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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well, some very key positions were cut too. 60-80 staff world-wide. Garry Cook, Global Brand Officer and head of International Business Development. Considered the #3 guy in the company and the guy most likely to end up running UFC eventually. Wright was the Exec VP and head of Canada Marshall Zelaznik, Chief Content Officer and former head of European Operations. Ken Berger, head of Asian operations. Jamie Pollack, Senior Vice President of Global Content, responsible for making some big TV deals. Shanda Maloney, head of Social Media. Ed Muncey, Senior Vice President of Technology. Brad Smucker, Controller. Reason for the gut job was the massive debt UFC now has. They need upwards of $150 million per year PROFIT just to pay the interest on the debt.
  2. I dont believe they want to make him sit. I do believe they are perfectly willing to let him sit unless they get what they want. If someone came along with a great trade offer tomorrow, I dont see the Jets saying "thats great, its what we want, but darn it, we're going to decline because we want him to feel some pain". Its just a matter of the Jets arent saying "we are really missing this guy and need to fill this void ASAP". Its the correct perspective in my opinion. Trouba chose to sit (which is his right) and can sign a reasonable offer and come back whenever he wants. So the Jets should feel no pressure to take less or pay more to make him happy.
  3. Not sure how you'd justify taking Armia out for Thorburn. Armia played his ass off again last night. If he starts catching some breaks, he's going to be a big contributor on the score sheet.
  4. I had flashbacks to Selanne's rookie season. 75...76...77 Selanne's record goes to heaven... nah, not likely. But beauty of a game. That was a heck of a line. Laine-Scheif-Ehlers. I liked that Laine kept the shot on the winning goal. Thought he was going to try and pass it back to Ehlers (I think it was). Great shot.
  5. I love debates and saw a few missed opportunities. I wanted to hear the phrase repeated "Putin's Puppet" (would have been a great headline). She said it but not forcibly enough. Trump did well at first, despite virtually everything he said being a complete lie. But she simply prodded him and he fell for it, hook line and sinker as he always does. Unbelievably he refused to say he'd accept the results of the election. That is really shocking and shows what a sore loser he is. Hasnt even lost yet and he's a sore loser. And it flies against what his VP and manager stated. Claims to respect women more than anyone and attacks his accusers. Says he didnt even apologize to his wife even though she said he did. Clinton could have said "here's a man that wont even apologize to his own wife, doesnt even have enough respect to do that" but perhaps she wanted to avoid that line given Bill's past. And ofcourse, perhaps his most boneheaded moment: "What a nasty woman". Brutal.
  6. The company that fronted TNA money for the last PPV and TV tapings is Anthem, parent company of The Fight Network and owned by Leonard Asper. So looks like Asper wants to own TNA too. Maybe TNA ends up moving to Toronto. They have agreed to pay off Corgan's debt to make him go away (and keep the details of his lawsuit which many speculate would be highly embarrassing, from ever surfacing). Asper further said they are willing to make strategic investment in TNA. I guess its true, the Asper kids really are stupid.
  7. Sounds like there was a world-wide firing spree but Canada in particular was hit hard. Wright seemed to take the hit for the drop in revenue from Canada but really, he lost GSP so it was going to happen. Wright got them approved in Ontario and made Canada their best market for awhile and got them into Australia and New Zealand too. Got rid of some big guys, like people considered #3 in the company (Cook). New owners have their own people that do the same positions so will just add UFC to their duties.
  8. UFC fired Tom Wright this week (among others) and gutted the Canadian offices with upwards of 80% of people let go. Not the same UFC anymore...
  9. That's true. They should fix that. And hve a Capgeek site that works
  10. Trump is such a loser. This guy is 70+ years old? What a child.
  11. Guess there arent many NHL 17'ers here. For those of you that care, apparently EA has sent out the Roster Update this afternoon. This is the one that everyone waits for so that rookies are in the game. I can now go buy it.
  12. Some common sense finally creeping into this thing? CNN: WashingtonDonald Trump is in his weakest political position of the entire presidential campaign. Recent national polls show Hillary Clinton's margin over Trump to be in the high single digits -- that's blowout territory in recent presidential campaign history. And it doesn't look much better for him in some several key battleground states. Our latest snapshot of the current state of play in the battle for 270 electoral votes is one that is moving significantly toward Clinton. What's changed? -- Arizona (11) moves from from "lean Republican" to "battleground" -- Utah (6) moves from "solid Republican" to "battleground" -- Florida (29) moves from "battleground" to "lean Democrat" -- Nevada (6) moves from "battleground" to "lean Democrat"
  13. So Trump previously brought women who accused Bill of assault. Now he brings Obama's half brother. Someone should remind him he's running against Hillary...
  14. http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/19/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-presidential-polls/index.html Hilary up by 9 points. But its the electoral college that could be a concern. Tight races in key states. Weird. I wonder if Donald will go Full Trump in the 3rd debate. You never go Full Trump. But he might feel his crazy rhetoric and nonsense the past week has kept his numbers within striking distance and will deliver even worse craziness. He'll go for the knockout. Hilary needs to do what she's been doing. Dont get snippy. Dont look angry. Look Presidential. Stay on point.
  15. Way worse than ECW. What sort of "saved" ECW from a twitching corpse was that Vince respected Heyman, even if he didnt want anyone to know it. He secretly loaned ECW money (Vince felt guilty that TNN shat on ECW to make room for RAW). Jim Ross was also a big fan of Heyman. So Heyman had a standing offer to go work with WWE when he was ready to fold ECW. No one in ECW knew Heyman was going to WWE until the camera, tight on Ross, opened wide to Heyman sitting at the commentary desk live on RAW. He put ECW into bankruptcy and since Vince had loaned ECW the money, they became the #1 creditor and were able to buy the video library and IP cheap. If you recall, when the invasion was dying a slow death, they jazzed it up by adding ECW. This was after Heyman was there obviously but before the bankruptcy decision. So WWE got in a bit of trouble for using "ECW" without actually owning it. Thats why they abruptly switched to calling ECW/WCW "The Alliance". ECW could have been saved but needed national TV. WCW could have been saved too. Their "bad" ratings were better than what RAW is getting today. But they needed national TV. No TV = No Promotion. TNA cant be saved.
  16. Thing is, there would be no whining if they hadnt had the silly rule in the first place. The three babies that would have gone would have made no difference and there would be no negative press about it. Now it will be how the crowd was too drunk and unruly for the six month old. or how IGF doesnt have suitable amounts of parent change stations. Or that they didnt pump in artificial heat to keep the babies reasonably warm. Maybe Bettman can personally powder some bums.
  17. That was the best thing on RAW in ages. Look what happens when you let a guy with natural presence and charisma say what he wants to in an honest, unscripted way. It was great. Even though WWE tried to blow it with their presentation. Ratings way up too. 3.1 million average.
  18. Another lawsuit filed against TNA, this time from American Express to the tune of $260,000 in unpaid corporate credit card travel expenses. Rumor is, they are soon to declare bankruptcy but Dixie still wants to come out of this smelling like a rose. Expect a Chapter 11 reorg to buy some time. Also, it seems the money Corgan "loaned" TNA (or gave in exchange for ownership) was not a business loan to TNA but a personal loan to Dixie. Corgan alleges fraud in his dealings with Dixie and TNA. His court hearing is this Thursday where the details might become unsealed...which should be glorious.
  19. Frolik didnt want to be here. Perreault has a better attitude and I like him more. If I could only keep one, I think I'd keep Perreault. Meh to Stemp. No one else wanted him either so 30 teams passed. Burmi is cheap and they owned his rights. No team was giving much for an attitude problem who played two years in the K. He's still young. Makes sense to use him. Matthias is the only guy they really went after. And lets see what happens with him. I think the Jets have a better idea of what they are doing now which is why they arent going after higher quality free agents. They want to let the youth make mistakes while they develop. They clearly believe its not another 5 year plan. There is a reason Buff re-signed here. They think the team is headed in the right direction. Even if they suck this season. Why bring in middling free agents to get swept in the opening round while your youth doesnt get ice team? if they are "close" to turning the corner, then embrace it.
  20. Another one for the good guys (and whining social justice parents on facebook). Correct decision though.
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