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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I agree. He will come across charismatic and take some shots at her and get applause. But if she remains on point, enough people will see through his rhetoric to tip things back to her. Whomever "wins" will have the media pushing that narrative and could tip the scales. Although an October Surprise at some point would not be a...surprise.
  2. Yeah....but its not untrue. it might not be playing well but I think there is a certain of "what the ****, about Trump and the sense, unless Hilary is killing puppies, then yeah, you DO have to vote for her". But Im a conservative. I'd vote for Hilary. And I was SUPER open minded about Trump. I just think the job requires more than a charismatic bombastic nature. I didnt like when Obama ran on empty "change" and people went nuts in love with his message that was not a message. Same with Trump. And yeah I know Hilary isnt perfect. Neither candidate is young, fresh and capturing hearts and minds in an exciting way. People are quick, especially now, to say they dont want a "politician" but lets be honest, you need some knowledge and savvy. I wouldnt hire a plumber with no experience, nor would I hire a President. Same argument in Canada when people tried to argue JTs resume versus Harper's. You can like JT for whatever reason but dont pretend he compares to Harper in skills for the job. Trump lacks skills for the job. Some he has. Leadership? I would suggest so. Delegation? Most certainly. But he's used to getting his way and I dont think he is pragmatic enough. Bad things will happen.
  3. Yeah...I dont mind that I guess. if it was just "Knights" as a play on the "Nights" but giving it a clunky second word sort of removes the double meaning. I guess people would call them the Snites without the first word. That will be their nick name, the S'nites. Its a shame the NHL wouldnt allow any play on gambling for the name since that's Vegas' major claim to fame. Las Vegas Mobsters? lol
  4. I didnt realise that. 200,000+ and their CMA is just over 300,000. if the NHL ever considered SK, definitely Saskatoon over Regina.
  5. Yes, his company name is Black Knights as homage to Army Black Knights. So Black Knights makes sense in that regard plus Vegas has some military connections. But if its not Black Knights, then "Knights" makes little sense. I wonder why Black Knights was rejected...unless the Army itself had an issue with its use.
  6. The NHL probably thinks its hard enough making schedules with everyones building commitments as it is, they dont want to screw around for the CFL. But its a respect thing to Canadian fans. Also, NHL probably doesnt care about TSN's feelings whereas in the past they would have.
  7. I believe so. I didnt realise it but I *think* its the only vet school in the country. And if it isnt, Im not sure why you'd want to go anywhere else. You'd get the best experience in Saskatoon. Apparently there is now an orthopedic surgeon in Winnipeg but he would need CT scan's and that can only be done in Saskatoon. The other advantage is that facility in Saskatoon has everything to deal with any scenario that might arise during a surgery. We were able to briefly see our dog in ICU after his surgery and its just a great facility. Our dog (Romeo) was very angry with us. He both tried to climb out of his cage to leave with us and refused to look at us. But they are treated very well there. As an aside, I made a joke on twitter about Saskatoon being SK's do-over after blowing it with Regina. But its sort of true. Saskatoon is a beautiful little city and the people are all awesome.
  8. Yes but Im not sure he knew his name, Trump *could* be racist but more in an ignorant elitist way than a "I hate black people" way.
  9. Seems like a fairly common sense thing to do.
  10. Anyone have any experience at the Animal Hospital at the University in Saskatoon? They are tremendous. I wish our human health care was this good. Five years ago, one of our dogs became paralyzed in his hind quarters. It was hectic in that it happened on a long weekend, we couldnt get into our regular vet etc etc. By time we did, she said you have to decide to do surgery or not and you have to decide now, you can only go to Saskatoon or Minneapolis and it could cost $10,000. Long story short, we took him to Saskatoon which was an adventure because time was of the essence so we decided to fly. Westjet didnt fly direct and wouldnt allow an animal in the passenger area. Air Canada would only allow use of their animal carrier and our dog barely fit. Ended up missing the first flight. Anyway....had a great experience in Saskatoon. Unfortunately, our poor dog had the same thing happen late Tuesday. Hectic again for different reasons. Our vet is on maternity leave. The other vet at her practice would examine him but their X-Ray machine broke. We're in the middle of a move etc etc. So again, long story short, we hop in the car and drive all night, stay all day and drive back. I just got back. Exhausted. But the little guy had the surgery. We'll have to go get him again. But the hospital now has a patient liaison. Its really a great experience and takes a lot of stress off when you are in an emergency situation with your animal. Just wanted to see if anyone else had been out there and give a thumbs up to the place. Top notch.
  11. Foley announced earlier this month the team will be called the Silver Knights, Desert Knights, or Golden Knights. Of those three and "Black Knights", they eliminated the best one. What does "Knights" have to do with Las Vegas?
  12. Strowman is actually pretty smart, what they are doing. Its very old school and its actually one of the more interesting parts of RAW, using "jobbers" again. Its the same thing basically, that they did with RYback. Difference is, Ryback is far more talented with far more charisma. Should have just kept Ryback!
  13. If I make a purchase like a TV, Blu Ray etc I obsessively read reviews and learn about them. So usually I will ask a fairly general question to which I know the answer to see if they 1) know 2) dont know 3) will make something up 4) think Im stupid. Then I know what Im dealing with. A few years ago when the "soap opera effect" was new, my buddy's parents bought a new TV and he didnt like the PQ. So I looked it up online and kid if explained it but he wanted to go tor FS and ask. The guy had no idea. None. But he made up an answer. I would think there would at least be a weekly newsletter of sorts with general questions and information that sales people would get to educate themselves.
  14. Ive been out of town so correct me if Im wrong but JT pulled his usual excuse out of the bag and blamed it on Harper saying it follows their process. But then the Cons came out and said true, but Harper capped the expenses at $30,000 for senior staff and $10,000 for others. And thus Butts has apologized and will re-pay it. I thought JT was rich and wasnt going to suckle at the tax payers teat. Didnt he make a point of saying people like he and Harper didnt need tax payer subsidies? Now its "well, we're entitled to it so lets get it". How many private sector employees get moving expenses to that extent? Maybe their moving truck is paid for and a couple nights in a hotel. But millionaires making a killing off selling their homes and passing the lawyer's fees onto the taxpayer? Brutal.
  15. I just cant help but feel Trump is out of touch. I dont doubt he cares about people and has a humanitarian side to him. But if I was American, i would be flipping sides and voting Clinton. I also dont think Trump is racist. I think he's just stupid about things he says.
  16. Very interesting. It definitely does seem like the staff don't know anything. Back in the day you would find the stereo sales guy knew stereos. TV guy knew TV's. I bought a printer from Best Buy and when I asked the guy a question he read the back of the box. And then I had to correct him. I knew a future shop employee who was giving "discounts" to a lot of people. I almost bought a tv before I found out there was a group of them that we're basically stealing items and reselling them.
  17. Did you say Strowman has so much talent? He's a negative talent. Sure you use him because of his size but they're doing about the best they can with him. I was very disappointed with Mick as GM but he's actually really good. His delivers promos more naturally than most. His role is to soften Stephanie. And I assume the twist will be she does something so evil that even Mick won't defend her. But definitely the authority figure role is so lame and passé. And now having four of them is just awful.
  18. Football does affect the rating but it does every year. And every year wwe is dropping lower and recovering less. Even wwe knows three hours for raw is too much but they get paid a lot of money
  19. I think you're right Goalie. Some people are saying its guys like Owens, AJ, Zayn etc and saying its appealing to the hardcore smark. But bad booking is bad booking. Brock is the most mainstream guy they've had in ages and he didn't help. Roman is cookie cutter old school Vince and he didn't help. Having talent that can work isn't a detriment. Its booking. And the formulaic production. Pena returned to SD last week. This week, ratings plummet. Its not who their talent is. Its what they're doing with them.
  20. Smackdown did worst ratings since the move to Tuesday nights. Cody teased as debuting in TNA on thurday.
  21. So @Brandon tell us some more dirt on Best Buy. If they don't work on commission, are they paid more than, say Visions or Future Shop? Do they pay a bonus based on sales or based on upsets etc?
  22. I would think they could get their hands rapped over that. Sounds like false advertising. They should have to prove they had stock at the time the flyer was printed and that they had reasonably enough stock. For boxing day ads, stores often mark items as only a few remaining or "X amount per store". I assume no one generally complains when its not a historic sale period. But that's ridiculous. My one issue with Visions (I bought my TV and Surround Sound there) was going in for a Blu Ray player. I haggled a bit, I think got $20 knocked off. They said we can do it if you buy your $100+ HDMI cables here. Yeah right. If someone comes in and knows everything about the item they want to buy, why would they think i'd buy $100 cables? I generally find Im not consistently happy at any one store and have to shop around, play them off each other etc. Best Buy in St James has been better, a lot better than the Best Buy/Future Shop on Pembina where Im pretty sure you only get hired if you fail a product knowledge test.
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