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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. There has been no rejection of the far left. As someone else pointed out, its electability. Its about beating Trump. Its a bad sign for Trump actually. Although almost all signs are bad for Trump.
  2. Trying to lower everyone to Trump's level to feel better about supporting him is sad. The other Presidents arent the current President. If you're okay with a racist rapist as President, that's on you.
  3. Its so early. Obama will campaign for Biden which will be big. Warren will. If Bernie does too, its a landslide. Who will campaign for Trump? People who have been stained by Trump already. Their preaching to the Trump choir.
  4. Well its on Bernie to either be a sore loser or not. He's finished as a presidential candidate due to his age. But he can have an impact if he throws in with Biden. I expect him to be smarter than to kneecap Biden. No great conspiracy here, he appealed to a niche market and lost.
  5. I cant predict the future but you really think everything we've seen is indicative of Dems not voting? Come on.... Take off the orange-coloured Trump shades. Barring an act of God, a major Biden scandal or insane levels of cheating, Trump will get trounced.
  6. You love Trump, Bernie running splits the Dem vote. I mean, thats sort of obvious no? Russia would love it too. Russia and Trump would be so happy. lol
  7. Latest hot rumour is WWE pretty close to implementing their Wrestlemania contingency plan which would be moving the show to June. Id assume this all comes together this week due to the massive logistics required in doing WM and the discussions happening in Florida right now. Vegas still has a huge convention this weekend (which probably wont help things). MGM Resorts just announced the closure of all their buffets. Id guess AEW will look at the NFL actions with regards to the Vegas draft before they have to make any decisions on DoN.
  8. You can hope he runs as a 3rd party but that would be massive wishful thinking on your part. Bernie is a prick, but not big a prick. I assume he isnt dropping out yet and will see what happens coming out of the debate.
  9. Well, I think wrestling should be a variety show. AEW still has guys like Luchasaures and Marko Stunt and Orange Cassidy. Viking Raiders are great. I think WWE is just so in their bubble...basically if you're talent there, you're just like a hired actor (without being able to choose your roles). They hand you a name, a character, a script and teach you to perform the way they want which means everyone performs the same way (within the context of their ability). Shows are produced and directed the same way, look the same way. Announcers call it the same way, WWE-ized verbiage all the time. And I think for all the writers, they actually do less actual story telling. Its mostly guy A vs guy B because. Thats why Orton vs Edge seems so great because it's actually a story. Go back to Survivor Series 98, which was actually a Russo show so F me, but my God..amazing. So many different angles and layers of story coming together one one show to pay off a big climax. Even Drew...its like he did nothing of note for 3 years on RAW and then they decide he's going to be "the guy" so he wins the Rumble, becomes a babyface with no actual face turn and is suddenly scripted to talk totally different than he used to (trying to be funny, charming etc). Its fine, he's great. But he should have been built up for this over time with foreshadowing. So yeah, I agree. WWE is really up their own asses too much. And it starts and ends with Vince because everyone who ever worked there says the writers write for Vince, not for the fans or the talent. You want to keep your job and rise up? Book what you think Vince will like, even if you know it sucks.
  10. Wow. He had a red flag list of people he thought might have been spreading stories of his crimes including Ben Affleck. His own brother wrote him a letter accusing him of doing all these things.
  11. Should the Dems win the election (and especially if they win Congress), the depth of the GOP/Trump criminal enterprise/incompetence is going to come to light and will likely be breath taking.
  12. When you're voting against a racist, serial sexual abuser, dangerous moron criminal, its actually quite reasonable to vote against that. Generally, the vocal minority gets the coverage and it works on both sides. But there are plenty of people who vote *for* the party/person that most aligns with their views
  13. Totally agree. It’s so formulaic and boring. It’s not that it’s bad. It’s just predictable and the same as it always is. Wwe is super slick, amazing production values. But it’s too much a well oiled machine. AEW is better because the shows are more interesting. You might have the occasional bad promo, bad match, bad idea. But it’s because it’s more realistic and interesting and unpredictable.
  14. RAW: 2.163M average -23% drop from last year.
  15. I could see a Saskatoon game generating solid revenue. But it would be whether it was more cost effective to play with no fans or move somewhere else.
  16. Far more rational than the alt right. Trumps mental issues are far more glaring than any Biden gaffes. It’s Laughable partisan none sense to say otherwise. I’m all for a health debate but trump loses that one too.
  17. Yes the alt right will try to make mental competency an election issue. Not sure they should given Trump's issues which are far more accurate and prevalent than Biden. But they'll do it anyway. Another reason so many have floated the idea of replacing Pence.
  18. Virtue signalling to white progressives or what Trump does, virtue signal to white supremacists. But yeah, the "woke" are just awful. Lets appeal to the racists, right?
  19. Trump continues to have a good news day (ie year) lol
  20. XFL Sunday on cable.833K ESPN767K FS1 Below AEW...Vince is going to do something drastic!
  21. Title change for Hunter. WWE announced he's gone from Executive Vice President of Talent, Live Events & Creative to Executive Vice President Global Talent Strategy & Development. No word on change of duties. Interestingly, there have been reports that, not so much Hunter taking blame, but the talk around WWE about NXT losing to AEW on Wednesdays. The cynic in me would say its just a verbiage change to mitigate Hunter getting any blame for NXT's ratings. More likely it just aligns with his real-world duties of developing NXT's around the world, but its interesting to remove "creative" from the equation. Heyman and Prichard are more involved in the day to day creative of RAW & SD. I cant remember who does NXT below Hunter, Road Dogg and HBK maybe? It was Ryan Ward during NXT's most acclaimed period but he was poached for SD awhile back and then demoted I believe. He started in the new role in February.
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