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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Does Buffalo just expose him and does Vegas go for it....
  2. I dont know man...Orton is pretty played out. He was their first big push when it occurred to them that pushing a 22 year old guy would mean they'd have a guy on top for 20 years. Unfortunately, most guys dont really "get it" completely til into their 30's. Orton has been really played out and has had injury issues. He's a good worker though. Needs to be a heel but I think they will try and make him a face as he'll get that initial pop upon his return. Wonder if they will mention that both were the "youngest world champions" (Brock first and then Orton beat his record).
  3. They had an angle planned a couple of years ago which was for Vince to feud with Hunter/Steph in a "take over" type scenario. They had set it up and Vince was scheduled to appear to start it and abruptly changed his mind feeling he was too old to be on TV. That changed when Roman failed to get over and Vince basically decided he'd get him over himself, leading to his return to TV (where he took a bump for Roman). Helped short term. I wouldnt be surprised if they circle back around to the take over angle. It would make sense to do when Vince is close to stepping back a bit. Its probably the final bit of realism they can do. Steph has a DVD and auto-biography out this year, plus her continued push as the face of the company. Makes me wonder if Vince has finally decided on a succession plan. Its a very interesting topic because he was asked about it a few years ago and the company basically brushed it off. But a valuable publicly-traded company needs succession planning and when you're family owned/operated its even more important. Vince has been working with Hunter for a few years now to get him ready but the concern was always, if Vince died tomorrow, would the shareholders/board accept Hunter? On paper, it doesnt really matter since the family controls the board and controlling interest in shares. But share holder war could torpedo the share price. Hunter has no formal education, never worked a real job or worked in business. There has been speculation Shane's return is specific timing on his part. He's got formal education, worked his way up in the company and was CEO of another company not controlled by his father. His department in WWE when he was there was considered a big success. He's very likeable and someone that is great in the business world as far as relationships etc. Steph is sort of an idiot, having failed in most ways in WWE as far as departments she ran and doesnt seem to have natural business savvy. No surprise she was moved to a position created for her which essentially was designed for a "McMahon" to be the face of the company. She's good at smoozing and as a young woman in business, comes across well. Shane and Hunter legitimately dont love each other though. And it would be odd for Vince to suddenly change direction. But Shane might be someone that stabilizes the shareholders if he was involved. So far, he hasnt been (and there has been some talk he has to be careful due to non-competes with his other company and WWE's involvement in China) but it wouldnt surprise me if Shane gets elected to the WWE BOD in the next year or so. It also wouldnt surprise me if he gets bored and leaves again. But I think he's being sincere when he says he wants WWE to exist for his sons too and he needs his foot back in the door before Vince is gone.
  4. Im sure he meant its all about "money" in general. IE. rich defendant can afford top notch lawyers and investigators to make prosecuting the case that much more difficult. By law, prosecutions are not supposed to advance unless the state/crown have a reasonable expectation of victory. When you have a lousy lawyer and no money, that becomes easier.
  5. Really hope Chiarot bounces back. If he can, then it helps a lot
  6. Steph is a good performer in the sense she is good at saying words. Problem is, she always buries everyone and never gets her comeuppance. And Hunter especially is very smart about appearances. Its an old trick that dates back years...you know when the ratings trend down and when they trend up, so you make sure to be out for the regular down trends and return for the up trends so that you can always say ratings went up and down depending on when you appeared. The problem with reverse GM's is that then it becomes about the GM vs the Commissioner. The feud that makes the most sense if we have to have an authority-based feud is Shane vs Hunter.
  7. Would love Bisch back but doubt they'd do that. One Rumor is Steph and Shane announce their GM's and Vince flips them making Shane's pick work for Steph and vice versa
  8. Nah it's simple logic. If a team that isn't as budget consciousness as the jets values the contract then wealthier cap teams will too. They might not care as much but they still value it on its face.
  9. If its a great contract for a budget team then its a great contract for all teams.
  10. Normally I'd say Randy wins for sure. But Vince "gets" Brock in a way Hunter & Steph never will. He understand protecting a commodity, hence why he put him over Undertaker and had his squash Ambrose and Cena. So if I had to bet, I'd bet on Brock. Its just weird because you don't usually beat a returning face in his first match back. Could be a set up to a bigger angle. WWE.com might have spoiled the SD GM with a pretty specific heading that would make you think it will be And they changed it, which adds further credence.
  11. I guess the idea is Shane is more of a draw as a face to make SD seem cool. The GM idea is interesting and hopefully designed to keep Steph & Shane from appearing too often.
  12. Myers contract is pretty good. $5.5 per for three more seasons but actual salary is $4, $3.5, $3.
  13. I thought we started a Making a Murderer thread but maybe not. Anyway, some interesting news. A neighbor claims he saw the victim's Rav4 driving onto the Avery property a few days before it was found. It was using the back entrance and was accompanied by a white Jeep. The Jeep then exited but the Rav4 did not. The neighbor is certain its the Rav4 in question because of its color and make. He also claimed its impossible for the search members who found the Rav4 on Avery's property to have done so as quickly as they did. He said he had bought parts from the Avery's and even when told which row and where the car was, it would take him ages to locate. This has been a area of suspicion before, that the volunteers went right to where the Rav4 was located. The woman who found it was related to the victim, was a PI and claimed she was "guided by God". The neighbor also says he observed Manitowic County police (the ones who were banned by court order from investigating) entering the property down the back road, past a police barricade, the night before the keys were discovered.
  14. I believe their concern was he was still heavily armed, potentially with explosives, negotiations were going nowhere and he was still a threat. They were concerned about him rushing out and trying to kill more people. go out in a blaze of glory type scenario. I have no issue with the robot bomb. I find it somewhat amusing there have been stories about "what does this mean" now that police have used a robot to kill a suspect and "where will it end". Well, I doubt ED209 is going to visit you with a bomb for unpaid speeding tickets.
  15. I would definitely say WWE wants Ronda for WM next year...vs Steph. Or a Ronda/Rock vs Steph/Hunter match. On one hand, its the most marketable use of her since the only stars in WWE are Steph and Hunter but its a shame the rub would be wastes on people that dont need and cant use it.
  16. Tough break for Ice Caps. Just a difficult location to make work I guess ST. JOHN’S, NL (July 11, 2016) – The St. John’s IceCaps organization confirmed today it remains committed to providing elite-level hockey to fans in Newfoundland and Labrador, despite the announcement today by the Montreal Canadiens that they plan to move their American Hockey League (AHL) affiliate to Laval, Quebec in the fall of 2017.
  17. Rousey will eventually be WWE-bound, whether with UFC's blessing or after her contract expires. She loves it. But such a shame they wasted her on Steph/Hunter. Dana has said dealing with Vince is difficult but he respects him. He doesnt seem to respect Hunter. For what its worth, none of the family (Hunter, Vince, Steph) other than Shane, like or understand MMA. Shane tried to buy UFC years ago but couldnt convince Vince, who had no vision for it.
  18. I dont know if the deal would be that in depth. WWE got a promo video on UFC200 and if that was as much as they got, it wouldnt surprise me. There was talk they wanted Van Zant but she didnt end up agreeing so who knows. I would also not be surprised if there was a handshake agreement that they'd help each other out in the future. There was also talk that WWE owed UFC one since Ronda appeared at Wrestlemania last year. WWE continues to say stupid things about UFC so it seems to me they never feel really good about the deals or the relationship. Low self esteem. It will be interesting to see if WWE pushes the Brock win now, since they did nothing on TV for UFC200 going into it.
  19. According to 8 News Now in Las Vegas, which will air portions of a sit-down interview with Lorenzo Fertitta and Dana White on Monday morning, papers were signed on Saturday to transfer majority ownership to a group consisting of the William Morris Endeavor (WME), International Management Group (IMG), and private equity firm MSD. The $4 billion dollar deal isn’t a 100% sale, with the Fertittas and Dana White retaining a small percentage of ownership. Additionally, White will remain in the role of UFC President under the new ownership group, while Lorenzo Fertitta will relinquish his position as chairman after a six to eight week transition period. Read more at http://mmatorch.com/2016/07/11/ufc-sold-for-4-billion-fertittas-dana-white-retain-small-percentage-of-ownership-white-stays-on-as-president/#GwfOiWC40Eed1O4e.99
  20. Unfortunately I'm not a big enough UFC fan to be able to analyze it too closely. But before the women's fight last night I said to a buddy it would make sense to hbe Ronda vs Tate first since the marketing is that it's for the strap and Ronda likely wins then build up the Ronda/Holm rematch. After last night? Who knows. Probanly best interest of UFC is get the most money on the first fight. Whatever that is. Ronda/Holm I'd guess. Great fight by Brock. Thought he looked looser and more relaxed than ever even just entering the cage. Looked to really enjoy the whole experience. He was very very aware of Hunt's punches and used his agility to dance away. Smart fight. Hunt had no answer for a guy that big and strong who was that fast and could take him down almost at will. Good for brock back when Brock was in UFC before he was hated by mma fans. When I'd see UFC at bars he'd be boo'ed out of the place. Last night the was cheered wildly by everyone. Interesting. And not just because he's now "Canadian" but cheered in arena too. I think fans like the story. And see Brock as one of their guys now. Great story.
  21. I think Brock feels he ha something to prove. On the other hand he's one and done no matter what so can he truly be as focused as he needs to be? Probably. But still he has to avoid being hit
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