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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Police are losing money as it is. The last thing they want is people to all obey these laws and generate no money. But dont worry, along comes MPIC who will fund the police on the backs of our rates.
  2. What was with Trump's sniffles last night? It was pretty distracting. Hard to take seriously a guy trying to say Hilary doesnt have stamina when he's drinking a gallon of water and sniffling all night and she looked cool, calm and never had a sip of water.
  3. Also, WWE is back in the bidding for TNA...
  4. Ryback is in talked with Bellator about fighting....
  5. Speaking of his parents and character issues, seems his dad is no saint. Accusations of fraud, embezzlement, theft. Declared bankruptcy after being fired for stealing money.
  6. I suspect the agent things he's made deals that are fair but Chevy disagrees. If the season starts and a team does poorly or has a significant injury, it might create a better scenario. Its also dependent on whether Chevy is working the phones hard or if he wants to squeeze Trouba into signed here. He might push it to December and see who blinks first.
  7. Keep in mind, if the Jets sit him for a year, they still need to protect him. So this isnt going past December 1st, in my opinion. One way or another. Chevy acted very quickly in the Kane situation. So I wouldnt be surprised to see this handled quickly.
  8. Probably Chychrun +. Then either the Jets make another deal for an NHL ready D or bite the bullet this year. If they do this trade, they can protect more forwards in the espansion draft and it works out long term. Might be painful this season though. But that makes the LHD Enstrom, Morrissey, Stuart, Strait.
  9. Speculation of the Coyotes being interested. How about Trouba for Chychrun? He'd be protected in the draft too so thats a bonus.
  10. I wonder if the Jets would be willing to take an older, pricer LHD who can play top four right now...if a prospect with upside was added. Jets have cap space and their ask of a top four, 22 year old LHD is going to be hard to meet.
  11. Hamonic had a specific family situation. it wasnt about playing where and how he wanted. Hamonic is a proven commodity who kept the situation quiet until it made the media. And when his family situation righted itself, he rescinded his trade request. He was under contract and showed up every day. I dont begrudge Trouba his right to negotiate. He is not under contract. But he hasnt proven anything, the market has been set etc. Even Kane signed a reasonable long term contract with the Jets and he hated it here. Bye bye Trouba.
  12. Its really unfortunate because it stings Winnipeg. it plays to the "no one wants to play in Winnipeg" nonsense. Which obviously is untrue. I guess my hope is that Chevy fleeces some team on a Trouba trade. And barring that, I hope Trouba sits and rots for the next 4 years.
  13. I'd be reluctant to trade Dano if at all possible. Of the Dano/Armia/Burmi group, I'd be more likely to trade the other two first.
  14. True, his brother could have quit. Similar scenario either way. If he quit its probably more indicative of the Trouba family position than if he was fired. This isnt an unheard of story - meddling parents. Many parents meddle to a degree. Most are happy and proud their son makes the NHL and are excited no matter where they play. Some want the big market, some want their favorite team, some want them close to home. If its true, Trouba wouldnt be the first "kid" who's parents thought he was more special than everyone else and the rules didnt apply. Regarding the left/right issue, Lawless' point is that why does Trouba assume Buff and Myers are better than him? Because that's the concession he's making if his story is true. That Buff & Myers are entrenched on the Right side and he cant overcome that and wont even try. I do find it interesting that the Jets seem so determined to make him play LHD. It makes me thing there has been a prior break down where they simply would not entertain coddling him and his desires. Keep in mind that Bogo seemed to falter a couple years ago and many said it was because he was switched to LHD (Trouba's rookie season actually). So if Bogo was angry about that and he was roomies and best friends with Trouba, the seed could have been planted long ago. The agent made it pretty clear though - we dont want a contract with Winnipeg. Period. Add this idiot to the list of agents NHL teams might try to avoid.
  15. So any law that is created is just? That's not true. If the government making the law tells is its for reason A but its really for reason B, then its an unjust law because they wouldnt have to lie about it. They do shady enforcement, not because its about safety, but because its about revenue generating. The School Zone traps are an even better example of this. An event lets out at 6PM, area crowded with kids, no enforcement. School lets out at 4, area deserted at 5, enforcement. If it was about safety, they would enforce when its needed. My direction to the trappers would be, when that neighborhood is clear, leave. Dont be nickel and diming someone going 35km/h at 5:20PM. Same goes for 2PM really, when there is no one around. They did enforcement before school was even back! its about money. Dressing as homeless people to catch those that glance at their phone at a red light is not about safety. There is nothing unsafe happening. its revenue. Period. WPS was doing it at a train. A TRAIN! People stopped for 20 minutes and a cop is walking through the cars looking for people looking at their phones. Ludicrous. That isnt safety. its revenue.
  16. CNN poll has Hilary winning the debate.
  17. Gaboric out two months due to injury suffered at World Cup.
  18. I think goalie mentioned that, that they had hired his brother and now fired him.
  19. Good interview. Lawless flat out asked if the jets were allowed to tender an offer. He asked it twice and agent said we aren't negotiating so there it is. Trouba won't even allow the jets to make him an offer. Hustler asked If trouba would report if he was made RHD and agent got pissy. There is nothing that will keep him here rememeber that story about troub wanting $7m? I bet that was leaked by another team that the agent was talking to.... Bye bye trouba. Wrong kind of character for what the Jets are building. Never sad to see a guy like that go.
  20. Even if he believes he was being flippant about it initially he comes across terrible yelling over Holt and talking in circles. It makes him see evasive. And his pleas of "somome call Sean hannity!" Did him no favours lol he does well when he speaks plainly. He has a strong speaking style. He speaks in pointed "one liners". Very good debater. From what I see, he is his own opponent hard for Hilary to overcome Trumps charisma and bombasity. She's doing the right thing staying on point. But trump speaks to the sound byte generation. I don't know....
  21. He's arguing too much about whether he was against war in Iraq.
  22. Donald dropping the ball on the Birther stuff. Hilary with a good shot about preparing to be president. Donald sounds good speaking though. Donald should just be honest and straight forward. He's good when he does that. Hilary almost too careful. But measured. That's in ten minutes of listening. Lol
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