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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Do you think he knows he’s talking about trump? Or maybe he reads this board!
  2. Nhl taking their time announcing what everyone knows
  3. Ignoring the content is so you. Hilary is right by the way. Or do you support the US admins lack of preparedness and lack of support. Are you openly hoping for people to get sick and die? What’s wrong with you ?
  4. I hope no one in that tightly packed room gets sick.
  5. This is why people are unhappy with trump. It’s theirs to wear. They’re in charge and dropping the ball day after day.
  6. lol how does DoorDie gain by that? Is he Joe Biden? Trump's failures are his. No one else is to blame. Is he your Uncle?
  7. Especially given the fact it doesnt seem to be impacting Children very harshly to where many children have no symptoms but are carriers. As "clean" as they might try to keep those parks, the enormous number of people touching shared surfaces, huddled together, bodily fluids everywhere (kids like to leak).
  8. What political gain is there for @do or die
  9. you're the one making light of this and pretending nothing is happening because your dear leader dropped his balls as usual.
  10. Carnival suspended their fleet of Princess Cruise ships for 60 days.
  11. Inevitable. But she was over-seas. The worrisome cases are community spread where someone gets sick who didnt go anywhere. Keep an eye out for that.
  12. Ive seen a lot of questions about that...like...how are Disney parks still open?
  13. The fact you want people to stop discussing a major news story that impacts people just because you're deeply in love with a racist president is mind boggling. We all know why....we're just too polite to say it.
  14. I cant believe Vegas has been spared so far. WWE also planning to move events to Performance Centre in Florida.
  15. FYI, Im not a panic person and I think things will be okay. But I DO find this whole thing incredibly fascinating and Im consuming as much info as possible.
  16. Updated details as of this morning: Foreign nationals will not be able to use the UK, or a non-European or European-exempt country, as a pass-through to get to the United States. Homeland Security confirmed foreign nationals who have been in any of the banned 26 European nations in the previous two weeks will be denied entry into the states. This is for all foreign nationals and not specific to Europeans. The 26 countries are all in the Schengen Area, and includes: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Along with the UK, the countries of Ireland, Croatia, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania are excluded from the travel ban. This is restrictions on people coming in, not goods. Trade not impacted. Americans, legal U.S. residents, and (in most cases) immediate family of Americans can still leave Europe and return to the U.S., but will be required to depart from specific airports as directed by the U.S. government and will undergo a health screening before departure. Currently the ban is set for 30 days starting tomorrow. Could be shortened or extended
  17. What is wrong with you? You're either maliciously trolling or have some sort of serious defect. Discussing news is not chearleading panic. You're a disgrace. Why you're tolerated, is beyond me.
  18. No one is cheerleading. Stop being a troll.
  19. NHL says no team meetings, practices etc today. Do they have a presser scheduled?
  20. Wrestlemania under discussion today. AEW moved next week's event to July. Some places recommending no gatherings over 50 people. 117 cases in Canada per https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  21. AEW cancelled next week's TV show in Rochester. Moved to July. No word on if they're taping empty arena. Rochester is saying no gatherings over 50 people which would be hard for even an empty arena. Could just go to Jax's facility.
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