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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. He seems to have issues with women. And as a young rich superstar, that has to be concerning for any management. Its the type of thing that can keep happening over and over again. At his salary, under-performing, it wouldnt surprise if no teams wanted him. it also wouldnt surprise me if a few teams were willing to try. Sometimes, teams think they can fix a problem.
  2. Always hate the low blow criticisms. Like other people dont make funny faces or cant be caught in candid moments. If thats the standard for political leaders then no one is qualified. Funny sure. But irrelevant and stupid.
  3. He's actually already said it's going to be rigged. Which sort of begs the question as to why he's bothering at all.
  4. Yeah based on a few people here talking about the need for "common sense" I imagine some of the staff took some abuse last night. I thought everyone was in great spirits and the staff were great, Saw one idiot loudly complain that he would never return to IGF after the game because he couldnt find his Park & Ride bus after being told they were parked in numerical order. Probably cost the Bombers a ton with extra staffing costs and transit costs. On the flip side, looked like a lot of people eating as the game dragged on. Sometimes these sorts of things make for an interesting story, especially considering the outcome. My first game of the season and it was a lot of fun.
  5. A lot of people left but still more than an Argo game! Lots staying.
  6. First game I've been to live this year. But everyone is in good spirits. Rain stopped. Lightning seems to have stopped also. Maybe refs will be inspired to call a speedy game.
  7. I've had concussions. Never did that and acted like an entitled **** afterwords. Cowardly jerk. If he legit was out of his mind he would have acted different. Complete horse ****. And besides regardless he still is responsible and henederson should sue
  8. Trade is already in WPG's favour factoring in Kane's character issues and quantity of assets. Unless armia, Lemieux and Roslovic are all busts it's a huge victory for wpg. Buffalo can mitigate that somewhat if they can hoodwink some team into giving up quality assets for Kane. Kane can still turn things around but probably not in Buffalo. Could be a solid player in Vegas. But that's irrelevant to the wpg/buf trade.
  9. More details on the Kane incident including threatening to kill the bouncer.
  10. Also if they did a co-program you wouldn't take a federation saucer section and stitch it to a Klingon drive section. That's fundamentally stupid. Im a bit concerned they are not releasing any information. Makes me think they are behind schedule if they aren't sure of thinks like premise and characters. Releasing that video was a terrible mistake.
  11. There are rumours that the plot involves a co-branded mission between federation and Klingons where he ship is half of each. I don't believe that because that's incredibly stupid. They just used a design that was rejected in the 70's. But hopefully the backlash causes them to rethink it.
  12. Ill add my two cents. This is the best discussion forum, not only for the Bombers but for the Jets as well. There was another Jets forum that had a lot of activity in the wake of Jetsowner selling out to the Freep and I saw them recently begging for more posters on twitter. So I assume its slowed down over there. Lots of really insightful people here. Plus the "off topic" forum is great too. As someone with a strong opinion, the last thing I;d want is a forum where everyone thinks the exact same thing. Thats where other forums have trouble because the mods or main posters get angry when people don't share their opinion. The idea should be a free exchange of ideas. Now, I don't post in the Bombers forums as much because while I love the CFL, I am not very knowledgeable so I like to read the opinions of the people more knowledgeable. I understand when people say they make a post and it gets picked apart and maybe some people could "educate" better than just tell you your wrong. But its a forum where there will be wildly different levels of knowledge and perspectives. Is Mike sometimes abrasive? Sure. Is he still among the most knowledge and insightful posters? Absolutely. I'd rather read Mike provide his insight and opinion then not. And that goes for several others too. As someone without technical knowledge of football, I've learned from reading here. Cant ask for much more. This is a great board. A really great board.
  13. Moonves says Star Trek Discovery (STD) is already profitable due to their international licensing deals. Says they will do 13 episodes initially but expects the series to go on long term. Good thing its already profitable what with that horrendous teaser trailer.
  14. Someone tell H&L no one gives a crap so they stop talking about this.
  15. There's an interesting comparable as far as a bridge deal goes
  16. Jaylah said her father was killed fighting one of Krall's henchmen while trying to escape. So you're right, she might have no family. But we can presume Krall forced her family/crew to crash on the planet which would imply they were either traveling in the family car or on a mission. Either way, she'd still have a homeworld or potentially extended family. I think they said she was just a small child when her father was killed so she might have little to no memory/knowledge of anything else. Then again, where is her ship? Pegg definitely had a short window so I can see that beign an issue especially with punching it up. Interestingly, speculation has it the story for Trek 4 might be based on one of the rejected stories Bob Orci submitted for Trek 3 before he was canned. He also made what seemed to be a sarcastic post on a fan board (before it was deleted) that several of his ideas were used in Beyond even though Pegg claimed the writing team was not allowed to view or know about the rejected stories.
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