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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I don't think he's good or bad as bond. I like him but he's playing a different character than the others. Brosnan was my favourite.
  2. Denmark will still play, wont he? Just not start? At least thats the impression I got from the radio... edit: never mind. Lawless just confirmed no Denmark on active roster
  3. Good to see Eddie O there. Surprised they went with the Bandit instead of Khabbi...
  4. I think Deathstroke is pretty well known. But you dont *need* a previously known villain to tell a good story.
  5. I heard it was $150 million DOLLARS. But who knows. That would be $75m per film. There have been higher salaries. Its not out of the realm of possibilities. There was talk of "passing the torch" that got some people upset as though there would be a transition "in universe" from one Bond to another...which seems very odd for Bond films.
  6. http://lrmonline.com/news/joe-manganiello-confirmed-as-deathstroke-in-ben-affleck-directed-standalone-batman-film Hmmmm, I like him (Im a True Blood fan) but not sure he has the right acting talents for the role. I always looked at Deathstroke as an intellectual match for Batman as well as a physical one. But I guess he's certainly an imposing physical force.
  7. Well...if no Canadian broadcaster was willing to pay, does the NFL have the option of blacking it out in Canada and forcing it to be PPV?
  8. It could be a slippery slope. What if other major events become exceptions? I think they are approaching this the wrong way. They should be encouraging Canadian companies to create better and more interesting commercials.
  9. Absolutely. Thats what makes this an incredible case. And Ive spent the morning reading more on it too and have seen more evidence that sways me back to the parents on some things. Its crazy. The one thing everyone can likely agree on is that the cops screwed this case up so bad it might never be solved. But the DNA evidence cannot be ignored. Lou Smit maintained a database of suspects (he has since died but his family has it). If Im a fresh investigator on this, I'd request DNA samples from everyone on the list. I bet most comply. Some will decline for privacy reasons etc. But if you have even 100 suspects and can get 70 of them to provide DNA, you've narrowed your suspect pool considerably. The reason I dont buy the Burke theories is that it would be remarkably violent for a 9 year old to garrote someone. And then for the parents to risk a cover up rather then calling the police. In the vast majority of cases involving young children committing murders, they confess. Burke's interrogation (which was shown on the A&E special) was unremarkable. The A&E special also showed photos of stun gun testing (and a prior death where a victim was stun gunned) and the marks were virtually identical. Jab yourself with a toy - it doesnt create burn marks. Stun Gun seems like a weird thing in this case but the train track theory is even more wild in my opinion. Here's my "new" theory: It was a kidnapping gone wrong. The intruder had to have known a basic (if not strong) knowledge of the homes layout as the mansion was very large with a rambling floor plan. Supposedly even the housekeeper didnt know of the basement room where Jonbenet was found (though the train track set was down there too so its not like it was an area no one went). The intruder entered the home while the Ramsey's were out. He probably knew when the Ramsey's were going to be out and when they might return. Since it was Christmas, if the intent was kidnapping, he had to know they'd be coming home and not out visiting friends/family for the holiday. He entered the home through an unlocked door or window (maybe the open basement window but its not necessary he entered this way - in fact, unless he specifically knew this window had been previously broken (by John Ramsey), its unlikely he'd open the grate to check (Unless the broken window could be seen from the yard, I have no idea). Neighbors said they saw flashing lights from inside the home. I think this could be consistent with someone using a flash light, a maglight most likely. Either the intruder saw paperwork in John's office indicative of the $118,000 bonus, or he already knew of it. Either way, since he had time to kill, he wrote the note. This is the difficult part. A pre-planned kidnapping for ransom would likely have a note ready in advance. Why take the chance of scribbling a note while you're there? You have to be careful in writing this note, not only due to handwriting but verbiage. A reason you might write the note there is to try and frame the Ramsey's but I dont see any other specific attempts to do so. The ransom note contained phrases from movies like Speed and Dirty Harry. It makes more sense as a cover-up letter. Or someone "play acting" the part of a bigger kidnapping conspiracy. The use of the words faction and "we" could point to a kidnapping being the work of more than one person. The Intruder took Jonbenet from her bed. She went either because she was stunned or because she knew the person. She had pineapple in her stomach. The parents said she didnt eat. There was pineapple on the kitchen counter with a fork in it. Its possible she helped herself to some pineapple before bed without her parents noticing. But lets assume they are sure she didnt eat. At some point that night she did. Did she wake up and go down stairs on her own for a snack and encounter the intruder? Did he take her to the kitchen for a snack (maybe...if he knew her). He took her to the basement. If his plan is to kidnap her, he's going to the same place he entered (the window) to exit. She screams. He wraps the rope he brought to tie her, around her neck to silence her. She fights and scratches. Maybe he's strangling her to keep her still while he sexually assaults her. He brings the rope with him...he intends to tie her up. But he uses a paintbrush near the scene to fashion the garrotte. That tells me his plan was not to strangle her, not to kill her. Why does he? I dont know. But she puts up a good fight and he strikes her on the head during or immediately after the strangulation. Perhaps in a frenzy. Perhaps he didnt mean to. There is some level of regret. He covers her with a blanket. He exits through the broken window, leaving a hy-tec book print on the suitcase which he uses to boost himself up to the window. Are there holes in this theory? Absolutely. The plan seems overly complex. If he entered the house through a different window or door, why go into the basement to escape? Its one thing to climb out that window himself, but to carry a child too? If he entered through that basement window, why not exit through an easier method, walk out the backdoor? Going into the basement corners you. if John had come down those stairs, you're trapped. Im reviewing information on suspects...I have a couple of theories as to who did it, if not the parents. Ill be back. Would love to hear some other thoughts and theories...
  10. Im very curious why you think that? I think that's the least likely theory. When the case happened, I sort of "liked" the theory because I could see parents doing crazy things to protect one child. But from what I've seen, there is zero evidence to support Burke had anything to do with it. And the cover up would be really odd...seems a stretch. But I'd love to hear your thoughts...
  11. Well...believe it not, Ive changed my mind. I dont believe Jonbenet's parents killed her. I am now a believer in the intruder theory although I think a fresh investigation is needed. I read a book called The Cases That Haunt Us, by famed FBI profiler John Douglas. He dives deeply into this case (among others) and was involved in investigating the parents at the time. He believes they didnt do it. And he provides a great case. A&E aired a documentary on the case this week with some new information too. A few "lies" from the police that have since been corrected: - The police claim there were no foot prints in the "freshly fallen snow" indicating no intruder. However, police crime scene photos show no snow on the paths around the home at all. Im curious as to whether there was snow and it melted by the time the photos were taken. It doesnt appear there was much snow at all. - Police claim no one could have fit through the grate and window of the basement to support the intruder theory. On the A&E documentary, they showed famed investigator Lou Smit do just that, with relative ease. There was also a scuff mark on the wall below the window and a shoe print on a suitcase under the window (that could have been used to step up to the window). - Police claim Jonbenet was struck over the head and then strangled...in fact they claim she was strangled two hours later (supporting the parents as the murderers in the act of covering up the crime). New analysis indicates defensive scratches to Jonbenet's neck as she tried to fend off the strangulation, indicating she was strangled BEFORE being struck over the head. The head blow was so brutal it would have rendered her incapable of putting up a fight...and scratching her own neck during the strangulation. This means she was strangled first, then struck over the head. This doesnt necessarily disprove the parents did it, but it destroys the police theory. - Several items were never recovered, supporting the intruder theory (he took them with him). - Police claim strange marks on Jonbenet's body are either irrelevant (because they cant explain them) or were made via stabbing with Burke's toy train track. The train track piece lines up with the double wounds but clearly werent the cause. Several experts now say the cause is clear: A stun gun. The parents would never need to stun Jonbenet to make her comply. An intruder would. And ofcourse, no stun gun was fund. - Police say only family would have asked for $118,000 in ransom because it was the amount of bonus money John received. However, there is evidence that this information was left in plain sight in John's home office. An intruder who was wandering the large home for hours waiting for the Ramsey's to come home could have seen this. - Police say Jonbenet was the victim of prior sexual assault, throwing suspicion on the parents. Experts now say this is not true. - Police withheld DNA evidence from the DA which indicated a non-family members' DNA found on two pieces of clothing on Jonbenet's body. This is huge evidence and must be investigated. The parents did seem to act odd. But what's "odd" under these circumstances. One of the big pieces of evidence used against them in the public was the fact they lawyered up. On the A&E special, their lawyer now says a friend in law enforcement had called him shortly after the murder to tell him the cops were zeroing in on the Ramsey's. The lawyer then took over to protect his friends. I like true crime and I always say to my gf that criminals are very stupid because a smart person would say only one word to the police: Lawyer. In many cases guilty people try to talk their way out of it and they try to learn what the police know. Innocent people get lawyers (and dont let cops tell you differently, which they always will - when a cop is busted for something what is the first thing they do? Get a lawyer and a union rep). There are more programs coming up about this case so its going to be back in the spotlight. Will it finally be solved? Here's a preview of a CBS docu-series launching this month. It seems to point the finger at the parents but one thing that immediately jumps out at me is their investigator saying no one could get in or out of the window...and yet Lou Smit is on video doing just that. But it looks interesting: http://www.cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/video/?watch=2zif9qdh5c#ooid=0zaDRkNTE6T8UZjznMDOuvciYqMxPkPs
  12. Here's a breakdown I found from a quality poster on a Trek board I frequent: Total worldwide box office including China is $285,393,322 Budget $185 million Marketing $120 million Box Office $142 million (Less Theater take $142) Total remaining to break even $163 million Paramount is expected to earn another $8-13 million of a $15-25 million BO, which means they will close with a loss of over $150 million, before home video and TV deals, which are not likely to immediately put this film into the black, much less be considered profitable.
  13. Not sure how close Bob is to retirement but if TSN 1290 gets the Bombers broadcasts, I'd sure love them to make him an offer he cant refuse to make the jump too.
  14. And it adds to the narrative. "Oh we told the Commissioner to stay home because we wont have THAT man here after what HE has done to OUR team". The league needs to tell Riders ownership and management to cool it.
  15. So the team accuses the league of essentially fixing games and conspiring to screw the Riders and then tells the Commissioner of the league he shouldnt attend an event because its too much of a distraction? The team created the distraction!
  16. It really is tough to predict. At some point everything is going to click for this team. Is that this season? Mid season? Next year? Tough to predict. But the way they finished the season, add in a full year of Scheif at that level, Wheeler at that level, a healthy Little, plus the Armia/Dano depth AND Laine? Should be better offensively but the key will be the D and G.
  17. Not only that but he wont release his own medical report and his doctor admitted it was a sham. The reason people are so dismissive of those that question Clinton's health is because its silly and nothing good can come of treating the topic like it's serious. "We know you released your medical report, but we dont believe it. Can you confirm you suffer from brain damage/strokes/seizures?" "I can deny that." "We dont believe you." "Here is a report from my doctor" "We dont believe it. Either tell us we're right or we will assume you're lying." Cant win that argument. It was the same with the birthers though there was intriguing questions surrounding that. And it wasnt just whether Obama was born in the US, but the definition of Natural Born (or whatever the expression is). Isnt Alex Jones the nut who sees conspiracy everywhere? The illuminati and the government orchestrated 9/11 etc? Nuts.
  18. Bell Media has suffered a setback in its bid to keep U.S. commercials off Canadian televisions during the Super Bowl, but says it will continue its fight to appeal a regulatory policy on the issue. The Federal Court of Appeal on Friday dismissed Bell’s appeal of a Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) policy that will bar broadcasters from swapping their own signals and ads into U.S. channels carrying the National Football League’s championship game as of 2017. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/court-rules-against-bells-attempt-to-swap-super-bowl-commercials/article31722299/ Basically, the CRTC says Simsub (substitution Canadian commercials on simulcast programs) is key to Canadian broadcasting, but the Superbowl is an exception due to the interest in seeing the US commercials. Obviously, this would cost the rights holder (Bell) millions of dollars. Interesting decision by the CRTC.
  19. I find Lita's tweet also included in your link to be more interesting. Russo also went nuts over RAW. I think he felt they were criticizing him with the anti bra & panties talk.
  20. I think the health stuff is because it is seemingly the tinfoil hat conspiracy loony crowd. The "evidence" i've seen is laughable. She produced documentation from her physician that she is fit. So be it. Its sort of like the birther stuff. Nothing will placate those that want to believe. And if Trump wants more medical records from her he can start by getting a legitimate clean bill of health, not the sham he released.
  21. Wait wait wait. A human being having a coughing fit???? WHAT ARE THEY HIDING!? *fart* She's released more medical information than Trump has....
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