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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I didnt mind Nero as much because of the idea the complete destruction of his planet and the deaths of his entire race, then the time travel made him insane. Plus he spent 30 years in a Klingon prison to stew about it. Again, it means his crew went nuts too but at least they were also imprisoned. The illogic in Nero's plan is that his entire motivation is blaming Spock, irrationally, for not saving Romulus. But then he ends up back in time and not only can he save Romulus, but he has technology from the future with which to allow the Romulans to have a major military advantage over everyone else. Because Romulans are long lived, its entirely possible that he still had family (Grandparents or even parents really) alive on Romulus at that moment. And yet he gave not a second thought to it and went about his insane plan of revenge on everyone who really had nothing to do with his planet being destroyed anyway.
  2. Yeah, I think it *can* work but requires too much stretching of the imagination. The plot should have been simpler. I dont recall them saying how many crew survived. But the Franklin clearly landed pretty softly since it was completely intact and its systems worked when Scotty powered them up and the whole ship was fully operational in pretty short order. Its unlikely Scotty was carrying with him any sort of major repair kit or anything so he only had his knowledge and whatever Jaylah had around to repair it. The Franklin crew had advanced technology on the planet which allowed them to create a drone army, advanced ships and advanced communication (they were monitoring Yorktown and allowed Uhura to send a "fake" distress signal) and with 100 years to work on it, never bothered to repair the Franklin or send a message. Just seems odd to me. As angry and bitter as Edison might have been, even irrationally so (it wasnt Starfleet's fault he was stranded), he had no way of knowing if the "weapon" would ever be found. So his plan relied on things happening that not only were out of his control but rather unlikely. He got lucky. The final log Edison made was from the Franklin and he vowed revenge. So he didnt have festering anger for 100 years. He looked pretty much the same age as in the first log. Now, I could say he was feeding on his own crew and it made him appear young. But that's something not remotely established in the film. It would appear Edison and crew abandoned the Franklin for some unknown reason. Its possible a military soldier would go nuts. But isnt it more likely a Starfleet captain who's mission is to explore the unknown frontier would look at that situation as an opportunity to do just that? His blame and anger were misplaced in an irrational way. If it was me looking at the script, I'd suggest cutting the whole vampire thing. If you need some sort of "horror" you could imply that the planet had little food (ie. no indigenous animal life) and little edible plants and so Edison and his crew cannibalized the dead and weak over the years. I would have made Krall human and the descendent of Edison. So as time passed, Krall would have been influenced only by what the elders told him, not by his personal experiences with Starfleet. So he ends up hating the Federation. On the same hand, I'd have made Jaylah a descendent of the Franklin crew as well. It would have made her journey more emotional, her connection to the Frankin as "home" more meaningful. And at the end of the film, her decision to go party instead of seeking out her family or homeworld now that she's finally escaped wouldnt seem so odd. Scotty presenting an opportunity to join Starfleet would mean more too...because unlike Krall, the stories she heard would have been positive ones about the Federation. So I would have used Krall and Jaylah as opposite sides of the same coin so to speak.
  3. It was never stated (that I recall) that Krall was taking on the appearance of the aliens he fed upon. the whole vampire thing was silly and seemed pointless other then to make him "horrific" and provide a shallow and flimsy reason why he was still alive after 100 years. I dont buy his motivations. Why does a Captain in Starfleet feel betrayed? Because his ship crashed on a planet and he never fixed it or sent a distress call so Starfleet didnt know where he was? It seems rather shallow to me. And if he was nuts from his experiences as a soldier AND Starfleet missed that diagnoses before making him Captain, we still must buy that the rest of his crew shared his bitterness and hatred. It was just a flimsy premise and too similar to Nero who suffered the same issue of wanting revenge for really no reason (and his crew goes along with it). There was a scene in the Wrath of Khan where one of Khan's people confronts him about his need for revenge and tries to talk him into letting it go. At least there we got a real glimpse of Khan's madness and his control and influence over his people.
  4. There is a depressurization button in the cockpit. He can actually turn off the oxygen and everyone would slowly pass out.
  5. I think the season ended with Trouba-Buff and Enstrom-Myers
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/28/asia/mh370-pilot-flight-simulator/index.html The home flight simulator belonging to the MH370 pilot had a route plotted into it which ended in the Indian Ocean, officials have confirmed. "The MH370 captain's flight simulator showed someone had plotted a course to the southern Indian Ocean," Joint Agency Coordination Center (JACC) spokesman Scott Mashford confirmed to CNN in an email. He did not elaborate on who may have plotted the route. The confirmation corroborates earlier reports that the device had programmed in it a route similar to the one which investigators believe the doomed flight took on its final voyage.
  7. CBC picked up the Metro news story. Which one of you works for the CBC and which one of you wrote the Metro editorial?
  8. Why bother taking part if you dont know what you're talking about? The fact you belittle the opposing perspective when its about domestic violence and other abhorrent things Hull said is disappointing. This is a relevant issue and a mainstream media covered issue. So your opinion is that its not relevant or worthy of discussion,. Ok. You're wrong but thats your opinion. Being dismissive doesnt change anything.
  9. Probably makes sense to have Laine and Ehlers play their preferred side. But not the same line. Not yet. Not to start.
  10. Well if the standard is murder then OJ should be booted from the football HOF...
  11. http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/manitoba/jets-bobby-hull-hall-fame-debate-1.3698139 scott Brown saying he hasn't heard of any criticism is a bit rich. Hard to take that seriously. But their point is understandable. Although so is the opposition. Real tough situation
  12. There has actually been speculation that Shatner is on medication that causes the bloated look. I cant remember the name of the meds but its a steroid I was prescribed temporaily (I had no side effects) but people who are on it continuously can have that look. But sure, look at Star Wars. They assigned personal trainers and chefs to Hamil and Fischer so they were in shape. Shatner is very active and fit at 85. Probably could lose 20 lbs with the right program but he's so special and important to Star Trek that likely no one would care. CGI, clever camera angles and you can do an easy "holo graphic" scene like they wrote for the 2009 film. Have a montage of archival footage over-laced too. Anyway... Regarding Beyond, also, the whole vampire alien thing was pointless and should have been removed as the story was edited. It served no purpose. The only reason would seem to be for the surprise of Krall being human. But it wasnt a big enough surprise and didnt serve the story anyway. If it was me, I'd have made him a descendant of the Franklin Captain who's bitterness comes from growing up and seeing suffering as the crew tried to survive on this planet. So he was influenced by the anger and frustration of his elders. I would also have made Jaylah a descendant of the Franklin crew because I think it would have made her story better. Funny how she finally escapes and goes to a birthday party and joins starfleet. Doesnt contact her homeworld or family. Weird. So make her related to Franklin crew and it makes her journey more emotional.
  13. Several sites reporting that Geoff Johns is now in charge of the DC Expanded Universe, displacing Zack Snyder. Good call, Warner Bros.
  14. Krall was awful. For reasons you stated. His ship landed safely. It was completely intact and able to fly when Scotty fired it up. Why did Krall abandon it? What happened to his crew? Presumably they were the other members of his group. So Krall goes insane but so does his entire crew? Why did they look like aliens? How did they discover this technology? Why didnt they use it to send a distress signal? How does the technology work? It seemed whenever he sucked the life out of people, it made him younger (and more human), so what caused him to look alien in the first place? Why did he suck back a few more humans and completely revert to his human self? What was his motivation? He looked around the same age in his conveniently left final log threatening the Federation, which was obviously recorded on the Franklin. So what caused him to abandon the ship? Why did he go insane so quickly? Why did he even use the name Krall? And why? Shatner isn too old or fat. He's 85 years old. He looks great. But sure, he looks older than in Generations. If only there was some sort of technology that existed to make actors look younger. Oh wait! lol Very easy to do.
  15. The Rock is not subject to drug testing, no. Neither is Hunter or the McMahons.
  16. Observer: Though the future of Brock Lesnar’s mixed martial arts career remains in doubt, he will officially not be facing any disciplinary action in professional wrestling. In fact, Lesnar isn’t subject to WWE’s wellness policy. A WWE spokesperson confirmed to TMZ Sports that Lesnar’s part-time status means that he isn’t tested under the policy.
  17. 6-7 would be my target. If he is great and doesn't want to resign here then it's prime time to trade him for a package. 8 years means potentially our two biggest assets hitting UFA at the same time. If he wants 6.5+ then trade him.
  18. I know there are Trekkies here. I'll give a brief opinion and expand when I have more time. Curious to hear other opinions. I have mixed feelings. Similar to when I saw Star Trek 2009. As opposed to Into Darkness which I immediately knew sucked Beyond was a simple, shallow story with a one note villain who's motivations were lame and existence/powers were unexplained. But saying that it was rather enjoyable with a few really good things. Most of the characterization sand interactions were much improved. Quinto still played Spock way too emotional. Him laughing was inexcusable. Bones still seems like a parody more than accurate. The ship destruction scene was pretty good. Most of the action was good. The dialogue was ok. Pegg gets it more than Orci but still it seemed like a rushed script that needed some polish. The great surprise of a photo of the original crew was excellent thoigh also maddening in that they could have used Shatner and done it right. So basically a mess but an enjoyable one that leaves me wanting to see a 4th of it has the time and care to be better.
  19. Makes way more sense for a team who wants him that bad to make a trade with the Jets. If an opposing team knows negotiations are going nowhere and Trouba wants a change (and probably talk gets around), they would go to the Jets. The only way Jets dont match is if the other team offers a deal so ridiculous they would immediately regret it. So it wont happen.
  20. Willy is now the most popular QB in Winnipeg. The Back Up. He'll be back. Probably before this week's game is over.
  21. If Dekeyser bought more UFA years, why would you pay Trouba more? And significantly more than Maatta?
  22. Well in that sense it is a comparable in that the Jets can use it to say Trouba deserves less based on less UFA years. Its a high outlier comparable. Still comes in mid $4 I think.
  23. Trouba Comparables: Trouba: 22 years old. 211GP - 23G - 49A - 72PTS = 0.34 PPG Olli Maatta: 6 years, $4.08Mper - 21 years old. 165GP - 16G - 41A - 57PTS = 0.35PPG Morgan Rielly: 6 years, $5Mper - 22 years old. 236GP - 19G - 73A - 92PTS = 0.39PPG Danny DeKeyser: 6 years, $5Mper - 26 years old. 234GP - 14G - 61A - 75PTS = 0.32PPG So, comparables are $4M-$5m on a six year deal. I'd imagine they could split the difference and go $4.7 over 6 years. If Jets want longer term (I would think they dont want 8, but maybe 7) then they pay extra money. If Trouba wants extra money, he signs for an extra year. $4.7 over 6 years. $5.2 over 7.
  24. The only issue with RAW was by the main event, fans were tiring of the "new" way WWE produces it's "epic" matches with the multiple false finishes and kicking out of every finisher. They need to have some main event level matches where a guy's finisher works. I would suspect the Sasha win was a recent change. She was purposely held out to soften her reaction with the idea of making her big win mean more at Summerslam. They must have wanted a "change" for the first RAW. Good effort all around. Im not sure if they are now doing a subtle Roman heel turn but if they are playing him straight, its still not going to work. Roman as leader of the Club might be a possibility. Balor turning is a possibility. I was worried when Balor came out and Cole ran down all his Japanese accomplishments, he said "Junior" so many times I figured he was earmarked for the cruiserweight division. "Universal" Champion is at least somewhat catchy. I guess the Universe is bigger than the World so its Steph showing that her balls are bigger than Shane's.
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