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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. yup. The speech was nonsense, designed to look tough even though he looked like a scared child giving a book report he didnt actually do. It shows that the admin still thinks its a hoax and just wants to appear to be doing something. My favourite part was when he asked for non-partisan support. Sure, right after he apologizes for calling it a democratic hoax.
  2. So predictions on what NHL does today? Empty arena games? Suspend operations? I had heard a rumour of pushing playoffs a month. What if they decide to end the season today with today's record and isolate with intent of beginning playoffs on time? My math is bad but Jets would be out based on pro-rating? edit: frank read my mind
  3. Dont you love that this really important speech was written by Miller with input from Jared? Are there no real speech writers or communication advisors in the White House anymore? Trump is isolating himself to the people with an agenda.
  4. hahaTalk about unhealthy. The idiot-in-chief gave that speech like he was seeing the words for the first time as he read them. He looked like he had just added a fresh coat of orange primer. He looked and sounded awful. He lied to the American people. He was Xenophobic (no surprise there) and purposely confusing. If someone were demonstrating examples of Presidential leadership in times of crises, they'd show that speech to show you what *not* to do. Empty suit. He's been exposed now.
  5. There is nothing he could do to disappoint you is there?
  6. Pwinsider reports smack down on Detroit is cancelled and will run from the PC. Wwe denies it but says they have prepared contingencies. Apparently this came from email to the talent. I can’t fathom they do Wrestlemania. AEW is in NY/NJ the next two weeks. Can’t see that happening. I suspect their contingency is running that Jacksonville venue just to get TV out.
  7. If Canada suffers here’s part of why. Wtf
  8. When will the orange goblin ask about suspending the election....
  9. He knows the only thing he can hang his hat on is the great economy he inherited from Obama. Bad economy guarantees his defeat. So all he cares about are his own selfish desires. He’s a loser. Capital L. His racist buddy Miller wrote the speech so it was fake tough and designed to make people think they’re doing more and it’s a foreign problem. Gross. Let’s hope mitigation efforts work and it fizzles our. But man, trump needs to wear this. What a piece of work.
  10. So no surprise. Trump screws up his address and misrepresents the European travel ban. What a small small man.
  11. Do we need a world health thread?
  12. This hoax isn’t funny. Can someone ask the Democrats to knock it off please.
  13. But it’s a hoax and just a flu. And go to work. And it’s nothing. and thankfully the virus respects the special relationship between the US and UK....
  14. FFS The US is infected with something a lot worse than Coronavirus. Potential cure coming in November.
  15. But but but whataboutism by the way the people talking about Coronavirus are not exploring it. The idiot in the White House having Secret meetings and telling people to go to work and calling it a hoax is the one exploiting. And we agree, that’s despicable
  16. Had a rousing debate wirh a dude today. He’s fully in the “it’s just the flu and old people die all the time” camp. Worse If mitigation efforts work, in a few weeks/months they will say “see?” The efforts seems crazy because they ARE pretty crazy. But when you look at research and information on past flus and what the experts say, social distancing works. It’s wild though.
  17. Well any City it state that bans crowds over 1000 will impact raw but what are the odds all 50 states do that? They just hve to be proactive to try to avoid areas most likely to be hit. Wrestle mania is different though. 70,000+ people. A weeks worth of events with heavy interaction. Visitors from all over the world. Big meeting in Tampa tomorrow that will probably decide. It’s such a big logistical thing that wwe has to decide (or Tampa has to decide for them) sooner than later. A last minute cancellation would be a disaster. Also sounds like wwe is granting refunds to people who request it. AEW has a show in Jersey shortly. Could be at risk.
  18. He is, yes. SOme people eat what their fed and love it. others seek out more valuable sustenance.
  19. Its actually really interesting cause I just had a "debate" with a long time friend who loves Trump. There is no convincing. Trump isnt racist. Its all media nonsense. Its rich media people who hate him. He fixed the economy. He's cheered everywhere he goes. "I visit the US so I know what really goes on."
  20. Translation: "I reject facts I disagree with."
  21. Whats funny, is anything they want to point to when they play whataboutism only makes Trump look worse because as bad as anyone else was, he's worse. Was Clinton a sexual harrasser? Almost certainly. But he isnt President and if he were running today, he'd be rightly judged on that stuff. But there arent 20+ credible cases of serious sexual harassment, assault, rape like with Trump. There arent victims coming out detailing Trump's behaviour towards minors. Was W. a moron? Almost certainly not. Was he an intellectual? probably not. Again, Trump is literally an idiot. He makes W. look like Einstein. You can go on and on lol
  22. How many times have you heard someone argue in favour of the KKK because they wanted to foster discussion? Not often.... the "devil's advocate" nonsense is certain people cloaking their real feelings behind an excuse. We've actually seen some discussion in terms of people disagreeing about Biden/Bernie (people who agree about Trump). Im with you.
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