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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well, he must feel silly. When Lawless first said there was a trade market, Irving said it was TO that had called about Willy.
  2. Does Glenn mean "lies to you", not "lies on you"? Exposing the liar makes more sense in that context. Unless someone fell asleep on him and he intends to tweet a **** pic of said person. Ill wager a guess and say the Als told him the demotion wasnt a big deal and that he was a part of their plan going forward. Not a great reaction...I figured he'd not be too upset with returning to Winnipeg.
  3. Read the Bombers wanted to improve interior DB position. Is Heath under contract next season?
  4. the evolution of Lawless has been fascinating. At least the "he's fat" stuff has died off. But he still takes a licking online in some circles. He's very much a "smoke/fire" guy and you can often learn a lot by reading between the lines. Has to be considered one of the more respected TSN guys as far as his information and analysis goes.
  5. I love the right wing nuts going crazy that this now confirms all their goody conspiracy theories are true. Because Clinton having Pneumonia equals Clinton being a brain damaged, stroked out husk. Unfortunately, it helps Trump and his "low energy" message. But she's 67 years old. I think health of the president is important because ofcourse anything that impacts mental ability is important and if there is a greater chance than usual of a President dying, then its fair to ask questions. But goodness, this is a witch hunt it seems. She's released more medical records than "high energy" Trump. What's he trying to hide...? Its always been a discussion, in the television age would FDR have ever been elected? Well, in todays climate of "health", he'd not even be the nominee.
  6. I like Miz/Maryse too but that was a lousy finish to a really good match. But I guess that was the point. AJ/Ziggler would be a good match and I can see it on a random SD. As a program, he likely does a rematch or two with Ambrose and then yeah Orton would make the most sense. Unless they bring someone up. But Joe would likely be a heel (though I still want to see Roman, Joe, Uso's as a Samoan Swat Team) and Nak would likely be on RAW.
  7. What a change in fortune for Styles. Best all around performer in the world. He should keep the title until WM (and lose it to Cena for his record tying 16th reign).
  8. The mistake is in thinking a guy was a $400,000/year franchise QB and then Trading him away especially in a scenario where a young stud didn't come in and steal it. Point being, management changed their mind significantly.
  9. Admission of major mistake though. Sign a guy to a massive contract and trade him Let's hope this doesn't bite us.
  10. Wow. I'm surprised. I figured he'd get a shot here again. But management has its reasons and probably more than just confidence in Nichols. Intereting that Nichols is now the bonafide starter without a big ticket QB looking over his shoulder. Always liked Glenn. He was unceremoniously run out of town very disrespectfully. He took us to a Grey Cup game. Glad to see him back have a feeling Lapo had a say in this. Willy has all the tools but just doesn't fire the ball fast enough. So is it Heath vs Willy next week?
  11. Nichols might be the QB Lapo wants, he who makes quick decisions and good reads. Willy may have more tools on paper. And Id like to see him play on this team now, show what he's got. But the coaches and management see him every day. If they cut him or trade him its because they don't feel he can be better for this team than Nichols.
  12. So many white knights online defending Punk now. Look, good for him for trying. But when you're a notorious ******* then some people will consider it karma. Plus the fact he was able to get licensed in the first place rubbed people the wrong way. There are many people who drama of fighting in the UFC and probably would do better after training for over a year. Punk has never shied away from being a **** to fellow wrestlers. So can't say I care that people are burying him today.
  13. Wisconsin is appealing the overturned conviction of “Making a Murderer” subject Brendan Dasseyin relation to the murder of Teresa Halbach. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/making-a-murderer-brendan-dassey-overturned-conviction-appealed-1201856323/ Whats the expression, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging? Just an egregious action by the state. Shameful.
  14. That was the issue with Janeway. She is a great actor but her character was very self righteous and preachy. Enterprise never delivered on its premise.
  15. Why is MPI paying cops to do increased photo radar in school zones? Is that really the role of public insurance? News tonight: first story is increased photo radar enforcement. Second story is police budget shortfall. hmmmmm
  16. Seems like there wasnt a focus on fitness until Maurice got there.
  17. Nah, he was separated, She is young though. But sometimes it works out.
  18. I think they are all on Netflix (not sure if TAS is). They are finally releasing TAS on Blue Ray actually. There is a 50th anni collection that includes everything TOS related. Enterprise was the result of a tired, worn out group of Voyager people who ran out of ideas. Great premise. Horrible execution. Rather poor casting too. Bakula is awesome but he was terribly mis-cast on Enterprise. Trip, T'Pol and Reed were decent. I guess Phlox was okay too. So...maybe not that bad of casting
  19. Thats interesting if true, about Kane. And he deserves respect for it. We heard a lot about how Maurice didnt feel the Jets were in good enough shape when he came in. I guess this is one guy. Also, I echo the feeling that it wasnt Scheif's place to go to management. They drove him home. They did the right thing. Ladd knew and it sounded like he tried to help, as Captain, contacting Seto's buddies. I'd bet he talked to management too. But you cant force someone to get help if they arent ready. I hope it works out for him. One thing, he said he was first offered cocaine in Winnipeg. I wonder who offered it to him....
  20. Well........ she was probably the worst Captain really.
  21. Del Rio is officially gone from WWE as both sides have confirmed it. Del Rio supposedly having a presser in Mexico City today to explain details. Rumors have it Paige has quit WWE and hired lawyers. I believe she's under contract until 2020 so it will be interesting. The main point of contention is a rumor Talent Relations came to her and told her to break up with Del Rio or she'd be fired.
  22. But that's just film making. You could cast Brosnan right now and make it realistic. I wish they'd have the balls to do the epic where all the old Bonds appear and its revealed that "James Bond" isn't a person but a title. Bring all the old Bonds into canon. And have someone picking them off one by one forcing the surviving ones to work together.
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