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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Maybe its a minority opinion, but I like Westwood a lot and value his insight. Id rather have someone with insight and experience who isn't the most polished radio/TV personality than someone who is but is just saying words. Lawless had this issue too, early on when people who dismiss him for bing a lousy public speaker and fat, as if either thing was relevant to what he was saying. Anyway, I like Westwood. Thats my point. No one is better than Irving though. I know it won't happen but when TSN makes a play for Bombers rights, would be nice if they brought him over too.
  2. absolutely A nut looking for an excuse. I just don't think it should be downplayed that he targeted white people. Because the hysteria over police shootings is important as a discussion point. The targets and victims should never be downplayed.
  3. I think the motives were rather clear. Is there an effort to downplay racism against whites here? An effort to "understand" and sympathize with the shooter? Did the shooter nkt say he wanted to kill as many white people as possible and was angry over the police shootings? Unclear motives?? Hmmmm
  4. I tend to agree Root. Brock needs to get Hunt down early and often.
  5. Not a statement that should ever include a "but"
  6. Laine plays LW. He shoots right though. Ehlers is a left shot who prefers to play RW so swap those two voila
  7. Heard Schief on 1290. Said he wasn't involved until it heated up and then he was quite involved and it was his decision. Says he wanted to be here and is proud to be here. Mentioned Buff signing as a good sign and is excited about the talent and future.
  8. Figured id start a new thread for the inevitable and apparently impending announcement.
  9. Certainly. But if someone is pulled over for a minor infraction and is with a woman and a young child and offers to the cop the fact he is carrying a legal firearm, odds are his intent is not to then try and shoot the cop. The argument will be the officer cant take that chance. But ofcourse he can. Otherwise, cops would come in a blazin' on every vehicle stop. They have no idea if someone has a gun or not and in a lot of cases, obviously, there are guns. The officer said he ordered the driver not to move and the driver still reached for his ID. Yes he didnt follow orders. But that's not an executable offense. Had the officer waited another split second or two, he'd see the driver with his ID. Now one can say "but if he waited and the driver pulled out his gun, the officer risks being shot". That the risk the officer accepts everytime he goes to work. The citizen does not accept the risk of being shot by a police officer when pulled over for a minor infraction. On the racism question, I think it plays a part. Not the same as the guy who claimed he hated whites and wanted them to die (and killed the officers in Dallas) but more subtle. Like the question of 'if you're walking down the street at night and two black guys are walking towards you, do you cross the street?' Is that racism or a decision based on life experience, area of town etc? Even so, its still racism to a degree. In the Minnesota case, if the driver is white does the cop give him the benefit of the doubt? Maybe not. But probably so.
  10. Ehlers-Schief-Wheeler Laine-Little-Stafford Perreault-Burmi-Dano Matthias-Lowry-Armia
  11. Thought Lapo called a good game. Thought Hall's D was much more aggressive and it paid off. Willy continues to get a bit better. Hopefully he gets his old form back. Wont be comfortable in a turn around until after next week's game....
  12. Has Black Lives Matter, as an organization, condemned these killings? Has all the celebrities who condemned police in general condemned these killings? The rhetoric desperately needs to be ramped down. The two deaths at the hands of police this week were, in my opinion, needless. But consider the amount of Police/Citizen interaction on a daily basis that never results in anything like that. Those two incidents should be dealt with, certainly. But it wasnt the incidents that sparked a racists to murder police in Dallas...it was the hype and rhetoric. Americans want their guns. A by-product is nervous police with their finger on the trigger when responding to calls involving armed citizens. Doesnt make it right. Just makes it so. Think every cop in America today is losing their grip on their weapon in the wake of Dallas?? Not a chance.
  13. I am a big Brock fan. But I expect hunt to beat him. Credit to Brock for not wanting an easy payday.
  14. Horrible. Let's see how many Americans think cops lives matter. This gun violence is out of control. Racism running rampant. What a place. Awful awful news.
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