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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Forbes is reporting a big buy rate attributable to Punk. Over $40 mm. So....seems like the wrestling audience tuned in.
  2. He was brought back because they lack depth. The jobber matches they are doing is fine. Or guys the fans like who are buried like Ziggler.
  3. What not just be the Black Knights like he wanted to. Desert Knights sounds weird. In six years when they rebrand it will be just Knights. Like how the ducks changed brands.
  4. Actually Kennedy might have been the least fit president ever. And his people his all his issues and portrayed an image of youth and vibrancy. Trumps people both demanding Hilary release more medical info while at the same time citing privacy for why they won't release his is laughable. This is a game now. A game of bullshit and deflection.
  5. I agree with some. RAW is very boring and formularic. Everything is predictable from how they do promos to where they put matches to what Cole says. Women are much improved but suffer the same fate as the men in being victims of awful boring booking and terrible scripted promos. Owens is great. When wrestling is good appearance doesn't turn fans away. At its height Mick Foley was world champion wearing an old dress shirt and tie and pulling a sock out of his tights. Owens can flat out work. Him as world champion is one of the few things they have done right. Heres another example of **** booking. Seth Rollins is supposed to be your top baby face. But he never turned face. The heels (the authority) just kicked him out. "How could you do this to me Stephanie" is not a face turn. It's horrible! How can anyone get behind that?? hunter did the exact same bullshit turn with Orton back in the evolution days. Instead of Randy turning face, the heels kicked him out. Thank goodness Batista was around to save Wrestlemania that year. And how did barista turn face? By outsmarting the heels and doing the big, defiant thumbs down and beating the **** out of evolution. AJ is the best all around performer in the world right now. Sandow was finished in WWE. Cody, as Stardust was garbage. But with guys like Joe and Nak and Roode in NXT bringing in Mahal makes no sense.
  6. Looks like it might be the lowest rated RAW in 20 years. yowza!
  7. NFL cleaned WWE's clock last night. These are rough ratings for RAW: 2.69 average 8pm - 2.833 mil 9pm - 2.717 mil 10pm - 2.520 mil
  8. I agree. Hard to believe Punk trained that long with a reputable camp. He showed nothing. And the rumors throughout his camp was that he showed nothing in every sparring session.
  9. Paige got a tattoo that reads "Alberto" on her ribcage. Vince tore his quad while training. Adam Cole tweeted a photo of him and Kevin Owens laying on beds in a hotel room with their respective world championship belts.
  10. Worst fighter. No dive. No reason to take a dive and risk that coming out. Punk is an ******* but he's a proud *******. He also "fended off" (loosely) a couple of submission attempts. He just got caught. Probably nerves. Look at the mistake Brock made in his first fight and he blamed nerves and this was Brock Lesnar. Punk was probably twice as nervous because he had never fought AND he knew he was going to get killed and so many wanted to see him fail. If he was being paid to dive, he would have done a better job building the fight. In Punk's mind, this was very serious and real. He just sucked.
  11. If its true, its awful. But again, there is security and other Bombers staff. There is a phone number to text for help. But the instinct was to just call the media after? Maybe Im jaded because I know a few media whores who would LOVE to be treated this way because it means they can call the local papers. To be fair, large groups of people often act like idiots in various ways. It always bugs me when people are swearing like drunken sailors at events with kids. People think they are in their basement with their buddies.
  12. No way he took a dive. But I think he expected to start with some stand up. Gall was wise to charge in and take him down. Punk's deal surely made arrangements for a percentage above a certain buy. So its all buys over 750,000, he'd get a bonus at that point. Usually, there are immediate numbers and then complete PPV numbers come out awhile later. At $500,000 UFC clearly thought Punk would be a draw. Its one thing to say "Im quitting a lucrative business to start at the bottom of a sport to live my dream" when its actually for half a million dollars and you're wink wink given a license to do something you have zero business doing.
  13. Brings up a debate on what is reality and does it matter either way. For example, if you were dying but they could plug you into a computer and give you the impression of continuing to live for another 50 years even though it was a simple upload to your brain that took a moment, would you do it? If they could download your consciousness into a computer so you could effectively live forever, would you do it?
  14. That half a million is his flat fee, not including any bonuses. So if he moved PPV buys, he will be getting even more. Gall got $30,000.
  15. Roderick Strong has signed with WWE.
  16. Yes, the idea was he would bring in numbers. But it will be interesting to see if he did. I suspect he did, but we'll see how much. Some odd things were Punk not really playing the Punk role in the lead up. I know its because he expected to get beat up so he didnt hype the fight like he would a wrestling match, but thats part of his appeal. And UFC didnt buy ads during WWE which is really odd. And the docu-series about Punk aired during RAW which is the worst time to air it.
  17. I believe he used Cult of Personality on the indies too. It was a contractual issue when he re-signed with WWE a few years ago - he wanted WWE to buy rights to the song, which Vince did (they mentioned it in an angle too). Regarding the Rock. He used The Rock when he first left as he was still under contract and WWE and Vince received a producer credit on all his films. He then had a falling out with WWE over re-signing and abruptly went to using his real name. WWE owns "The Rock". He also had representation that wanted him to distance himself from WWE, decrease his physique etc. He later fired them and worked out a deal with WWE to go back to being The Rock. By then he had been using his real name so he used Duane The Rock Johnson for a few films. He dropped The Rock as his real name became established and he, presumably, wanted to stop paying WWE and/or having to let them have a voice in how his name was used. Punk doesnt have that issue since he owns his own name. Speaking of which, "Ryback" changed his name legally to "Ryback" so he could keep using it. Cody Runnels continues to negotiate with WWE to use the "Rhodes" name, which I find ridiculous and I cant believe WWE can stop him from using it.
  18. the naming of players with accusations of drug use and/or incidents not reported in the mainstream news used to get you a stiff warning around here.
  19. Its his stage name. Many actors/performers have stage names. Plus, the only reason UFC signed him was because they thought it might sell fights. Phil Brooks aint selling a fight. CM Punk might.
  20. Punk earned $500,000 for that fight.
  21. Presumably refused to leave when asked. But it seems like a minor charge. Sounds like DA is loading up to get a plea deal.
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