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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Im flabbergasted over Trump's remarks that were clearly making light of assassinations and at worst, calling for someone to take Hilary out. If the average Joe made remarks like that, they'd have the Secret Service all over them. There is a lot of backlash and this could be the tipping point for Trump. Ofcourse the NRA is defending him...
  2. He probably thought Dean sucks. He probably should have thought when you instill in guys that they can't say a word unless it's written for them then you can't expect them to be comfortable without a script but really Dean should have been a lot better. He's much better then what he showed.
  3. Pavs and Helle start with the Jets. Either Pavs plays great and plays out his contract or he loses his gig and gets traded at the dead line.
  4. I've been pretty soft on trump but this is ridiculous. He just implied assassination of Hilary. And the fact he's too gutless to even admit it is even worse
  5. Austin definitely has tunnel vision when it comes to how guys work today. He thinks guys should break through on their own and just be so great that they cant be punished (keeping in mind Austin refused to do a job for Brock, walked out, was suspended and came crawling back after losing a ton of money). The people Austin should be scolding are Vince, Steph and Hunter for how things are today as far as not conducive to creating new Austin's, Rocks, Hunters, Brets, etc.
  6. Sounds like an interesting interview between Steve Austin and Dean Ambrose. I havent watched it yet (It's on the PVR) but here is a recap from Observer: WWE Champion Dean Ambrose appeared on the Stone Cold Podcast with Steve Austin last night on the WWE Network after Raw went off the air and had interesting comments about his match with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 32 earlier this year. Lesnar defeated Ambrose in convincing fashion at WWE's biggest event of the year, and Ambrose provided a glimpse into how the match was put together. “It was pretty cool, you know? I went to the ring that night pretty pissed off, and then, as I walked to the ring, I had no idea what was gonna happen." Ambrose said. "Went out there with not much of a plan so to speak. I felt like I was pulling teeth to turn that match into something epic.” After further prodding from Austin, Ambrose said, “Artistically, Brock didn’t want to do anything if you want me to be perfectly honest. Because you know, Brock’s gonna Brock. He’s all about Brock." "I had a vision for that match to be the craziest thing imaginable, you know what I mean? And I was trying to pitch everything to everybody and had every idea. I put so much effort in and so much work in, and other people did too, and I was met with laziness.” But Ambrose said that it was an invigorating feeling walking to the ring against Lesnar in front of one hundred thousand people not knowing what was going to happen. He described those moments as something he lived for. The interview started somewhat awkwardly as Ambrose answered questions about his childhood, but it kicked into gear when Austin asked Ambrose if he had a chip on his shoulder. Ambrose replied that he has at times, but doesn’t consider himself someone who has a chip on his shoulder now. Austin came back to that near the end of the interview and challenged Ambrose to overcome what he perceived as complacency. Austin challenged Ambrose, "I’m challenging you to amp up and amplify everything you’ve got because I think the WWE Universe deserves to see that, and you’ve shown a lot of that, but I would dare say you’ve rested on your laurels, you’re a little bit comfortable and you need to find the edge again." Ambrose was offended by the suggestion, and said that pushing the envelope is something that he always tries to do, but it can be challenging in the current environment. At the interview's conclusion, Ambrose said he liked that Austin reminded him that getting on top is one thing, but staying there is another. I hate to say it hurt my view of Brock. I love Brock as a performer but its interesting to hear it was Brock who nixed anything and not just the way WWE chose to book it. Ambrose was hurt a lot by being basically squashed by Brock. The idea wasnt for Ambrose to become World Champion shortly after so thats part of it. But still.... And Austin saying Dean has rested on his laurels is interesting. It makes me wonder if there is scuttlebutt behind the scenes about that because Dean seems like someone who works really hard and as he said, what you do and how you do it is all about the writers and Vince & Hunter. Austin has said it before about the current environment but Austin would be nothing if he came along today because he would never be allowed to be Austin.
  7. I'd argue Bourne suffers the same fate though. Mostly, the issue with Beyond is that STID was flat awful so whatever good will 09 created with new fans was pissed away with STID. They were starting from scratch with Beyond and it wasnt good enough to generate really positive word of mouth. The loyalists werent going to see it ten times because it wasnt good enough, didnt celebrate the 50th Anniversary and wasnt epic in scope. It was like an episode of TOS which was its charm in a way, but also its downfall. The fact that during summer, everyone focuses on the next big release and in this case that was Bourne which was going to siphon off the action film demo right away doesnt help either. But if Beyond was better, the secondary fans (like women and casuals) would have gone to see it. And they didnt. It wasnt good enough. It wasnt terrible but it was wholly missable. And that was an issue.
  8. There is definitely a feeling that Star Trek just isn't a tent pole summer franchise. That it's too niche and requires to much franchise knowledge to really enjoy. JJ was tasked with changing that and did a good job with the 2009 film. But the more you make Trek widely accessible the more you sort of thumb your nose at the hardcore fans. I think Paramount believes the hardcore fans will always be there no matter what. But we're seeing that isn't true. And STID alienated both hardcore fans and Mainstream fans and Beyond is suffering for it. Beyond is good in many ways. But the plot is shallow and wishy washy so it isn't going to be a "can't miss" word of mouth success and it wasn't suitably epic or cool enough to make hardcore fans see it a dozen times.
  9. To be honest, Ladd did very well. Im surprised. His agent found a great situation for him and I cant believe he got that much.
  10. The Animated Series is weird. Some fans consider it canon but I dont think it officially is. Its sort of canon unless another TV or film contradicts it. It used the regular actors for the voices so it makes it sort of canon. Fuller said he would start releasing spoilers on the 10th (tomorrow) so let's hope! In other news, Beyond continues to plummet at the box office.
  11. Not often a player gets the leverage to dictate some things. And while he doesnt have a lot of leverage he does have some. Lawless reports he wants some assurances and since he is a free agent, hes allowed to ask. He wants to be used better, in key roles. And thats fair. Because if he spends the next five years as a bottom pairing D with Stu, his next contract will be lower due to poor stats. He's not leaving money on the table because he's carrying Stu around the ice. So part of it is him taking the opportunity to ask for assurances. Its fair.
  12. WWE just released Joey Styles. There is speculation it relates to an interview he recently did where he was very honest about hating the "WWE Universal Championship" name and a few other things. He was there a heck of a long time, all things considered.
  13. I think it's just more compared the Oilers greats who are available and wanting to play they the Jets alumni looks lacking. But they wanted 80's players obviously. Still id hope they asked Tkachuk and Zhamnov. If only to reunite the Selanne line. Same reason to ask Housley. Need another goalie so obvious pick is Nik. Didn't play long though. But would probably be the best goalie in the game that day and we'd need him!
  14. Isn't essensa a coach? I could see Khabi getting called. He's still young. Zhamnov would have been nice to hbe someone fairly young but who knows what kind of shape he's in. I wonder if they would have called Doan had he retired probably not. Probably The Bandit would get called. He fits the era. They said they have a few spots left.
  15. I guess the intervention worked Washington (CNN)Donald Trump endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday, moving to mend an intra-party rift that has put the Republican presidential nominee at odds with its highest-ranking elected official.
  16. Eddie O!! Forgot about him. Absolutely. He promised to bring the cup to winnipeg! Lol whats chad kilger up to? Ha
  17. Some guys might not be able to make it. Carlyle is a HC. Zhamnov is a GM in the KHL I believe. Keith is fat. Hopefully khabi makes it. What about Emerson? Domi? Ollaufson?
  18. Admittedly im more of conservative. And I don't hate Trump. But I am very hopeful Clinton wins. The best shot trump has might be his daughter.
  19. Nope. The NHL maintains rights to their defunct franchises. In the case of the Jets, I believe they transferred the trademarks to True North at no cost. I recall Bettman said the name and logo were TN's if they wanted them back at the presser announcing the sale (the same presser where David Thomson was asked about the name and said "Jets is a fine name".
  20. CNN had an interesting opinion piece about whether Trump was throwing the election on purpose feeling he didnt really want to win and have to do that job. They conclude he isnt throwing it, he's just being himself and what he is was enough to attract enough right wing voters to win the nomination but will alienate too many people to win. I think there is merit to the idea he wont change in a way he knows he needs to because its easier to say the election is rigged and then claim after the fact he was screwed. I think Republican's should have called his bluff about running as an independent. I dont think he would have and even if he did, so be it. There are Republican's that are running from him and saying they are American first, Republican's second and wont support him.
  21. I guess thats what happens when you dont have a team for 15 years. Although where is Zhamnov, Keith etc?
  22. Love it. I always preferred the 90's Jets logo so I dig the modernization of the 80's logo. Looks amazing.
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