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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Latino Review has a story (originally posted somewhere else but I don't recall) about a former WB employee who posted an open letter about the DC films. No confirmation its legit but they think it is. Complaints are mostly about how the DC films have been screwed up and a guy like Snyder keeps getting opportunities while lower level employees suffer. The interesting part is she claims Wonder Woman is just as big a mess as the other DC films. Yikes.
  2. Wow Dixie Carter no longer TNA President, Billy Corgan takes over observer: Dixie Carter is no longer president of TNA Wrestling after a major shakeup in the company was announced on Friday afternoon. Carter will now hold the titles of chairman and Chief Strategy Officer, while Billy Corgan will take over Carter's former role as the company's president. Corgan will be responsible for TNA's day-to-day operations, while TNA's statement says that Carter will focus on long-term planning, strategic partnerships, and global growth.
  3. Yeah, Trouba's days with Stu are over. The only issue would be if he really doesn't want to play LHD. And I doubt thats an issue.
  4. I don't think so. I think it might be a trend but only because studios feel the women audience is perhaps not being mined to its best. Studios don't usually risk money to make a statement, They do what they think will sell. Certainly though, if the spin off is that a general audience sees women as more equal to men in an industry where women are underpaid compared to men, then so be it. Nothing wrong with doing the right thing.
  5. I don't recall him accusing Patterson. He did write a book called Raped ion Wrestling where he said Kevin Fertig sexually assaulted him and an unnamed road agent (that could have been Patterson but describing him as a road agent would have been a weird way to describe Patterson as he was much more advanced than that). His stories are somewhat along the lines of "do this if you want to go anywhere in the business". Interestingly, I've heard stories like that locally. Not widespread and not recently. Before I got in the business, but a well know "local" told me he was propositioned by a well-known international "local" with basically "if you want to get ahead you have to give head". That sort of thing. A lot of this kind of thing was brushed aside as "boys will be boys" much in the same way it happened in many industries with men in power positions propositioning women. That happened in wrestling too but women were always around as "ring rats". Orion got in trouble for the way he conducted himself towards women (crapping in bags etc). For that matter, so did DX.
  6. Im not sure the media is twisting what Trump is saying. The one thing about Trump, and it was working to his advantage most of the campaign, is that he speaks very plainly and clearly. Now that he;s the nominee and its crunch time, he's unable to keep his foot out of his mouth. His methods were what attracted enough support to be the nominee but are the same reason he won't attract enough support to win the election. Barring a Clinton meltdown.
  7. My understanding is Ocean's 8 is not a reboot with women in the role of men, but a sequel that takes place in the same universe. So I see no issue with it. Especially in the context that Ocean's 11 was mainly an excuse for a bunch of "cool" buddies to get paid to hang out in Vegas for a few weeks. Why can't women do the same? Its a good cast and Im looking forward to it actually. Ghostbusters failed because it tried to be a reboot. It should have used the originals in prominent roles. Its sort of like making a Star Trek film during the 50th Anniversary of the franchise and have nothing at all relevant to the over-all franchise even though the original Captain is ready, willing and able to appear. Sometimes studio's outsmart themselves.
  8. Definitely the saga films are the main attraction but I'm looking forward to Rogue One!
  9. I'm a conservative who supprted Bush. And I hope Hilary wipes the floor with Trump.
  10. Very interesting. So he wanted to trade certain guys and ownership didn't?
  11. If anything, it makes the Riders more interesting to watch.
  12. So punishing the Riders will hurt the league? Are they going to make the Riders worse this season somehow?
  13. At least he's consistent. lol. Word was Republican leaders and his own family were going to stage an intervention. But I guess it failed. He's desperate. He's going to lose in a landslide, barring some major Clinton scandal. Hilary is hitting him today about his tax return. I think the reason he wont release them is that he's not nearly as rich as he claims and he likely pays very little tax.
  14. Also, will include a gay character, a Klingon Captain, female and male Admirals, English doctor and robots. Potential for Amanda Grayson (Spock's mother) and characters such as Bones (though not in season one). Winona Ryder as Spock's mother would be interesting.
  15. Not Patterson. There was a huge scandal in the early 90's that sort of dovetailed on the drugs/steroids thing. Some ring boys accused certain execs of trading favours for spots. Patterson was accused but there was never any evidence and he was brought back after being forced to resign. There is the second that some of it was probably true and some of it not. But that sort of speaks to my point that being gay was never a negative issue in wrestling to the extent several executives were gay and sleeping with employees. It was Terry Garvin and Mel Phillips that were the main focus of the accusations and investigations. They worked under Patterson and he stepped down for a time. It was really shady because one of the ring boys who made allegations ended up accepting a deal where he went back to WWE for awhile. I have little doubt that many of the accusations actually happened though. It was a drug fueled, sex crazed time in WWE.
  16. Yeah, nothing good can come of this. To be fair, they said the same thing in 2015 in regards to Darren Young and never did anything. Wrestling is really weird with gays because "you're gay" is such a cheap and easy heat score (or was, despite the awkwardness of Enzo/Cass implying Jericho/Owens were gay this past RAW to try and get heat - ill advised by the way). Yet, wrestling attracts a lot of gay viewers and wrestlers and my experience has been that wrestling has long been an industry that never cared if someone was gay.
  17. New Rogue One teaser with trailer to drop tonight
  18. According to WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon, gender inclusive characters could soon be integrated into the company's programming. McMahon was a featured speaker at an event hosted by Beyond Sport at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY on Tuesday and spoke about the WWE's role in ensuring gender inclusion in sports. "We will integrate LGBT characters into our programming ... and I do think there will be an opportunity to integrate some of those storylines in the near future," McMahon said.
  19. Vegas might have a good shot at Fleury or Murray.
  20. What the heck is the point of doing this if you suck this bad? Rich raises some interesting points too. If the team is paying for food and housing, compensating players in such a way, but its unofficial, you'd have to think that violates some sort of Canadian law. But really, the idea they are cheating in multiple ways and still suck is hilarious.
  21. If they were going to buy out Pavs, they would have done it already. I agree that Helle starts with the Moose because he's the easiest goalie to assign to the Moose and the Jets will justify it by saying "patience" and "development".
  22. That was more because they were both leaving, it was last match for both of them and the fans buried them both. Neither guy felt compelled to work very hard in that situation and both guys were being laid out by Austin at the end. Brock has worked very hard when he wants to. I suspect he just didnt see Ambrose as a top guy to work that hard with and knew he was going to go back to UFC so wasnt about to do anything too interesting, especially in a hardcore match where one wrong move might end his multi-million dollar UFC payday.
  23. - Will take place ten years before TOS - Will focus on an event in Federation past that has been talked about but never explored - will feature a female lead who will be a Lt Commander (rather then having the Ship's Captain be the lead) - Will feature more aliens - Will feature a gay character - Will reference or otherwise use Section 31 to a degree - Will use modern SFX and production design so it wont look or feel like TOS I like everything Im hearing, except that last one. My guess is the event will have something to do with the Romulan/Klingon alliance.
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