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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yup. Personally I think the NHL should have just allowed it in the first place. Their reasoning that babies need their own seat for safety reasons is obviously not true. Maybe they were worried about 10,000 babies showing up. But that's probably unlikely. Personally, Im not sure a 4 hour out door experience in late October is the best thing for a baby but who am I to say. What annoys me is they seem to be trying to connect this to breastfeeding, which isnt the issue at all. The NHL is not forcing them to not breastfeed by not providing free entry. The media aspect has nothing to do with their complaint. This isnt uncovering some grave injustice. So its really just them wanting some fame.
  2. Star Trek filming has been delayed til November, hence why the debut was delayed as well. It sounds like the SFX people wanted more time with some speculating they are waiting on a specific actor to become available. Either way, the producers asked for more time and the network agreed. This isnt 1984 where launching in September and ending in May is as critical. The series is meant to be the cornerstone of their streaming service. They can launch whenever they want. Also, Iso, you're referencing "smaller cable" channels and mentioned The Walking Dead so I can assume you're referring to AMC but you also mention Game of Thrones and this is a thread discussing Star Trek, produced by CBS. So if your point is only the Networks can afford to have full seasons, which isnt true, but Star Trek is only 13 episodes and its produced by CBS, what say you?
  3. Ummmm HBO has about 30 million domestic subscribers and yearly revenue of $5 billion dollars. Its owned by Time Warner. Is that a small network? CBS is under $4b in revenue.
  4. Im not sure why this is so difficult for you. You dont think Netflix or HBO have the budgets for 22 episode seasons??? Ofcourse they do. They spend a ton of money developing original shows. The Walking Dead has 16 episodes, by the way. Everyone here has explained the benefits and reasons for lesser episodes. Money. Production. Attracting bigger name, higher quality actors. And the fact it works for the delivery method - Netflix, HBO etc, are concerned with subs, not ratings. They invest in shows that drive subs. They are more apt to give a good show time to grow. If HBO & Netflix had subs drop off when a 12 episode season ended, they would extend it. But they are driving content to keep subs. Ofcourse, if you love any series, you want more of it. But the story-telling involved in a 10-16 episode season is generally better than a network show of 22+ episodes. I re-watched the X-Files series awhile back and back then a season was like 26, 27, 28 episodes. It was looooong. X-Files was brilliant but even they had a couple of throw away episodes per season. You can always pick out the episodes where they saved money and didnt go anywhere or use any SFX, so they had more money for bigger episodes.
  5. Unfortunately its all about ratings. I thought the Borg episode was pretty clever in showing the effects of time travel and just because First Contact ended happily, doesnt mean all the loose ends were tied up. Archer should have been more of a cowboy in the vein of Kirk, if he was going out exploring. But he almost seemed too brooding and too by the book. The real issue with Enterprise was it was a prequel in name only. Nothing about it or the development of its characters spoke to us as being pre-TOS. Which is a shame. I think the prequel concept is the best thing going. Because the closer it is to our current time, the easier it is to embrace I think. You could do an Enterprise C era or Enterprise B era (E-B is one I was hoping for a bit) but if you're not going beyond Nemesis, then I think pre-TOS makes the most sense from a marketing perspective. But Star Trek isnt fantasy like Star Wars, its meant to be us, extrapolated into the near future. When you get into the 25th, 26th centuries, the technology becomes so fantastic that it stops being grounded in realism, in my opinion.
  6. Yeah, I think a lot of people who love 52 episodes per year of a great show. But obviously that cant happen. The 10-13 episode shows are becoming the norm for the HBO-style high quality programs. Its easier production, allows for attracting better actors and crew. And for Streaming (and HBO) purposes, obviously its a more efficient use of money. We all want more of a good thing. But the balance makes sense.
  7. Didnt see Detroit Rock City. Have virtually no memory of Pecker other then knowing I didnt think it was very good. And Furlong was passable in American History X.
  8. From Dave Meltzer regarding Punk's UFC numbers: The flip side of this is Punk’s debut from a business standpoint based on early evidence looks to be a success. Early indications based off internet PPV numbers are that the show will do something in the range of 450,000 to 460,000 buys (and keep in mind any number based strictly on iPPV buys could be off significantly) for a show that would have probably done about 270,000 without him. Based on a few numbers, coming in at about 70 percent to double that of UFC 201, that would indicate a number in the 425,000 to 475,000 range, but those figures could easily be off this early. The number greatly exceeded company projections. So if we estimate it as 180,000 more buys due to him at nearly $30 per head to the promotion, that’s $5.4 million in added revenue, not to mention any other value as far as bar purchases, merchandise, whatever value he brings to other UFC products and the like. When the word came out that he was paid $500,000, a lot of people were shocked and upset. The reality is he would have almost certainly had a cut of the PPV since he was the top draw on the show. While it doesn’t appear the PPV did a monster number, with a PPV cut, you’re probably talking about a few hundred thousand more dollars added on to that purse. And given the revenue he brought to the table and the interest level, right now it looks to have been a bargain for UFC. I was shocked that in 2016 people would complain about what he earned when it was clear he was going to drive some revenue, and $500,000 is only 17,000 extra buys, a number even the most conservative of estimates should have figured he’d blow past.
  9. Not a shoot. A less scripted than usual work. Talking Smack is cool because they dont script out every word. Ofcourse, if it becomes popular they probably will start scripting every word. But Bryan and Miz had their bullet points and then did the promo as booked. The only shoot aspect was its probably how Miz really feels (not so much that he has an issue with Bryan, but that people criticize him for his style and he doesnt get the respect he deserves). Bryan has said WWE still wont let him work and he had no say in anything he does. But he does what he's told because he's under contract. Previously, WWE had sent him home and Bryan asked for his release and they said no...and even said by the way since you're hurt, we are rolling over your contract indefinitely. So...basically holding him hostage. Now that he's on TV again, his contract clock is ticking again.
  10. Is Game of Thrones half a commitment? Was the Sopranos half a commitment? This is the new way of doing quality TV, especially in this format (streaming). It was always going to be this way. As for why they dont run the full CBS network, I suppose if you want it cancelled really quickly, then that would be something to hope for. Network's are terrible for giving up on shows too soon. The pressure on Star Trek to perform would be huge. And realistically, Trek is something that would appeal to a niche audience. Its still a worthy and valuable network but they would need to hit a certain rating to take up space on CBS. Its way better what they are doing. The show has already turned a profit for CBS based on international deals. There is no threat of it being cancelled immediately. In the streaming world, its all about driving subs. This is for the best. Pushing back to May is also a good idea. January was too soon. Too much pressure. HBO has shows that debut in spring/summer. People still watch TV. The benefit to streaming is that those people can watch it whenever they want. So people going to the cottage or whatever, can watch it at the lake when the kids are in bed, or watch it when they get home, or stream it in the car. Whatever.
  11. Dana wouldn't let Angle fight in UFC unless he went through TUF. It ended up being moot as Angle failed the physical and wasnt *that* keen on it. But if it was today, Dana would 100% put Angle on a major PPV (providing he passed the physical). And he'd be a lot more qualified than Punk. A few years ago, Angle and Brock had a friendly (but reportedly heated) "wrestling" match before TV at a RAW show once. Basically the boys goaded them into trying to find out who was better. Angle won (as one might expect in a no striking wrestling match, but it was pretty impressive all the same).
  12. Its business. When Kurt Angle flirted with the idea, Dana told him he'd have to go through TUF. Did the same with Kimbo. But in an environment where they have as many shows as they do, with few big time stars, Dana knows sometimes you do what you do because it draws. He would never have had Punk fight a few years ago. And if Angle wanted to right tomorrow (and was several years younger), he'd put him on a PPV immediately. Its business. But drawing fans from the wrestling community is a proven success. You can trace UFC's turn around to the success of the TUF which drew and kept a large percent of it's lead-in, which was RAW. Brock drew a large wrestling audience. Lashley has been successful in that regard too (not to the same extent as UFC)
  13. It makes zero sense. Which means either WWE is open to it or flat out have a plan which Bryan is in on. Or they are just cruel and are taunting Bryan.
  14. Not picturing the player that isnt actually a Jet, the one who isnt under contract?
  15. And as he has done in most recent interviews, Bryan once again expressed uncertainty about closing the book on his in-ring career. "I honestly do," Bryan said about hoping to wrestle again. "All the real concussion specialists who deal with concussions every day, all of them think I am fine." But Bryan noted that he understood why WWE wouldn’t clear him. Went on to say he'd wrestle in a hood as Starman on an indy show next week if he thought he could get away with it. And implied WWE was sort of teasing him by doing things like running a website poll asking who he should face if he could wrestle again. He claims WWE has not changed their mind. Im sort of wondering if there is a swerve here, that Bryan is in on. The Miz stuff makes no sense if WWE isnt going to let him wrestle. If they really arent...then release the guy.
  16. Yeah I heard she was starting back up right away. Guess her efforts to get out of her contract failed. She could quit but it would mean sitting out til 2020.
  17. I think their point was not to be too overly protective. In the sense, if they lined up a sucker for Punk, it undermines UFC. The point was, sure, this guy has no business here but if he wants to come give it a shot, he will have to face a legit fighter. I think the thought was Punk would lose but if he looked like he had anything then fans would follow his story. Unfortunately, he showed nothing at all. Punk will likely take home over a million dollars. And getting beat that bad, at his age, I dont know if I buy he wants to continue. Unless his pride thing is in proving he can get better. It wont just be the money or he'd stay in WWE or take some pay days to wrestle for TNA or New Japan. He will surely have some offers whether its UFC again or another MMA. But the better option might be as the main event of a TV event and pop a rating.
  18. The writers are different. Ryan something or other writes SD. He was NXT's writer before being promoted. But really, Hunter is head of creative and Vince is his boss. How it works is, Hunter & Vince come up with the angles or how they want guys positioned and the writers just write the details, format the run sheets for individual shows etc. The head writers have more power to suggest things. But its not like how it used to be with a booking team that actually crafted the angles themselves. Its all Vince & Hunter and whomever they trust this week. RAW is three hours because USA Network's over-all average rating dropped a few years ago so they asked WWE to add an hour. WWE knows it drags them down but they get paid a lot of money for it. If they dropped the third hour, they'd have to drop some money too. Shareholders dont like when you decline money. Jericho is masterful at everything he does and very in tune with evolving his character over time and as he ages. Corbin does suck, I wholeheartedly agree. Im not always right in my evaluations (I hated the Bucks on first sight for example), but I saw Corbin on that reality tv show on the Network and within two minutes I wondered what WWE saw in him. He has nothing.
  19. The analysts figure it out. For example, in the Forbes article they went with Dave Meltzer who said anything over 270,000 buys would be attributable to Punk. He had the show, without Punk, to do 300,000 at the best. And thats using recent events, trends and past draws. Edit: Some reports indicate Punk's PPV bonus kick in at the 250,000 buys mark. So anything over that and he gets a percentage.
  20. So no Old Man Logan? Edward Furlong was flat awful in everything...except T2.
  21. Apparently they had some restrictions, such as nothing related to gambling. So even "Aces" might have been out. Too bad. Go to Vegas and pretend there isnt gambling.
  22. Sad. But a long life. And seemed like a wonderful person. Glad he was able to make it back to a game last season and get that fantastic welcome.
  23. Unconfirmed, all over Twitter that Kroppy has passed away. Hope it isn't true. RIP if it is.
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