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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Just about to post the same. Surprised about Matthias in top six. Interesting. Taking it slow with rookies. But that third line....wow. Perreault and the kids. Love it
  2. Matt Hardy is far too intelligent to buy TNA. But he could afford it. He couldnt afford the yearly losses though. Then again, neither can Corgan and he's worth $50mm. Jericho always claims he would have bought WCW if he knew it was so cheap ($2.5mm). But ofcourse that doesnt take into account the costs of running it. WWE made a lot of money off owning the WCW library (and one huge PPV buyrate for Invasion) but neither Jericho nor anyone else had the means to monetize the library. So spending $2.5mm sounds like a steal but then you have a really expensive VHS collection that no one sees. TNA's greatest asset (only asset really) is the library and only WWE can properly monetize it.
  3. Maybe we can split off into a Poolies thread. Might be fun to chat as the season progresses. Was just talking to someone about first over-all. He said McDavid went first in one of his pools. Honestly, if I get first pick, I *probably* take McDavid but I really want to take Crosby. If he was healthy I'd take him. I think McDavid has the chance to just light it up on a bad Oilers team that will be offense first.
  4. My pool isnt until tomorrow night so lets get these serious injuries out of the way by 7PM tomorrow.
  5. WWE has fired back at Paige, revealing her wellness test failure was not for a prescription drug, but was for an "illegal substance". Lots of rumors out there about her and Del Rio, relating to his being viciously stabbed and slashed last week.
  6. Very irresponsible. Violence is never the answer. Endorsing that is like saying whomever yells the loudest is the most correct. I hope the GOP just collapses. You have to move away from the fringe supporters. Reject the racists, homophobes, gun nuts and religious fanatics. Move closer to the center. Many people (and politicians including Hilary) have described themselves as "head conservative, heart liberal". Conservative values have merit. But not when it requires the support of crazies. This has been building for a long time. Time for a do-over. Abandon the party of nuts to Trump and his ilk, re-examine what made this the party of Lincoln and Reagan with some modern sensibilities.
  7. Slingshot powerbomb is similar to a slingshot suplex as made famous by the great Tully Blanchard. Here it is: In the match, I think he went for it three times and Ziggler is a lot bigger than Rey so it looked bad in that the slingshot wasnt smooth. Plus the extra effort to slingshot him really does nothing to improve the powerbomb. Better to keep it simple and just use a powerbomb. I like Carmella's persona. Maybe because I first saw her on some WWE show on the Network so outside of the ring she seems like a real sweetheart. I was surprised they went with her as a heel rather than just putting her with Enzo & Cass (her real life boyfriends). But she has good heel persona. But you're right...she's not a great worker. Not every woman has to work. Let he establish herself as a manager or valet or all-around ****-disturber. Once she is over as a character, she can have a match, blow a few spots and she'll still be over. Relying on her to be a good worker to get over is asking for trouble. Especially with women. Its already harder for them in that huge ring. When you have 15-20 lbs differences in the women its a big deal (not so much for men). Nikki is big. And not exactly athletic. Not a good match for Carmella. Trish & Lita were both managers for ages before they worked...they got over before they ever had a match. I think her calling will be as a face though.
  8. I think it depends on how Laine and Connor play. If both push for top six minutes, and perhaps Stafford falters or there is an injury, Ehlers to the RW is the obvious play. Stafford could have a good season playing with young talent. Quite frankly, he's not in the long term plans but realistically, he's a talented veteran who should offer some guidance to the kids. And thats not a bad thing.
  9. Correct. Chevy would not stand up at a mic and say "here is our offer to Trouba...". But things get leaked all the time. Jets are a pretty tight ship. I suspect Trouba's camp leaked the "demands" to sway public opinion towards a trade.
  10. I saw someone attribute to Lawless that Trouba's gf is a med student (or soon to be med student) who wants to attend a US school. I generally find NHL players seem to think less about the city than fans and media do. But a young kid who everyone says is great with family that wants to be in the US and think he should call his own shot? Westwood thinks Trouba is willing to sit out a season. I dont. Look at the RFA's that signed this week. They used their leverage to miss training camp and maybe squeeze a few more dollars, maybe not. But Johnny Hockey said "Missing games was never an option". Not only is Trouba missing games, money he likely never gets back, but an entire season? He lowers his asking price by doing that, does nothing to improve his own leverage. His agent doesnt make money when he's not getting paid for a year. If the Jets are patient, Trouba comes back. Unless Overhardt can arrange a heck of a trade option for the Jets...which I doubt.
  11. Well I think when someone says "So-and-so is the last person...." its probably within the context of the discussion. In this case, politics. Im not sure we need to spend time saying "what about Hitler" and so on. Personally, I like Hilary and I think a lot of the negativity attributed comes down to the "mean *****" designation. So what. She fought for kids and poor people in college, worked for universal health care, dedicated her life to public service, put up with the public embarrassment of her husband's indiscretions. Im cool with Hilary. Time for a woman President. Her politics might not be whats best for the world, but its a relevant political position. If she sucks, someone else will come in. If Trump wins, there is the real possibility of serious set backs...or worse.
  12. The GOP should have the courage to turn away from him. If that means short term pain so be it. Look at the base and decide if that's who you want supporting you. They need to evolve. Pence is thinking about 2020. What he does now could have a big influence on that.
  13. Chevy wouldnt do that...well they *might* leak it to Lawless to put it out there if need be. But unless they get a trade they like, they will let Trouba come back to them in November and take a lesser deal. I dont even think it will be a bridge. It will be a trade or at least 5 years.
  14. I would agree. I dont think anyone doubts Risto is the better player. Its a high comp for Trouba in the sense "you aint getting this much".
  15. They could. If a government would properly fund them and properly set their vision and goals.
  16. Ladd might have forced Ehlers to his preferred position on the LW. Unlikely you'd want to move Laine over. So Laine probably ends up 1LW and Ladd 2LW with Little & Ehlers.
  17. What an odd reply. Must have bruised your delicate ego. I very rarely claim to have any answers in the Bombers or NHL forums at all. So keep your idiotic simpleton drivel to yourself. My point was that you too often act like you know everything (far more than anyone else on this forum) and are rude and negative. Lighten up, Francis.
  18. Definitely not Gary. Definitely the angry message board guy. The angrier you post, the more connections you have.
  19. Yes. Because he has a radio show. You nailed it.
  20. Which player will they be trading him for? I mean, you know everything, so please enlighten us.
  21. Honestly, Lawless' opinion far exceeds yours. So Im not sure where all that negativity comes from or why you feel the need to rip on everyone so often.
  22. There are international agreements in place that dictate that no nation can claim anything in space. It doesnt much matter when it comes to the Moon or Mars but if we discover something that has value (like say, a giant planet made of Diamond or massive stockpiles of oil or gas under the surface of Neptune or whatever) and are able to retrieve it, it will be interesting to see what happens. I imagine the "friendly" nations would agree to split it. But if China gets there...look out.
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