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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. An undisclosed third party paid for the TNA PPV and TV tapings this Sunday and next week. This will allow them to tape TV episodes through the rest of the year. The third party is not known but reportedly is not Corgan or WWE. Supposedly, Dixie was trying to negotiate WWE loaning money to do the shows, which sounds weird. But it might be a matter of Dixie needing more time to complete a sale. Either way, TNA once agains dodged a bullet. Id suspect her parents ponied up the cash.
  2. Would be great if Chiarot rebounded. He looked so good when called up a couple years ago. If someone can over achieve we might be ok
  3. I generally slow down too. In fact people with me often say "it's after 5:30" or whatever because I slow down. But it's that slowing down to 40 or 34 and getting nailed with no kids around. And like the other point, many kids doing evening sports and rec. law should revert to a common sense "drive safely" when kids present. If city received complaints the police can do some police work and do specific area enforcement. Police work instead of tax collectors.
  4. Paul was in negotiations to go to TNA as head of creative. He wanted full control and a small percentage of ownership. Dixie wouldn't do it.
  5. You're right. But Ted Turner wasn't going to do it unless he had a shot at being number one.
  6. Eric has a lot of money and is very smart. Far too smart to buy TNA. Ted Turner wanted to get back into wrestling when his non-compete ended but his people did a forecast and said, sure we can do it, but it will cost X amount (I can't remember the amount) to create and establish a promotion that can compete with WWE and Ted said nooooo waaaay. Still no news tonight. Dixie is acting happy. Reports are WWE out again. Who knows. Friday should tell the take.
  7. Thats not the issue. 2pm in the afternoon, not a kid to be seen because they are in school? Who is at risk? 5:20PM, not a kid to be seen, who's at risk? 3:30 PM, kids streaming through the area, but one foot on the other side of the school zone sign, its okay to drive 50 even with kids all over. Its a silly law because its not designed for safety. Its designed for revenue., And the shameful thing is, they used "save our children" as there bogus means to ram the law through. Either support this law or support the death of children. Its stupid.
  8. You continue to miss the point. An unjust law is not a law deserving of respect. Laws get changed. When they increased the highway speed to 110, does that mean all those people that used to drive 110 when the limit was 100 were vile law breakers or were they driving a reasonable speed and the law eventually caught up? There was no need to introduce the school zone traps. My understanding is there was already a law that called for a reduction in speed to 30 when children were present. And guess what, they didn't need signs or enforcement because there was never an issue. If there were reports of reckless driving, the police can do enforcement when needed. Blanket enforcement is moronic and doesn't do anything. It punishes people for driving safely for the conditions. It doesn't punish people for driving unsafely during other conditions.
  9. In the race for TNA, WWE has dropped back. Billy Corgan is the front runner. He admitted today he funded the last three TNA tapings to the tune of about $600,000 each, in exchange for stock in the company. Dixie owns about 70%. The other 30% is owned by Billy, Fite TV (small stake) and a production company fronted by known nazi's the Harris Twins. This real life struggle is the best storyline in wrestling in ages. Dixie and Billy are in open warefare right now. She is the decider. But no one wants her around. So she either sells to Billy and is gone but TNA goes on. Or she sells to WWE and TNA is dead but Billy is out too. WWE wants the tape library and a few contracts. But won't take on the debt which is millions of dollars. WWE pays about $500 per hour of video so TNA's library is worth around a million bucks it Dixie supposedly wants $4-$6 million for the company. Billy said there is no funding in place for the PPV this weekend and for him to find it again he needs to have control. So basically he's telling Dixie to either sell him the company or he won't find the PPV. That would critically wound TNA. Expectations are Dixie blinks and sells to Billy. I'm hoping WWE swoops in and buys it though.
  10. Again, you're arguing your point. You explaining why the current plan makes no sense for safety. You know why police did in the old days? Police work. In my area there is a three way stop at a corner where there is a school it's also where they set up photo enforcement every so often, years ago, police would set up and do enforcement at the intersection firstly there was no issue in the first place Neighbourhoods were not littered with the bodies of children. So that's the first point. It's fixing a problem that didn't exist. Secondly it's laughable as a legitimate enforcement method. Like these kids are unsafe a few feet from school but a block away? No problem. Lol. Just silly. Thirdly if in 2016 the only way to respond to traffic issues is blanket enforcement and monitoring then we're doing something wrong It's not about safety No one can possibly think that
  11. True. But it worked because Buffalo wanted to lose so they gained a valuable asset who wasn't going to play be rest of the season. Pretty rare a team gives up what Buffalo did for a player that is injured. Buffalo wanted talent out and nothing in return (that season anyway).
  12. Exactly. So even if Chychrun, for example is highly touted, the fact he's 2-3 years away means his value to the Jets is less. So Arizona has to add. On the flip side, Chych is expansion exempt so that does add some value. Throw in Strome and a pick or whatever. Doesnt help the Jets on D but allows them to flip Petan, Armia, etc for better D help. I dont know...its complicated. I think the trade will be like the Kane trade. Multiple pieces.
  13. I agree. If you cant get *that* player, what are you going to do? Never sign Trouba, never trade him? If you can make a side deal using your forward depth to bring in defensive help, do it. Then trade Trouba for a package that consists of really really good prospects/young players/picks. I know people want to win now, but getting an 18 year old, 20 year old whatever, its not a bad thing.
  14. I agree. There is value in it. if the Jets retain Trouba, they have to protect 4 D which means only 4 forwards. IF they only have to protect 3 D they can protect 7 forwards. Since many of their young guns dont need protection, this is very desirable for the Jets. Plus, Strome would also not need protecting. So you end up losing Trouba, yes, but you upgrade your future D while protecting more forwards and losing someone lower on the depth chart than they otherwise would. They can then take a couple of forwards that they might lose and trade them for a better D...someone that would probably not be chosen by Vegas (age/money) but held in the short term (2-3 years) until Morrissey, Chych are taking regular shifts.
  15. If the Jets want a LHD version of Trouba, I think they are out of luck. Chych wont play this year. But he's an elite prospect. So to take him, they'd need more. Thats where Strome and Stone come in. Because Chych would also not need protection in the draft, and neither would Strome. Jets could turn around and trade some of their forward depth (that they might lose in the draft) for a better quality LHD also.
  16. Yeah, seems like a great offer from TO's point of view. Im still circling back to arizona for a big package that includes Chychrun, maybe Strome and maybe Stone (Winnipegger).
  17. Unconfirmed because I didnt see an actual link, just a post: According to TSN analyst Darren Dreger the Leafs offer on the table for Jacob Trouba is Jake Gardiner and Nikita Soshnikov
  18. Scuttlebutt around HF (I dont follow HF much but they say these speculations come from 'vetted' posters) is Rangers, Arizona and Boston most in on Trouba. I like Arizona. I know the ask seems to be a player that steps in right now to replace Trouba. But the speculation is that Coyotes have so many good young forwards, they might over-pay. Say Strome and Chychrun. Then Jets use their abundance of forwards to trade for a top 4 LHD who isnt as good as Trouba but maybe is older, more expensive but with a shorter contract.
  19. Yu defeated your own argument. I expect them not to create a situation that gives them the ability to create revenue rather then enforce safety. They know damn well that a school zone is not filled with kids throughout the entirety of the posted hours but its that way to give them the ability to enforce an unneeded law to generate revenue. Again, if they cared about safety, they would instruct their enforcement team to end enforcement when no kids are present and conduct random enforcement when kids are present - and rather then looking for people at a set speed limit, look for reckless driers. There was ZERO need to school zone laws. ZERO. It was political and designed for revenue creation. That's it. That is an unjust law. If we had today's nonsense back when car radio's were invented, they would be banned. There are laws about reckless and distracted driving. Dont need "cell phone" laws specifically. And paying cops to dress as homeless people to catch someone doing something that is not actually unsafe? Just ridiculous. Is there no better use of police resources? Ofcourse there is...but those dont generate the quick and easy revenue. Not to mention the inverse impact it could have on people not giving to legitimate homeless people.
  20. Whoops yes I meant shout. Jets 1.0 used Rock & Roll Part II for awhile as a goal song doesnt really make a difference to me
  21. There was backlash to the song. But apparently they let players vote on it or something.
  22. Well one might look at Kane who signed a long term deal, requested a trade every season and the Jets never honoured his request until forced to do so.
  23. I see why dad would want son closer to home in a US market if its true. Developing an app related to his son...doesnt want him in Winnipeg. Needs him to be a high profile player in a high profile city. Seems this guy has a few get rich schemes.
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