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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. On Hustler's show it was said Edmonton offered Hall+ for Subban. Interesting. I would have made that deal if I was Montreal and determined to trade him
  2. Interesting that it's only one year.
  3. So you're that type of person, eh? Ok. Ive always respected your opinion but you're simply wrong. And showing a lack of character. Shooting off at the mouth about me without knowing me or anything about the wrestlers I've brought in. You've proven my point. Thank you.
  4. There was talk that the Jets called Edmonton when the Jackets passed on JP. Would love to have heard that conversation!
  5. The thing Brock tested positive for is also sometimes used in sex therapy drugs. So I guess that's a possible defense... lol It doesnt make sense. Brock never tested positive during his last UFC stint. He knew he would be tested many times. He passed all the tests but the one at the end of June and night of the fight and still, no steroids were found. He was heavily critical of Jones for testing positive. Its possible a tainted substance or inadvertent. Which doesnt make it right, ofcourse. Then again, some athletes can just be in complete self denial. The reason Brock was ripped was because he had to cut weight to get under the UFC's maximum weight limit. In WWE, he was bigger because he could wrestle at 300 lbs. In UFC, he couldnt. No need to train that hard to cut when you dont have to.
  6. Again, Iso, let's back track to your comments. Own them or apologize for them. I stated Hull's accomplishments as a player deserved to be honored. I stated it was a difficult thing with points on both sides. I provided facts that indicate general HOF standards would not preclude Hull, so I provided facts that work against the argument you're trying to pin on me. You stated that I am a hypocrite because of the wrestlers I've brought in. Tell me which wrestlers i've brought in. Can we start there? Just a list. Im sure you have all the fact before attacking someone, right? That's the issue. You and another guy here have both done it more than once, rather then discuss an issue, you attack me over wrestling. Self-loathing wrestling fans. So tell me, what wrestlers have I brought in, what were their issues that compare to BEATING THEIR WIVES because thats the comparison you drew. So tell me... As for Hull, dont make it sound like I'm the one with the issue. You called it a "social agenda". I pointed out the pushback on the announcement...I didnt create the pushback. Its relevant. Its been discussed on TSN. You might call repeated and consistent abuse a "mistake". Others wouldnt be so forgiving. Hull might be your hero but you're dancing all over the place to try and minimize domestic violence. If you're going to attack someone, you should do it with relevant facts or simply apologize. No harm in that.
  7. In week one (or week zero maybe) of the new ratings "war", SD beat RAW by .04 million viewers.
  8. Good gig for him. Had the pleasure of meeting him when he was here for wrestling (not my show but I helped run the back). Very nice and professional guy. Be nice if we get a one time reunion of JE and the King. Maybe one of those old school RAW's.
  9. Why would I be satisfied? I'm saying you can't possibly understand it if you think it compares to bartering women. Explain the relevancy of whether wrestlers I brought in were "pillars of society"? And what standard are you using to determine what amounts to a "pillar" applogies to everyone else. But you made baseless assertions with no facts to back it up. Which wrestlers did I bring in that are comparable to someone repeatedly battering their wives? I can tell you many character issues with guys I brought in but you threw it at me so you explain. Or admit you had no basis for the statement... Fair is fair. It's completely off topic from the discussion
  10. They announced new commentary teams for both shows and he is not included in either. Not released though. Some speculate its related to his arrest recently for domestic violence (charges were dropped). I think its more likely a youth movement scenario by WWE but they are sheepish about domestic violence right now (for example, they likely wouldnt honor Bobby Hull lol). They pulled their offer to Moose over his old domestic violence charges
  11. I love the cheap digs when you guys have nothing to say. I invited Brandon to take wrestling discussion to the wrestling thread. You can too. If you're not a wrestling fan, thats cool. Firstly, you dont know the Hall indicent or you wouldnt use it as some sort of comparison to domestic violence. Secondly, you failed to address my other points. Thirdly, I dont think "public figures" are bad people. i DO think beating up women is wrong. Do you? Fourthly, some people have trouble with reading comprehension. I didnt say Hull should *not* be honoured. I said I personally wouldnt do it. But I contributed to a discussion about the pros and cons of doing it. By the way, since you know so much about me, which wrestlers have I employed, which ones are "bad", what did they do, how is that relevant to this discussion and if you feel that wrestlers can be bad, why do you feel Hull deserves a pass for beating up his wives?
  12. Yes and I reject your notion outright. Sheriff had a lot of interesting perspectives that Don didnt want to hear. I respectfully disagree with you. And Im making no judgement on either side either. I think it was clear Don disagreed with the Sheriff and didnt want any discussion about that at all.
  13. I think you risk sending a poor message if the team is off the rails and the ONLY reason you dont fire someone is "because why not just wait til season's end". If the season ended today and you'd fire him, then fire him today. (Im not advocating firing him and I still think the team can turn it around, its early). My point on the HC's was pretty clear I thought. If you fire a HC mid-season and have to elevate an inexperienced person on an interim basis for the rst of the season that has risks. But because Lapo & Hall have both done it, its an easier transition. Doesnt mean they will be successful, just that it's an easier transition. Besides, was the team any better since they fired Lapo?
  14. Theres a video floating around of Don Lemon interviewing a police officer (a Sheriff I believe) about Black Lives Matter and the Sheriff surprises Don by being very anti BLM and Don ties himself in knots trying to "win" the debate. The best part is, Don cited a study to prove his point, the Sheriff then quoted from the same study to prove his point and Don said well the study isnt legit or something. Hilarious. CNN definitely has an agenda, like most companies, whether they are news or not.
  15. The only thing about not firing a coach mid-season is, there still needs to be consequences. Consequences for the HC not doing well and consequences for the team as a whole. If the Bombers keep losing, I'd say fire him whenever it seems appropriate but if the decision is to keep him til season's end just because, then fire him week 8. Or 9 or whenever. Because failure has consequences. And a message must be sent to the players and rest of the staff and fans that losing isnt acceptable. Plus, because of the Bombers have two former HC's under contract, there would be less concern of a complete nose dive by promoting someone who doesnt have that experience.
  16. You're comparing Hogan sleeping with another consenting adult with full endorsement of her husband to beating up women? Do you know the details surrounding the Hall incident? You dont seem to. Again, are you comparing words (Hogan's) to beating up women? Your point that many "heroes" have character issues is relevant but your examples are not.
  17. They should call Bayley up sooner rather than later. He cutesy girl gimmick has a shelf life. But they need more women in NXT to carry that show. I was disappointed they didnt call up Nak and Joe. Weird. Nak should be up soon though. Joe, I assume Vince sees him as no value at his age and look so he anchors the NXT touring brand.
  18. Cass & Carmella are a real couple. Split up. They've done it before. They like to be petty. They moved Jim Ross to SD once because he said prior to the draft he wanted to stay on RAW and they didnt tell him before it happened live. That wasnt a work bro.
  19. According to Paige's social media, its real. They were seen together on vacation too.
  20. Paige and Del Rio are another couple they split up for no good reason. Bet Cena and Nikki dont end up split up...
  21. There is some speculation that this might show Brock WAS clean for the UFC fight. He was popped for Estrogen blockers, not steroids. Could be he went off the juice around WM when he accepted the fight, began experiencing side effects of low testosterone and too the blockers to counter it. In that sense, its maybe a moral grey area. The substance is banned so he's screwed. Banned is banned. But it would crucify WWE and their alleged "greatest wellness program ever" nonsense.
  22. Well that makes sense. The one who cant work is going to be the singles guy. Bleh
  23. Slater needed 15 stitches, nothing too serious. Unless I missed their name when I perused the list they didnt draft the Wyatt Family. And splitting up The Club? Hmmmm. Maybe a vehicle for Balor to take over as leader but Styles was great in the role. Original talk was Styles/Cena battling over the SD Championship. I'd expect that to continue. This draft really shows their lack of depth. And why they were trying to sign guys. And they didnt want Kurt Angle??? Man, they NEED him right now.
  24. Weird draft. And keeping their trend slice wwe makes sure a couple is split up for no good reason by having Cass on Raw and Carmella on SD. Nice of them.
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