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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I agree its leaning that direction. WWE will wait until the last possible minute...well, WWE wont cancel. But Florida might. Its a logistical nightmare though. I think they'll wait to see if the virus sort of plateaus in the US in the next couple of weeks. I wonder if they'd restrict some travelers from certain countries too. They should be really careful with house show and TV events right now. Talent is always so interactive with fans. Adam Page should not take beer from fans anymore...lol (word is the last few were plants).
  2. So the million dollar question is, will WrestleMania in Tampa be cancelled/postponed...
  3. Maybe but I think Vince has it forcasted. He's willing to lose the 300, 400 million or whatever it was he put in. Now, if it was a total obvious disaster in year one, he might re-think that. But if the golden goose of TV rights fees is still on the horizon, he wont be overly concerned with losses in the first couple years.
  4. Hey guys. Don’t worry. Trump has said the wall is going up to protect from the Coronavirus. Everything will be fine.
  5. Also Biden could be in a coma and still be ten times the president trump is. So let’s stop with the dementia hoax. The only guy with cognitive impairment is trump.
  6. Good excuse to ban media maybe lol
  7. Yup. its hilarious that all this Trump defender has is "well, why doesnt someone else do his job then." Why doesnt he do his job?
  8. Trump has total control over the information flow to the extent they are actively withholding information that certain people would probably require if they were going to make another plan. But do you mean people like Schumer who called Trump's funding request inadequate? The dems actually insisted on increased funding. or do you mean the main Democratic candidates who have all answered how they would handle outbreaks like this? You know you have a crappy President when even devout supporters like you are embracing the "yeah, well what would YOU do" method of responding to criticism. Probably most people wouldn't declare it a hoax, say it was going to be reduced to zero cases, cut funding to the CDC, tell sick people to go to work etc etc etc. You know, most people's plan wouldn't include being a selfish idiot.
  9. lol you're suggesting that someone else should somehow take over the federal government and come up with a plan for dealing with this because Trump dropped the ball so badly? And let me guess, if someone doesnt do that, it diminishes Trump's failure and incompetence, right?
  10. Its not your attacks on the left that make it seem like you embrace and love Trump, its all the times you embrace and love Trump that do.
  11. Are you suggesting 1) there is nothing else to criticize Trump over (haha)? 2) that Trump is not deserving of criticism?
  12. I'd expect that if someone expects people to have an issue with all politicians and parties, they wouldnt embrace the Liar-in-Chief, the Idiot-in-Chief, the Fraudster-in-Chief, the Sexual Abuser-in-Chief, the Racist-in-Chief etc etc etc. And yet you do. Why is that? It would be like being really really mad that people are critical of OJ but not critical of someone for getting a parking ticket.
  13. Stop blaming Trump for his own incompetence you lefty! 😉
  14. Sorry pal, you wont guilt anyone into feeling sorry for Trump. Most people feel terrible for the victims of his sexual assaults but we dont feel sorry for him for being a compulsive serial sexual harasser.
  15. You cant paint everyone as a leftist just because they dislike your moral alignement with a nasty racist serial sexual abuser. And you especially cant paint me that way. Thats awfully lazy. By the way, NYSE halted trading. How worried are you for Trump today?
  16. hahahahaha you getting desperate in your responses. Trump self-owns every single day. Its sad that people will die this time, but its still worth pointing out! The obvious take-away is not that the US is dealing with a crazy thing and is doing everything they can to get in front of it, its that Trump is an idiot who cares more about appearances than real action, that he chose to downplay the risk because it served his own interests. How low could he sink before you'd have an issue with him (and not like before when you would pretend not to love him, but like, really have an issue....or do his values and moral character align too closely with your own for that to happen)? Real question, btw.
  17. Is there anything you wouldnt defend your lord & savior Donald Trump on? lol The whataboutism is strong in this one. I know you're just trolling, but I am absolutely no fan of JT and if you followed the Canadian thread, you'd know that. hahahaha
  18. Vince chose the markets he did for TV. The end game is to get a TV/streaming deal that pays the bill, not be a gate driven league. Though they've done well in some markets. Its all about leveraging the increase in rights fees for sports and the expanding cable/streaming universe for big bucks. XFL will succeed or fail based on getting that deal.
  19. Looks like it went right over your head again. Let’s try this one.
  20. None of that is accurate. But the people who keep pretending you’re pushing a valid argument know it. Why anyone bothers to reply is beyond me.
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