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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Definitely the possibility is there to make something happen with Anaheim. They have almost enough cap space now to sign him but haven't. So that still tells you something. If they can bring in Trouba and sign him, it certainly helps their "win now" mentality and keeps them young. Jets likely have to take back a salary to help Ducks out but Jets can afford to...
  2. Lol I asked the same thing! I'm not sure about Canadian offices because of licensing but they want to invest in producing shows and upgrading. So for example they would send their own people to produce and film segments. My library is mostly not good enough although I do have some HD shoots from a few years ago. But if there was an opportunity I'd consider upgrading equipment for it. But I'm not sure the financials would work for anyone but the best indies. Requires a lot of time and money. I think I'd be good at directing and producing wrestling for TV but it would probably have to be a full or semi full time gig. A few years ago I was asked to submit six months of creative ideas for potential funding. It was fun to do but the funder passed for a variety of reasons. The only way this works for indies is based on scale. I'm not sure it's going to work to be honest. I do have a lot of Kenny Omega stuff though....
  3. I saw an article that speculated she might want out now that all his and behaviour has come to light.
  4. This is definitely true as the record is vastly in favour of visiting teams at outdoor games. But still...the team was awful.
  5. Keep in mind, its just the IGF station and access that will be running by next summer. They fast tracked it. Basically they are building the "end" first since it benefits the Bombers (and the UofM). Im still not sure how they will get buses in and out of the tiny residential road connecting the RT roadway with Pembina HWY...
  6. I agree, In the rare cases a city regains a team in the same league, they should be able to regain the history if they want.
  7. Steen retired before the Jets left, never played for Arizona. Actually retired and then the Jets stayed one more year. He played over-seas for awhile though. If Dallas hadn't kept the Stars name, I bet Minnesota would have gone back to it. The NHL likes to pretend none of their franchises move, so they dont have a more thoughtful rule. But those teams that regained their franchise should have their history restored. In particular the Jets because if I was the Coyotes with 20 years of my own history, I'd feel like giving up the Jets' history was like exorcising a demon. It really makes no difference now, except to sportswriters who have to quote the "records". Even Chipman didnt make a distinction when discussing Jets 1.0. It was "this team" and "our history".
  8. Matthias has to be a big disappointment. Well for anyone who thought he was good. I was willing to give Chevy the benefit of the doubt. I guess the idea was a hardworking veteran. But I still have to remind myself who he is out there. Was it a one year deal? I'd prefer a one month deal.
  9. Big news today is FloSports is creating a new Wrestling Streaming service. So, basically, its what WWE Network is, except using indie promotions, such as ROH, Evolve etc. Their price point seems to be $15-$20 so its fairly steep. But Flo has $30 million behind it including $21m from WWE who funded them awhile back and are not happy that they are now competitors... WWE was looking to grab up available libraries and make deals with other indie promotions but the price has now skyrocketed.
  10. Staff wasnt awful yesterday. Im fine with him. He wont be here next season, most likely. So its fine. In fact, he's decent trade bait for a deadline deal presuming the Jets arent in a playoff position at the time. Some other team will trade a draft pick for him. Burmi was better yesterday. 4th line C is fine by me. But its depth. Thats why he's playing. One could argue that De Leo, Copp or Roslovic should get called up. But maybe they dont think 4th line minutes is the best thing for them if Burmi can do it.
  11. I guarantee if the team was called something else the talk wouldnt be as strong, but it was named Jets by popular demand. Jets of the WHA and NHL...that's the most widely known hockey history so its most relevant to use Jets in my opinion. other sports leagues retain the history. I guess its more semantics since, for all real purposes, Jets 1.0 belongs to True North now. They have the logos and honour the players and history. Its just sort of silly that when we talk rookie scoring records, we talk Kovalchuk (or whomever) and not Teemu. No one cares about Thrashers records. And if Im Coyotes, I'd be all in on giving back the history.
  12. Right into UofM with a station behind the unused IGF entrance (or underused, the concert side). They are already well on their way to creating the RT Station at IGF. Im not quite sure but it almost looks like the station might appear to be built right onto IGF, ie. you could walk off the bus onto IGF. They have the new roads built into the campus from Pembina HWY to University Cres (new access through the old golf course). That portion of Rapid Transit will be ready for next summer. The rest of it, down Pembina, wont be. But buses will be able to turn off Pembina into the new RT roadway through the golf course and exit at University cred and vice versa. I heard it will take 200 buses off Chancellor Matheson on game day.
  13. Once that rapid transit area is completed, it should help a lot, not only with actually improving traffic flow but the perception of the traffic flow.
  14. Playing with Burmi does make Connor give away the puck repeatedly. Connor and Burmi both being relegated to the 4th line is likely the result of coachs confidence in both. I could see Connor being sent down or benched in favour of Thorburn for a couple of games. Burmi is only playing because he's a C.
  15. Yeah, they are getting a bit cute... In general, I've found the show to be a bit too "villain of the year". Thats why I was looking forward to Fear The Walking Dead but its the same thing with less interesting characters.
  16. Trump's campaign manager admitted they are behind. Which sucks. Because one of the most entertaining things is watching her spin all the bad news into good news and failing miserably. Trump seems to be admitting he has wasted his energy too. Seems resigned to the inevitable outcome. But even Trump's manager seems to have a bad case of sore loser-itis. Saying Hilary is ahead because of her "advantages" in having Bill & Obama campaigning for her. Well...if everyone hated Bill and Obama as much as Trump's campaign said, then that shouldnt be helping. So presuming Trump loses, what do people think he does on election night?
  17. Yup, I never watch anything live. Not even sports. Im not sure AMC has the right strategy to over-load TWD. Its one thing with TWD being so popular but if they take even one creative mis-step, it wont be hard for a lot of people to give up on the commercials.
  18. Another lawsuit against TNA. A Finance company loaned them $400,000 a year ago to pay their insurance premiums and is owed just over $200,000. I assume these newer lawsuits are companies realizing they dont want to be left out of the inevitable bankruptcy. WWE put out a new questionnaire similar to the one asking about interest in ROH &TNA. They mentioned every major indy promotion...but leave out TNA this time. That is telling.
  19. I dont think the group will turn on Darryl. But Daryl might be rough on himself. He blamed himself for getting that woman killed last season...he's going to absolutely blame himself now. But Rick's reaction right after Negan left "they've got Daryl" tells me they dont blame him at all. I still think Glenn didnt have to die. And I think the reason they did that goofy fake out death with him last season was to see if ratings dropped with him gone. He has been on set a couple of times so I suspect we see him in flashback or "dream" sequences. So he might not yet be gone entirely. I dont buy the idea they wanted to be inline with the comics because thats a bad reason to do anything in a TV show. if the comic is good, so be it, use it as a guide. But TV is different. My vision for an ending would have been Rick dying...and we end the series with a flash forward much like Rick's fantasy in this episode. With an older Glen and Maggie, their children and maybe Uncle Daryl living happily within a secure life they re-built.
  20. Wont blame Helle at all for this loss. Laine made a major boneheaded play. And he knew it. He looked either about to break down in tears or rip someones throat out on the bench after. And Buff...well, its what we expect with Buff.
  21. I thought the tiger/lion guy was a good guy? Anyway, I was disappointed they iced Glenn. My feeling on him as a character is that he is "us", hes our avatar through this world. And killing him slices out the soul of the show. Killing a major character like Ned in Game of Thrones is one thing - it happened early, it was for the good of the story. But killing a main character just to be shocking can actually have an adverse impact on viewers. It makes us question our emotional attachment to a show and to the characters. It seems like we care more than the writers do...and thus, if we shouldnt care anymore at all, its a slippery slope. Funny reading comments though - people are more angry about how gory it was. Ummm...its about Zombies. But one consistent complaint was the commercials. I probably wouldnt watch this show if I watched it live. Those commercials are oppressive.
  22. Connor wasn't that good though. He seems to be having the same trajectory as Petan did last year. Might need Moose time to generate confidence
  23. He gets lots of rope. But I agree the lack of preparation is concerning. This isn't a team of kids. Plenty of veterans on this team. if they lost every game he'd still be around. This is a free pass of a season. And it's too early to tell anyway. That game really bothered me though. It shows a scary lack of maturity...or something to play that badly in the biggest game of the new era.
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