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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yeah no reason Wheeler can't re-up again and be here another 6+ years as an aging veteran. Always thought Ladd would retire here. But hopefully Wheeler does.
  2. Cool video Jets released for the announcing showing previous captains.
  3. Do they generally want a D with an A or does it not matter? I'd say Wheeler, Scheif and little or Myers. But if the decision comes down to management and players deciding all bets are off.
  4. That's 100% it. But even in the women's division she wasn't showing ass as they say. Sure she did for Brie I guess, the most over woman at the time. The problem is she has no purpose on the show but they have to write segments for her every week and if you know what's good for you the segment is her looking strong. I mean, Heyman should have dressed her down using his insurance policy of Brock as the reason. When she said I bought ecw years ago I was dying for Paul to say "yeah and where is it now". She's awful. Vince showed ass for every face he worked with in the 90's. Hunter is like Steph. Chews the balls off his baby faces.
  5. And didn't Roslovic perform above expectations at the rookie camp?
  6. Gotta think it's Wheeler with all the suddenly news stories. Oh and it's his birthday. Feel good story
  7. I can't get excited until goalie confirms or denies. . I kid....
  8. Isnt Toby an A? Would they remove it? I suppose if they have a new captain, the logic might be to reassign all of them. Buff did have an A at one point if I recall.
  9. RAW saw strong ratings improvement with fans clearly interested in the Universal Championship match and stuck with the show from beginning to end. 8 p.m. 3.39 million viewers 9 p.m. 3.44 million viewers 10 p.m. 3.41 million viewers Funny how advertising a big match a week in advance and promoting it can have a positive impact. Its something WWE just doesnt do anymore. Hopefully they begin to more often now.
  10. Lawless said Jets wont tell him anything so you'd think that indicates some fire with the smoke. If there was nothing to it, they'd just say "no presser tomorrow".
  11. The plan had been Finn vs Owens at the next PPV for the Universal Championship so Owens was getting a push. Vince must have been the subject of an intervention or something. Rollins face seems to make sense. But Hunter as an NXT-leading face works too but he prefers to be heel. However, the dynamic doesnt work when he's heel on RAW and face in NXT since he insists on blowing smoke up his own ass on those takeover specials. Hunter vs Rollins was the original plan for this past WM. Steph is the single worst character in wrestling. Regardless of whether she is a face or heel, she eats up everyone she works with.
  12. I'd say Wheeler with an A on Scheif. if Wheeler leaves the Jets in three years, its an easy transition.
  13. Probably not but if her name is a reveal of some significance, it would have to be something we know.
  14. Correct. "The Cage" (the origional pillot with Captain Pike) took place about 11 years before Kirk took command (13 years before the episode "The Menagerie" where they told the story of "The Cage"). So there is definitely room for Pike to appear. At the point of Discovery, Pike would still be Captain of the Enterprise, Spock would still be his science officer. Hopefully, we do see him and its Bruce Greenwood as Pike.
  15. The NX-01 Enterprise launched in 2151. Kirk became captain of the NCC-1701 Enterprise in 2265. Discovery is set one year after "The Cage" and ten years before "TOS" so around 2255. So it would be around 100 years after "Enterprise".
  16. Im glad Cormier is back. Good veteran leadership. He played well in call ups too. He's a capable player. Clearly his NHL dream was pretty much over especially now the Jets have more depth. He could have tried to go somewhere else but maybe likes his role here. He must be at peace with it to sign an AHL contract. Good signings.
  17. I sort of assumed it was a babyface turn for Seth (its not the right way to turn someone face but Hunter has done the exact same thing before, beating up Orton to turn him face). Seth technically wasnt NXT so they could make it an angle that Seth dropped the ball and Hunter turned to his NXT protoge to right the ship. But either way, yes, definitely interesting for a change. And Bryan/Miz thing from Smackdown is interesting too because the only suitable outcome is Bryan returning to the ring...
  18. Well he did say the teaser was not complete and the ship was a work in progress. The sense was he heard the overwhelming backlash to it so hopefully we get something a little better. I was excited for it and still am. My concern is when he says things like "re-imagining". But we really dont know what that means. He has said they wont even try to make their ship design and tech fit into a Pre-TOS era which concerns me. I think we all accept modern effects make things better but it doesnt mean a pre TOS ship has to be more high tech than TOS. It can be a contemporary to TOS design using updated technology for SFX. For example, I really liked how the USS Kelvin looked in Star Trek 2009 (dont get me started on the Enterprise though, that was crap). But he could mean more of how they approach the story telling. It would seem odd to choose a Pre-TOS Prime Timeline era and then not adhere to canon. He specifically said they wanted that time because there were TOS things to explore. So Im hopeful he isnt just going to over-write canon. Number One is meant as a homage to Majel Barrett's character from the original TOS pilot "The Cage". She wasnt named in that one. Its strange because "Number One" is going to invoke Riker a lot more than Captain Pike's first officer to most fans. So saying its an homage to her is interesting. If her name is meant to be a big reveal then it must mean something. But Im having a hard time thinking of a woman that would mean something from that era of Trek. Its possible she is the SAME "Number One" as Majel's character, transferred from the Enterprise, which would be interesting and there is a fan theory that explains it...and speculates the "event" that Discovery centres on that Fuller said was referenced in past series' but not explored could be the Rigel incident which was discussed but never shown in "The Cage", the event that caused Pike to question everything. I have a crazy theory. Fuller mentioned Discovery would bridge the gap between Enterprise and TOS. But thats a weird thing to say because it's ten years before TOS but waaaaay after Enterprise (about 60 years) making it tough to bridge the gap. He could have just meant it took place between those two series' in time. But here's my crazy, totally impossible theory. "Number One" is the daughter of Trip and T'pol from Enterprise. Fuller said she's human but her rank comes with caveats. There is speculation Section 31 could be involved. On Enterprise, their daughter died. But Section 31 was involved in Enterprise and in the post series' books, Trips death was retconned to be a ruse by Section 31 (non-canon). So Im saying the first hybrid was so important that Section 31 faked the death and recruited her, altered her physical appearance to look only human. She retains Vulcan attributes like long life, intelligence, etc. Thats how she could be 60 but look 30. If her name is revealed to be Elizabeth Tucker, I was right. Crazy, I know. lol But Fuller did say they "loved" thje character of Amanda Grayson (Spock's human mother), what better way to use her then some sort of mentor or adviser to someone struggling with their Vulcan/human conflict, much like Amanda's son.
  19. I love this stuff: (CNN)Astronomers engaged in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) are training their instruments on a star around 94 light years from Earth after a very strong signal was detected by a Russian telescope. An international team of researchers is now examining the radio signal and its star, HD 164595 -- described in a paper by Italian astronomer Claudio Maccone and others as a "strong candidate for SETI" -- in the hopes of determining its origin. "The signal from HD 164595 is intriguing, because it comes from the vicinity of a sun-like star, and if it's artificial, its strength is great enough that it was clearly made by a civilization with capabilities beyond those of humankind," astronomer Douglas Vakoch, president of METI International, which searches for life beyond Earth, tells CNN. Whenever a strong signal is detected, "it's a good possibility for some nearby civilization to be detected," Maccone tells CNN.
  20. And Kevin Owens is your new Universal Champion in an intriguing angle where Hunter pedigreed Roman so Seth could pin him then pedigreed Seth so Owens could pin him. foley and Steph looked on shocked interesting!
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