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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I guess it depends on what you believe. Either the government is already aware of the existence of intelligent alien life or not. And whether you believe the development of life on earth, especially humans, was an accident of massive proportions or is something that would be common around the universe. I think NASA would absolutely release details pertaining to the discovery of microbial life as they have done so. The bigger question would be, if they found evidence of a past civilization on Mars, would they be able to release it or would the government restrict it?
  2. Agreed 100%. I dont recall numbers but I remember seeing the budget allocation for NASA under Bush's plan and it was a fraction of that which was spent on wars. Obama cancelled the plan. I dont mind the idea of pushing private enterprise to develop technology but its probably true that should the federal government truly invest in going to Mars, that they'd have the resources to get it done ASAP and the technological spinoff would be significant. It is, after all, only money.
  3. Interesting to see fomr hold outs sign now. Shows you the players that want to play.
  4. Compensation would be "Two firsts, a second and third-round picks" Jets would match. The only way to make the Jets not match would be to offer maximum compensation which would be $9.3m per year. In which case Jets might take the 4 first round picks.
  5. Kids was disturbing as hell. But also very good.
  6. Space exploration isnt just about the end result. In fact its probably less about the end result than anything else. There are direct and indirect results of investment and efforts in space exploration including technological advancement and international cooperation. Besides the fact that Mars may not be a dead planet and there is scientific curiosity and development reasons to go there. There is also opportunity for study of human physiology and the effects of low gravity etc. if humanity as a species continues for many many years, we must continue to push our technological limits. Even if Mars is dead and presents no tangible value, at some point, something out there could be of value. We have to walk before we can run. I bet you'll be just as enthralled by the first video of humans walking on Mars as the rest of us...when it finally happens.
  7. I like Rosario Dawson. She has been speculated for a role in the new Trek series too
  8. http://www.tsn.ca/tsn-hockey-preview-winnipeg-jets-1.582992
  9. CNN story penned by President Obama. http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/11/opinions/america-will-take-giant-leap-to-mars-barack-obama/index.html We have set a clear goal vital to the next chapter of America's story in space: sending humans to Mars by the 2030s and returning them safely to Earth, with the ultimate ambition to one day remain there for an extended time. Getting to Mars will require continued cooperation between government and private innovators, and we're already well on our way. Within the next two years, private companies will for the first time send astronauts to the International Space Station. I love this stuff. I remember Bush had set the goal to get to the Moon again and onto Mars and Obama cancelled it. Sort of a weird announcement for the last month of his Presidency but I guess its one of those feel good things that he can shrug off when the next President doesnt deliver. Either way...damn it, let's get on with it. I want to see humans walking on Mars!
  10. Well we should be demanding the firing of Paul Maurice then if his decisions are so awful. Maybe Trouba's dad can be HC.
  11. Actually it's unreasonable which is why they should have done it. Mass would never have allowed it and would have capitulated. But the issue is the league has to call the shots. But since no one knew it's a moot point. Make them mic up next weekend. Realistically for thumbing their nose at a league directive it should be a significant punishment. Take away a draft pick
  12. Early in the game after a field goal, an end zone fan caught the ball. A worker on the field motioned to him and he threw it back and I said to buddy, do they have to throw the ball back? I would think of it ends up in the stands, it's the fans' ball...
  13. That would be an awful message to send. I think in all likelihood, Trouba signs. But they don't move Myers to make room. Talented player who can play lots of minutes with a great contract that is less cash than cap hit.
  14. If registered party voters are stupid enough to vote for him, then they get what they deserve. The party of nuts, racists and homophobes. Stop accepting support from losers and then you won't have a loser as your nominee.
  15. You know her personally? Lets be honest, no one should ever vote for anyone ever. Because people will always trash everyone to one degree or another. Hilary has a lot of good in her past.
  16. Should have refused to start the game until the put the mics on and if they didn't, forfeit the game.
  17. Chychrun and Strome. Maybe we throw in a spare part. Neither player gives the Jets what they want, thus for Arizona to get the best piece for right now, they over-pay. Maybe add a few here and there and send us local product Mark Stone too. I'd have a hard time turning down Chych and Strome for Trouba. Sure, it will take 2-3 years to matter, but thats two very very nice pieces.
  18. Agreed. But she's not wrong when she says there are different rules for different people. Ryback just admitted he had a TRT exception while in wwe. They had banned those in the wake of Benoit and quietly allowed them so those people get to take testosterone all they want to. Plus Hunter and Cena don't get tested. Brock doesn't get tested. Vince doesn't get tested.
  19. No idea if this is a legitimate source. But it nicely fits my best guess!
  20. Becky is schedule to defend the title on SD in a month. I thought Miz vs Ziggler was damn good. Hard to rehabilitate Ziggler at this point. But Miz was reinvented and could conceivably be moved up the card. That match should have been main event. Other than the fact Miz should never do the slingshot power bomb again I like Carmella. Great personality. But they should come up with better ways to debut women than just throwing them in the ring. Fans will turn on them if they blow spots. Now for the big news. Paige suspended again. Second wellness suspension in the last two months. This one gets her 60 days. Have to think she's just about done especially with neck surgery looking. Her comments: Paige addressed the suspension over the course of two tweets shortly after the news broke: "Same **** different day. Kids. Please don't get prescriptions or doctors notes. Not acceptable. Rules apply depending on your status."
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