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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Trump now trying to spin the Weiner sexting scandal as some sort of national security issue involving Hilary Clinton. Desperate times...
  2. Rumor has it Deathstroke will be the main bad guy of the stand alone Batman film http://heroichollywood.com/ben-affleck-batman-deathstroke-video/
  3. Wouldnt they have to have an awful lot of confidence in Davis to make this move? Imagine they trade Willy and roll into the playoffs, Nichols gets hurt....man, this city would come unglued.
  4. Huma Abedin, the wife of the former Representative Anthony D. Weiner, announced on Monday that the couple were separating in the wake of a report that Mr. Weiner had been involved in another sexting scandal. Mr. Weiner, who resigned in 2011 after it was revealed he had been sending lewd messages and photos to random women online, apparently deleted his Twitter account on Monday after The New York Post reported that he had exchanged sexual messages with an unidentified woman last year. The initial scandal destroyed his political career and strained his marriage to Ms. Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton. On Monday, Ms. Abedin said in a statement: “After long and painful consideration and work on my marriage, I have made the decision to separate from my husband. Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life. During this difficult time, I ask for respect for our privacy.” ***What is with this guy. He has a beautiful, talented, rising superstar wife who makes all the money and will have a seat at the right hand of the next President and he just cant help himself. His only hope to salvage his political career was to ride her coat tails after the election. He's sunk. But I guess she's going to have to pay him alimony.
  5. I'd be very very nervous if we traded Willy. Still think the Bombers O isnt good enough for the long haul and Willy has more skills "on paper" than Nichols. Willy gets another shot before the decision is made...but if the team keeps winning, its tough because you cant mess with the winning dynamic.
  6. Vince might hope Trump wins in order to campaign for his wife (or daughter) should they seek out politics again. Love that Trump is now demanding Hilary release detailed medical files. Hilary's reply should be "good idea. you first". He's in full on desperation mode and its going to get worse. He will go scorched earth on the Clinton's sooner or later. Whats this about his campaign manager (or team) being linked to the racist attack on Lesley Jones....??
  7. Some more interesting comments from showtunner Bryan Fuller (on something called Nerd World Report, I took these from Trekmovie.com) Fuller revealed that the show’s main character, who was previously revealed to be a female lieutenant commander (with caveats), would be the U.S.S. Discovery’s first officer and would be referred to as “Number One” as an homage to Majel Barret Roddenberry’s character from Star Trek’s first pilot, “The Cage.” Fuller would not say exactly when during the series we will learn the actual name of the character, but that it would be during the first season. Fuller, dodging the question of whether it would be in the pilot, quoted Spock from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan by concluding his remarks on the subject by saying “If minutes were hours…” Fuller said that when he and executive producer Alex Kurtzman were initially developing the story, they felt it could take place in either timeline and that, in his opinion, the timelines were inconsequential to the story they wanted to tell. However, Fuller noted that he and Kurtzman had decided to set Discovery in the Prime Timeline in order to keep the new series independent of the films. As a matter of practicality, the writing staff for Discovery would therefore not need to keep track of what the writers associated with the films were doing, and vice versa. Fuller felt that there was something nice about setting Discovery in the Prime Timeline as there are so many aspects of The Original Series that would be fun to explore with updated production values Fuller has stated in previous comments that Discovery would “reimagine” Star Trek. When pressed for specifics, Fuller mentioned that one of the cool things they get to do with the show is reimagine all of the alien species that the audience has seen before in Star Trek. Fuller, along with the show’s writing staff, wanted to do something a little unique with the look of aliens. Commenting on this, Fuller said “It’s fun for all of us who have fetishized the look of these species over the years of watching Star Trek, and it’s fun for us to put a new spin on old favorites.” When specifically pressed about the look of the Klingons in Discovery and whether they would have forehead ridges, or look like they did in The Original Series, Fuller would not comment. Continuing, Fuller said that “we’re going to try to achieve a new look for Star Trek that is very much Star Trek, but also our interpretation of Star Trek. And I love [for] each of the shows I work on to have a distinct esthetic. So being able to apply the color palette of some of these, whether it’s Hannibal or Pushing Daisies, and going a different direction with science fiction, it just felt like it was a good place to start our signature look for the Star Trek universe and work our way forward as we continue to tell stories.” Given the timeframe of ten years before The Original Series, Fuller said that the crew’s uniforms would be completely different that those seen in “The Cage.” Fuller continued, saying “I think that when you see it [the uniform] I can tell you specifically what the influences are, and that the styles that [they adopted] a transporter accident in their approach. A happy transporter accident. I think when you see the design, you’ll say “It’s a little bit of this, it’s a little bit of that.”
  8. STB NEEDS a big China to mitigate losses. They will lose money no matter what. But they are possibly looking at upwards of $200MM loss. Who knows if Trek 4 will even happen.
  9. Little known fact about WWE/UFC. Many know that TUF basically saved (or helped build up UFC) and it aired following RAW. Vince had veto power over what aired following RAW because RAW was such a ratings powerhouse and always ran over their allotted time so their lead in was valuable. Vince didnt think UFC was competition and said he didnt care about TUF. That RAW audience is what was captured by UFC with TUF and became core UFC fans. If Vince knew then what he knows now, he would have vetoed TUF for sure.
  10. The back up is always the most popular guy. I think people were pretty fair about Willy. Early on it was "well his numbers were good, give him a chance" but we quickly saw there were issues, despite good numbers. And again, I think people are fair on Nichols in that he's winning. But after 5 games we have enough of a sample size to grade him more. And the offence has been good enough to win but probably not good enough to overcome a poor defensive performance. Luckily that hasn't happened. But the O is going to have to be better. On paper, Willy's skill set is better than Nichols. Thats why I think he will get another shot and then we will know if he just needed time to get his mojo back or if he's had it beaten out of him through injury and lack of confidence. But I think we will see that play out sooner or later.
  11. If I recall, the WWE/UFC stuff back in the Shamrock era definitely pre-dated Dana. Angle was out of WWE when he talked about doing UFC. Dana has said negotiations with WWE have always been difficult but that the deals for Ronda and Brock were easier. The whole family other then Shane hate MMA and think its barbaric. Shane always got it. Shane wanted to buy UFC when it was for sale in the late 90's. Vince wouldn't bite. Shane tried to buy Pride and Vince wouldn't bite. Even Hunter and Steph don't like it. Hunter pretends to now because its cool. But Vince and probably Hunter, understand how big it is now and that its the demos they want. Vince once said women in MMA would never work because no one would ever pay to see women fight. lol
  12. I certainly would not want to cut WIlly. Nichols has been efficient and we are winning. But if he plays the same way and we lose? Willy will become the most popular man in town.
  13. It wasn't that long ago that we wanted to run Hall out of town. Did he make changes or is it just the team coming together and getting better as a unit?
  14. This is something Dana would never have done a few years ago but now he understand that with the amount of shows they have its all about marketable stars and marketable issues. Problem is Punk has taken so long to actually fight, its really taken the shine off him. But a popular WWE top guy? Thats always a good idea. He's already over and knows how to cut a promo and build an angle. I remember when Kurt Angle was talking about MMA and Dana wanted him to go through TUF. If that was today (and Angle was ten years younger), he'd take him in a heartbeat. Angle's way more marketable than punk with legit skill.
  15. Yup that's what was I was going to post but I was too busy shaking my head.
  16. Perhaps they re-structure Willy's deal to include less guaranteed and more incentives. I think he ends up starting again and if his deal gets him back up to a starters salary when he's starting, so be it.
  17. Ohhhh I guess I should read better. Thats pretty darn good then. Im hoping it comes down a bit. I have to do a basement reno first. Actually I have to move into the new house first. But thats next weekend.
  18. What is that and how do I do it (ebates)? Shipping has to be a ***** on that thing though
  19. This is the one Im looking at: http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/product/lg-electronics-lg-86-4k-uhd-hdr-led-webos-3-0-smart-tv-86uh9500-86uh9500/10414425.aspx?path=1265fc017ffed8a379e630fb5d5b8fb2en02
  20. Ive heard good things about Vizio as a bare bones option with excellent picture quality. I have been looking at them myself!
  21. Im very excited but very cautious til I see it. Too much excitement over saving money to make me very comfortable it will be awesome. They mention it will play more like NCAA Football than Madden. I dont play either, can anyone explain if playing like NCAA Football is good? I always figured a deal with EA would make sense as they could use the Madden platform and just alter it for the CFL rather then building a game from scratch. The argument will always be there isnt a large enough market. I guess we shall see.
  22. The biggest thing for Punk will be they fired him on his wedding day. He holds a grudge (still doesnt talk to his own brother over a dispute when they ran a small time local indy promotion years ago). He had issues with Hunter before that but the wedding day firing will stick in his craw for a long time. They did, however, treat AJ really well on her way out...
  23. Where is it? My TV (Not an LG, I think its a Toshiba) had a line of dead pixels running the entire length of the extreme right side. Sometimes it seems to go away (or I dont notice it) after awhile. Not long ago, same thing happened on the left side. A quick online check said its a sign of eventual TV death. Because it's the very edge, it doesnt bother me too much. But its out only TV so if it died tomorrow, I'd have to make some quick decisions! Same thing happened with my friends Sony recently.
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