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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Week 9 is the bye week so that would probably be the most likely time to fire him if they do. Although it wouldn't surprise me if they waited til the end of the season. If they keep losing, they shouldn't though
  2. Exactly. Obviously lawless is getting his info from the right place. Though it isn't Jesus.
  3. ha! Nice backtrack. How do you know I didn't hear Gary's comments? Oh right. You know everything.
  4. Yeah lawless is lying. Lol geee I wonder who has better sources, "ISO" or Gary Lawless. Lol
  5. Not yet. Im hoping the longer version with better pacing improves it. But I have my doubts. Superman has been wrong from the beginning under Snyder so I dont think that can be saved. And some of their story choices in finding the other JLA members etc were wrong, mis-placed humor etc. Just a poor film.
  6. The cgi looked home made and apparently the ship design is not final. I imagine the blowback will result in changes. Suddenly im very worried as no one with any sense could come up with that. That design is actually an early design for a new enterprise when the first film was in planning stages. Appreviation os STD? Someone is an idiot. Fire Fuller.
  7. You're right that fans pay the price but that isn't on the NBA. It's on the state. The state made the law not the NBA. If the state brought in segregation laws and the league boycotted then everyone would applaud them and not worry that the racists were mad. The NBA has as much right as any person or business to vote with their actions. And as a fan business they are even more sensitive to not angering people. Way easier for them to say "we don't get involved in politics" and keep the show then make this decision. This is a courageous decision. They should be applauded. Keep in mind all star games aren't about the local fans. They are for sponsors and bring in lots of dollars for the local economy. It's more a punishment and snubbing to the state then a negative for the fans.
  8. Yes all the analysis I saw said Brock had wrestling speed and stamina advantage. Hunt needed to knock him out. Pure fans might not like this but wrestlers have amazing stamina. Brock can work a 30 minute match no problem. Yes wrestlers use rest holds. But wrestlers will tell you they can do all the cardio in the work to prepare but nothing prepares for a match. Even the fat guys. Great stamina.
  9. I dont want to block anyone.  Rich deleted my public message to you.  Your angry guy/sorry guy routine has worn thin. 

    You absolutely owed me an apology and werent man enough to provide it.  Shameful.

    1. iso_55


      You're not getting an apology.

  10. Interesting point. Makes you miss the days of Swaggerville a bit. Should never have fired Mark Nelson. His D were ball hawks who thrived on making big plays. The most jacked up players last night were guys like Wild and Bass who, it seemed when the team was folding, were hitting everything that moved and trying to make plays. Too bad it didnt catch on with everyone else. I'd almost like MOS to go into the room and demand that the players make big plays, lose if we must but go down swinging for the fences. Hall's D is technically fine but seems vanilla to me. I know nothing about the intricacies but seems far too passive.
  11. Miller is being paid to make money for the team primarily, right? He is doing that. Miller wont be going anywhere. I think Walters deserves another chance to hire a HC. I dont know that MOS has lost the room, but TSN was playing comments from players who stated the team had no energy or urgency. Im sure they like MOS, but is he getting the most out of them? Is he inspiring winners?
  12. He's definitely a guy with amazing genetics for sure. I'd say he looked juiced in K1. But Im no expert. If he was juicing at all. Hard to compare promo shots with weigh in because weigh in is when they are cutting as much as possible. He looked very lean, far leaner than usual the night of the fight. But he had a lot of weight to lose from his WWE wrestling weight to UFC. So one might suspect he dieted very very strictly as well as cut water for the weigh in.
  13. Nope. Especially because we're discussing it in the NHL thread ;-)
  14. Oh dont get me wrong. Im a HUGE Brock fan and trying to not let that bias impact my opinion because I want him to be innocent. He's the most unique athlete UFC has ever had. Size, quickness, power, agility This guy used to do shooting star presses in WWE. He's unreal.
  15. How many concussions has Willy had? Sorry if someone already brought this up.. Could we seeing the effects of brain damage? Sure, in everyday life you'd never know. But the fraction of seconds you make decisions as a QB and all the split second calculations that happen in your brain while throwing a ball deep etc...could he simply be damaged? We hear of great runners who come back from knee injuries at "100%" but are clearly not the same. Might not be different with the brain. That would explain why he didnt look all that great through training camp too.
  16. Probably just protocol for taking a suspect into a booking area.
  17. couple years ago I would have loved to have him on the Jets
  18. Why is it criminal trespass if video shows him assaulting two women? Sounds like he's getting off rather easy...
  19. So nothing new. Misdemeanor bleh. Assault two women on camera and that's it?
  20. Hmmmm, I wonder if its in connection with the previously discussed bar assaults. If I recall those were essentially "tickets" and not something he'd be formally arrested for. But, again if I recall, the worst incident involved a woman who had not come forward. Perhaps she came forward... One of these days this guy is going to need to grow up. He's pissing it all away and will be toxic enough that no one will touch him. In fact, if he's not careful he's going to qualify for one of those unpaid suspension deals. And then he's really screwed.
  21. Interesting to me because there were several teams interested in him last year and he chose the Jets. And now he's in tough to even make the team and ends up on a one year deal. I guess maybe the idea is he proves his value and signs a one way deal next summer.
  22. I can't say he wasn't on juice on wwe. But if you look at his first wwe run he was insanely large and ripped. Now he's just big. He's a farm boy. But....steroids are common in these fields. So you just never know. Have to wait to hear Brock's side of the story.
  23. Figured you'd have that opinion imagine a sports league standing up for equality and fairness for its fans, employees and athletes. The whiners should get over it. They're on the wrong side of history.
  24. LOL Brandon now..... I am have no knowledge of Eddie beating his wife. Is being an alcoholic comparable to beating women? eddie overcAme his addictions, reconciled with his family and became one of the top stars in the sport. I had the pleasure of working with him on his way back up.
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