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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. We were a group of Jets fans and certainly not obnoxious. One night while we were relaxing at the outdoor lounge, I managed to get the Jets game streaming on my phone and we got a kick out of leaning my phone against a beer glass and watching it. Another night, we were at Margaritaville and asked if they'd put the Jets game on one of the TV's, which they did. No obvnoxiousness.
  2. The Rider thing is cool if you're a Rider's fan. When I went to Jamaica on Vacation, it would never have occurred to me to bring a jets or Bombers flag to drape over my balcony to "represent". But there was a Riders flag draped over a balcony at the resort. the "cool" thing is to be seen. Are they better fans than anyone else? No. Its just their schtick to be seen.
  3. A legal letter to the radio station from the league might shut Pederson up too. Critical of official is one thing, but its going beyond that.
  4. Im actually a bit disappointed the league hasnt told the Riders to knock it off with the conspiracy stuff. Are they intimidated by the Riders? If Pederson wants to accuse the officials of fixing the game or the league conspiring, thats his right (unless it crosses into slander) as a private citizen but as an employee of the team? The team should be punished for that.
  5. Wouldnt surprise me to see Willy get in a game here shortly.
  6. Thats the oddest part. What is the motivation of the CFL to conspire to screw the riders? Makes no sense.
  7. I like he draws a link between TSN using his call and TSN "knowing the Riders drive this league".
  8. The strategy might be that the more they complain the less likely the league is to do something because it will look like they *are* picking on the Riders. I would think there would be some rules about team employees essentially accusing the head official of fixing a football game or the league itself conspiring to hurt the Riders...to what end, who knows. Freedom of expression is one thing, but there should be conduct rules.
  9. What if the situation was reversed and it was Winnipeg flagged, would they still think the booth should have over-ruled? And if that DID happen, would they say it was a conspiracy against the Riders. Unbelievably embarrassing. If the Riders end up winning some, does that mean the conspiracy is suddenly over? Its just so embarrassing.
  10. Another one: Washington (CNN)Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton start the race to November 8 on essentially even ground, with Trump edging Clinton by a scant two points among likely voters, and the contest sparking sharp divisions along demographic lines in a new CNN/ORC Poll. Trump tops Clinton 45% to 43% in the new survey, with Libertarian Gary Johnson standing at 7% among likely voters in this poll and the Green Party's Jill Stein at just 2%. Come on, Americans. I assume its just reaction to Trump's changing of campaign teams and maybe the Mexican meeting. The US system is such that Clinton still has the advantage I would suspect. But gee, dont piss this away Hillary...
  11. I believe thats correct. But studio's only take in a percentage of the box office and that percentage diminishes the longer its in theaters. They get more the first few weeks. In China, they only get 25% I believe. So as important as China is to film now, the studio still only takes home a smaller percentage. A film has to make several times its budget in box office revenue to break even. Paramount goofed in many ways. That budget being one of them. Star Trek isnt a summer tent pole action drool fest.
  12. Probably still going to lose over $150mm before DVD and TV is counted and that will take a long time to make up substantial returns Bad Robot Trek could be dead.
  13. I guess its a conspiracy against the Riders that they aren't allowed three challenges per game.
  14. Rider fans should focus their anger on someone who deserves it. Their Head Coach.
  15. True that was a rough penalty to call. But then again, they could have *not* thrown an Interception on the one yard line. Or the kicker could have hit a couple. Plays and calls happen. Penalties like that can go either way. If it happens in the first, probably no one is talking about it.
  16. You'd think they'd be used to losing by now and more resigned to the fact their team sucks., rather then looking for excuses. If the PI call bothers them so much, blame their coach for wasting his challenges.
  17. It looked pretty nice from the outside a couple weeks ago. That whole area, called The Park (between New York New York and Monte Carlo is nice and they continue to make improvements.
  18. And so it likely will be Desert Hawks, Red Hawks, Nighthawks, Desert Knights, Silver Knights or Golden Knights. We think. And the Black Hawks are okay with that? I think he wanted Black Knights but the push back made him change it to a different "Knights". Should have just gone with Black Knights. Or Knight Riders. Or Aces. Apparently the NHL rejected anything gambling related. In this day of gender equality how about Las Vegas Showgirls? ;-)
  19. It's funny. I was just in Vegas and people were talking about the NFL and the new stadium. People told me the new leading location is just south of Mandalay Bay on the strip which is great. But one Uber guy told me they fear for the Raiders Gangs but anytime hockey came up they didn't seem to know it was a done deal. "Maybe the NHL will come too". Uhhhhh yeah maybe.
  20. Damn it! Guess I have to cling to the "wow" signal.
  21. Just a quick perusal online about Mitchell, if he was suspended for certain comments previously and continues to make them, I can't see why the CFL would allow the signing. It might seem like overkill, but I'd applaud the league if they suspended Mitchell indefinitely. And as an added bonus, it will add the conspiracy against the Riders stuff...so that would be fun to see.
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