. I love the behind the scenes stuff. We were joking on another forum that TNA should send their cameras to the injunction hearing today and air it on Impact with live remarks from Dixie. Bet it would be their best rating of the year.
  5. I've been singing his praises since the original trade. Sometimes, if a guy isnt amazing right off the bat people write him off. Most players take time to develop. I wont say he's great yet, but he's shown a lot this season. Needs to play with more skilled guys and see if he can generate some points.
  6. You dont take out Lowry when he's the only guy winning faceoffs. He's playing much better and, most importantly, winning faceoffs. Petan and Copp are developing 2-way contracts. Burmi is not. I understand why they use him. He's being used in a limited role (yes he got moved up yesterday, probably hoping his speed and puck handling would allow them more O zone chances and it did).
  7. If Stafford is out (and even if he isnt), Armia deserves some time at 2RW. Lowry is becoming the player he needs to be. Physical and wins faceoffs. He will be an excellent 4C on a deeper Jets roster.
  8. Connor needed to sit. We can't say great move before the game and whine about it after. Cosches okay veterans more. They trust veterans more. We've whined about it for five years and two coaches. It is what it is. Armia was dynamite. He should be 2RW. If he had any skilled line mates jets win and he finishes with four points. Lots of good in this game. Better hustle. Tighter checking Standing up for team mates Seemed to have more fight they either have their best performance next game or they disappear we will see how mentally tough they are
  9. Further, billy and his legal team sent notice he was exercising his rights to assume control and fired Dixie! She ignored hjm. I think she might be truly screwed this time.
  10. So some of Billy lawsuit against TNA has been unsealed and it basically looks like Dixie Carter was running a ponzi scheme for about a year. She was originally saved by her production company which loaned her money several times, eventually for a small percentage of the company with an agreement she pay back by a certain date (making payments). She failed to do so. The production company (run by the Nazi twins Rob & Don Harris) were about to foreclose until Billy loaned money. Billy loaned money a second time to prevent another foreclosure. A third time resulted in Billy loaning money but becoming President of TNA, a role he thought was legit but Dixie basically overruled. Billy also had a deal in place that if Dixie couldn't pay him back or the company became insolvent, he would automatically gain Dixie's entire stake n TNA (92.5%). Prior to the last PPV, Billy advised he was asserting that condition and taking control. Dixie ignored him. Fight Network saved the day by lending TNA money to run the PPV. Billy asked for proof the company was not insolvent. Dixie ignored him. Billy claims Dixie and other company managers denied there was ever any talk with WWE...but then Dixie told the crew in a meeting that there were talks with WWE. Billy has an injunction (to be heard tomorrow) preventing DIxie from selling anything or doing anything to hurt the company since Billy is suing for control. He's asked the court to rule that he now controls Dixie's stake. TNA's position is that they are not insolvent but provided no evidence to support this. Billy contends that the few balance sheets he was shown indicated a negative balance and the fact he made three investments to save the company (and the Nazi's before him) prove its insolvent. SO basically, Dixie borrows money by putting up the company and when she's about to lose it, she finds someone else to pay off the previous debtor and so on. Ponzi!
  11. The percentage of season ticket renewals for pro sports is such that even if it took a "huge" dive, the waiting list more than makes up for it. If every single season ticker holder decided not to renew (which is statistically and historically impossible) and most of the waiting list averaged two tickets, that would still more than fill the MTSC. Plus the waiting list is capped and more people want to be on it. The staggered renewal period also helps. The way the Jets did initial season tickets was brilliant and they wont have to worry for a long long time.
  12. This is wonderful. Im going to make some popcorn and read all this crazy nonsense. LOL
  13. LOL cause all women know all their men's secrets LOL
  14. If they lost every game for the next 5 years, they'd still sell all their season tickets. But people showing up would be the issue.
  15. With the way the Jets have their waiting list set up and the percentage at which season tickets sell, it would be disastrous for the Jets to not sell out. Now whether everyone shows up is another thing. But those tickets will be sold. There is already issues with it. Some people take great pleasure in pointing out when tickets are available on a Tuesday night to play Florida or whatever.
  16. Lukes is a nut about this. But if I recall she wants speed reduced to 30 all the time in all residential streets. If she had her way, cars would be banned in favour of bikes on every road. This is another great example of why school zone enforcement is not about safety, its about money. They dont need to "change" the law to avoid enforcement on holidays, just dont collect. Dont do the enforcement when you know the school zone isnt actually active. That's the spirit of the law, to protect children. Its not being enforced that way. Period. Money money money. Thats all it is.
  17. I assume its supposed to be Stafford on the 2nd line. Mat-Low-Arm was pretty good last game even though Lowry has hands of stone and matthias doesnt need a name plate on his jersey since no one calls his name. As some of us speculated, could be Connor is getting some time to watch and learn.
  18. The $100,000 thing seems off to me. I heard it too. But I mean, you need all hands on deck and you're twiddling your thumbs over $100,000? They're much closer to cap allowance now and still havent closed this deal. On the flip side, if they are really close but cant execute the deal due to their cap, that means the Ducks are basically icing Lindholm out and costing him money because they choose not to sign an agreed upon deal because they cant fit it under the cap. That wouldnt seem to sit well. Then again, Lindholm knows the cap situation. if he wants to play there, he has to try and make it work. if he asks for an unreasonable number, he knows the Ducks cant do it and thats akin to asking for a trade. But...Lindholm is an easy offer sheet. Im surprised no one has tried it. Ducks would have to scramble to match. But I guess not a lot of teams have need, cap and draft picks to do an offer sheet. Winnipeg does but they wouldnt do that.
  19. Interesting note. The NHL used several hotels for the HC and the hotels were required to keep an executive suite available for Bettman every night in case he wanted to use it. The hotels werent told if he'd actually use it or not. Not sure if that was just a convenience thing or a security thing. Lawless told a story that Bettman has two large ex-cops for bodyguards that are always with him.
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