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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. What's the big southern tour this year? I'm also always tempted to do that
  2. It was bad news for WWE for a second week, as the ratings for Raw last night were almost identical to the week before, which at the time were considered shockingly low. The three plus hour broadcast averaged 2.68 million viewers, identical to the week before. Actually there were 2,000 more viewers last night, so it would just barely beat out last week's show as the lowest non-holiday episode of the show since 1996.
  3. Too lazy to link but its everywhere anyway. Angelina Jolie files for divorce from Brad Pitt.
  4. @Chaosmonkey great story! Im glad you held your ground. Ive had a couple instances where I've had issues returning something i just bought that had issues. No extended warranty. When they say that, I tell them I assumed they werent selling crap. Had a brief argument with Future Shop over a Blu Ray Player. I think I had it for less than a month and tried to exchange it as it was having issues and they said they would have to send it away first. I said not a chance...why should I be without for six weeks when the thing is less than 30 days old? Finally just gave me a new one. Had a video camera from Best Buy. Water proof. It was less than a year old and water proofing failed. It was under manufacturers warranty which meant taking it to a local repair guy who confirmed that it was water but ofcource cant confirm a source. They give me the run around about how its not their problem. I go to Best Buy thinking it was their sale so they'd want to make sure it was right. Nope. Completely stone-walled. I ended up tweeting Best Buy. Now, my advice for people with customer service issues is, if you are unsatisfied, go to their social media people. Those people have the most power and highest willingness to help. In the meantime, I also googled the president of JVC and since I had emailed back and forth with customer service, I knew the naming convention of their emails. I emailed the President. Low and behold, he phones me right away. Says my email was ridiculous and not only is sending me a new camera, but also a bag and SD card. Interestingly, Best Buys online people actually replied at the same time saying they too would now replace my camera. It sucks to have to do that much work. I had an even bigger hassle with Equifax. If anyone pays to monitor their credit, dont bother. its a scam. The credit score they advertise as "your credit score" isnt the same as the one your bank sees. Its actually worthless. This was the worst stone-walling of my life. Even social media people blew me off until I said I would dispute charges with my credit card and then alert the world. They finally refunded me.
  5. Its just a way for the kids to get a jump on training camp and some more one on one teaching and to see what we have. Heard them discussing Logan Stanley this morning and how this camp has made it clear he's going back to junior for 1-2 years but still has big upside. And Connor/Roslovic look like they could be a force.
  6. Im jealous! I've had my eye on a stupid expensive 86" but I have two friends with 75" and they look amazing so that might be my choice. Plan was to renovate the basement into a home theatre this fall but looking more like spring so prices might come down more. When do you expect delivery? Please post a review! Regarding the bait & switch, I hate that. I would have asked for a rain check and when they said no i would have called, emailed, tweeted the world.
  7. Wonder if they end up part of TNS now... I read there is a connection between the new board of MLCC and the Chipman's.
  8. TNA news: Smashing Pumpkin's Billy Corgan is trying to buy it. TNA is basically on death's door (where its been for some time). Every time they have a TV taping scheduled, they scramble to finance them. At one point, TNA took money from their production company which is fronted by the Harris Twins (two alleged Nazi's) and in return, the production company got stake in TNA and first rights to buy the company. At another point, Corgan financed a TV taping and received stock in the company. The belief was the production company was going to buy TNA by Sept 1st, which they didnt. Corgan has now said he is negotiating to buy. Supposedly he financed two sets of TV tapings and owns somewhere between 20-30% of TNA, but is running the company as President. Majority owner Dixie Carter wants $4-$6 million. Which is nuts. A New York Post story from a few days ago valued TNA at $40 mm which is laughable. The belief is something has to happen by Oct 2nd as that's the next set up TV tapings and someone has to pay for them. The New York Post story stated that both Sinclair Broadcasting (which owns Ring of Honor) and WWE made bids. That isnt entirely true. Sinclair was interested in buying TNA awhile back. Sinclair wanted TNA's TV deals for which they would use for ROH and scuttle TNA. TNA's only real value is its over-seas TV deals. They have a big (multi-million dollar) deal with India and another good deal in the UK. Thats basically the entirety of their income. WWE did express to TNA an interest in buying the tape libary. But apparently that went nowhere as Dixie and TNA think they can continue to operate. There are some weird rumours that TNA could sell the library to WWE and use the money to fund operations. But I cant see WWE buying the library while letting TNA continue to operate. WWE has no interest in taking on debt (contracts and obligations) or running TNA. WWE historically pays $500 per hour of tape library which is somewhere around $700,000+ for TNA which would be low. I could see a price of $2mm for TNA's library since it's HD content and ready for broadcast (and since WWE has several TNA guys, it increases the value to WWE). So...will Billy raise the $4mm to buy TNA? Will Dixie pick WWE?
  9. About revisionist considering Clinton was polling strongly against Trump for ages and leading him significantly up until the health issue began sticking to her. I still think Clinton trounces Trump when it comes down to the electoral college. I think a lot of his popularity is rock star stuff and those people wont vote.
  10. Listened to a bit on the radio and they seemed to be strongly complimenting Connor and Roslovic. With all the roughing on ice it was interesting to hear both teams travelled together on the same plane.
  11. Steve why is the NHL insensitive? Insensitive to wanting to take a baby to a hockey game? You said it's not about breastfeeding. So how is it insensitive on the part of the NHL? Should he NHL provide child care at the games too? im almost always on the side of parents and certainly with respect to breastfeeding. This isn't that. The nhl should allow babies for free. I agree. And they did. Parents still whining. Me me me. Look at me me me. I question their judgement in taking a baby to an outdoor hockey game as much as I question the NHL judgement on not just letting the baby in in the first place. Dont need to be tactful. You're barking up the wrong tree.
  12. I assume this is their first baby. I am not a parent but grew up in a foster home setting and had the pleasure of being a sibling to more babies/kids than I can count. Most parents would be astounded to learn someone wants to take their very young baby to an outdoor hockey game in October. And if the kid isnt crying due to being uncomfortable, he will sleep most of it away...except for the one 10 minute period he's sucking teat. So...whats the point of taking him again?
  13. I wonder if its a legal issue. For example if they say yes, then other parents could argue discrimination if they dont get free entry for their children and then the issue becomes at what age is the cut off. NHL chose an across the board rule. That might be why the NHL offered comps but was clear this was not a change in policy. I bet their complain will disappear when someone invited them to take in the game in a private suite. That would be "justice".
  14. bingo. Whomever said no initially looks silly. But whomever offered the tickets was correct in pegging these two as media ***** SJW. I mean they wanted free entry, got it, declined and kept complaining.
  15. To be fair, if someone asked me if they could take their very young baby for free, I'd assume its yes. Can parents take babies to Jets game free? I dont have an issue with them asking the NHL (which controls this game) for free admission for the baby. I dislike the narrative that the NHL is somehow forcing this mother not to breast feed. That is not true. This is about buying a ticket or not. The NHL gave them tickets. They declined. They now have lost whatever right they had to complain. They have nothing to complain about now. Taking a baby places does not supersede other rules. Can you take your baby into a nightclub because you want to breast feed? No. Can you drive with your baby suckling on your teat? No. Again, those are silly no brain examples but this isnt about breast feeding. Its about two young know it all parents who think they should take little timmy who wont know the difference to the heritage classic and get him some media. This newspaper story will be framed on his nursery for years to come.
  16. Which part isnt true? Child can drink from bottle. True. Milk can be pumped from breast. True. Pumped breast milk can be placed in bottle for child to drink. True. Parents complained. True. NHL rectified situation by allowing baby to attend game for free. True. Parents declined. True. Parents went back to media. True.
  17. As for beastfeeding issue, the child could drink from a bottle filled with pumped breast milk. Its not a breast feeding issue. Its a "we want our kid to get in for free" issue. On that one, I actually agree. A baby that young shouldnt need a ticket. The issue I have is this not a human rights issue. its a "we want free stuff from a private business" issue. They whined, got free stuff, declined and get whining. They want MORE free stuff.
  18. Anyone catch Trump on Dr Oz? I had to turn it off once Ivanka came on. Oz is a republican. He began by saying he asked both candidates to come on and then told Trump he didnt want any political talk or talk of Hilary. He then let Trump proceed, almost uninterrupted, in giving a political speech. In fact the first thing he said was that he agreed not to talk about Clinton because he "just want her to get well". He took a shot at Obama too. Then Ivanka comes out and details their child tax benefit or whatever it is. So it was an infomercial. The big thing was Trump revealing his "medical records" which was another letter from the same doctor that used inappropriate verbiage previously and admitted he just rattled off the first letter in a moment. Oz drooled over the medical numbers contained in the letter. Oz looked like he was a groupie at a rock concert.
  19. I dont have an issue with them complaining to the NHL. They did, were offered free tickets and still want to be seen as SJW. Their issue has been resolved. So whats the problem?
  20. Yeah its a weird connection they are making. That the NHL is preventing her from breastfeeding by not allowing the baby to attend the game for free because she is going to be there. What odd logic. By the same token, if she walked into a nightclub and the bouncer said sorry, no babies, she would still go on and lament the fact the nasty bouncer stopped her baby from receiving the nourishment it needs to survive. If you want to breastfeed and wont pump and insist on the baby sitting outside with you in October for 4 hours, then buy a ticket. Frankly, I dont think the baby should need a ticket to be honest. But these two are not fighting an injustice.
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