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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The talk is that the signing of Stamkos back to Tampa increases the value of the Plan B guys. So Okposo, Ladd etc likely getting bigger deals now. Word is Islanders talking to Ladd today.
  2. People dont slow down in school zones so our kids are safer. Thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard. They slow down out of fear of getting an illegitimate ticket. When you slow down at 5pm in a school zone that has nary a child for miles, is that making your kids safer? No. Not at all. Reduction in tickets handed out is not proof of safety or that drivers are driving more responsibly. If they put up a sign and said a small stretch of Pembina HWY was not 40KM/H and enforced it for 5 years, people would slow down. It wouldnt make it relevant. It just means people dont want bogus tickets. Gord Steeves knew this to be true. He admitted it was not about safety. We all know it. Which makes the entire program illegitimate. I love hearing stories of tickets being thrown out of court. I love that it costs the government money. And I hope that continues until they realise police arent tax collectors and the public shouldnt be screwed.
  3. She's a horrible business woman because she knows nothing about the business. Her education in wrestling is so well-protected that she doesnt get it. Her comments on UFC are parroting Vince's from years ago and they are wrong. I dont even think she has a business degree. I think she has an arts degree. She's attractive and well spoken and personable. So in that role, she's good as the Chief Brand Officer, a totally made up position for her that has no real responsibility. But its needed because Hunter has no education, no business experience and will be running WWE because he married the boss's daughter so the intent is that they basically take Vince and split him in two among Steph and Hunter, hoping that Steph as a "Chief Officer" with the McMahon name can keep shareholders from jumping over-board if/when Vince dies.
  4. He didnt get an equivalent D man back though.
  5. Definitely ratings are about trends. Macro, not micro. In 1997, WWE was getting killed in the ratings by Nitro but were putting on better shows. They stayed the course and eventually over-took WCW. But you can see how other programming impacts WWE. During NFL season, NBA playoffs, even NHL playoffs to a degree. Dancing with the Stars etc. This past monday was the week with no excuses and they did poorly. Their first hour, which is usually good, started off very low. Their third hour didnt drop as much as last week so it showed people who tuned in stayed tuned in. But over-all, with no other programming, the rating was awful. Steph is annoying, What's worse than her as an annoying character is the damage she does to other characters. She routinely dresses them down and cuts their balls off. That has an impact. WWE doesnt create stars anymore. And I actually think its on purpose. The only stars are Hunter & Steph, the two people that will never leave. Other than that, the Brand is the star and WWE has this sense that no individual person matters. Probably no person has done as much damage to wrestling as Stephanie McMahon has over her career. And the next year is all about Steph, with a DVD documentary coming, an auto-biography and pushing her role as Chief Brand Officer. I sort of wonder if Vince has an exit strategy now that they are pushing Steph to the outside world so hard. They desperately need the rest of the world to accept her as a legitimate business person.
  6. My explanation could be wrong but I was always told (prior to this stupid school zone law) that school zones were marked to warn motorists to slow down when children were present. Maybe it was urban legend that it was a law. Maybe it was true. Maybe we dont know because in the history of cars and school zones it was never an issue. Every so often you'd see a police car in a school zone when school was letting out, checking for reckless driving. And oddly, that police car never hung around until 5:30. It was fixing a problem that didnt exist. I dont care one iota about the police budget if it requires bogus enforcement. They can cut officer salaries and OT. The job of the police and laws should not be to generate revenue. When their stated ideals is they hope no one ever gets a ticket, which we know is false, its all bogus. Imagine if no one ever got a ticket and they still had to pay for the enforcement program. Its ridiculous. I've received a few tickets in my years of driving...not many. Paid them all. Didnt complain when it was my fault. I dont care that its me getting caught this time. The enforcement is bogus. Period. The police should not be tax collectors.
  7. A story from bloody elbow contains some hilarious Steph quotes: "Brock is a unique proposition, but just to get to the broader question: UFC is not a competitor to the WWE because we are entertainment and UFC is competitive sport," McMahon said in an interview with Business Insider. "It's very different. WWE is all about protagonists and antagonists where ultimately our conflicts are settled in the ring with action that is akin to Hollywood." "It's incredible stunt-like action and the match itself tells a story, but our audience is engaged in the characters and their storyline. It has to be relatable to them so that they care to see the tragedy or triumph and we're at an advantage because we can script it." McMahon also further delved into the differences between both companies, revealing that while they do not fully support Lesnar’s fight, it still gives the WWE some free publicity that benefits them at the end of the day. "UFC, they can make a big star but the second that person loses, they lose credibility, and how do you continue to make that star rise? So I think we have the best of both worlds and the opportunity to tell the stories in the way we want to tell them," McMahon said. Im not sure if Steph is smart enough to realise she's full of **** or stupid enough to believe what she says. But it doesnt bode well for WWE.
  8. That's the point. The silly regulations dont address ACTUAL safety. They address "best chance to generate revenue". Much like doing photo enforcement at construction zones where there are no workers or road impediments werent about safety, but about revenue. I know people on Kenaston who were irate because the construction zone signs were set up well beyond the actual construction zone and thats where the photo trucks were...because its not about safety, its about generating the most revenue. There have been stories about declining photo enforcement revenue and how its hurting the police budget. In regards to school zones, firstly, there was never a major problem. Secondly, for specific areas where there was a problem, you have police doing enforcement. Not this blanket nonsense with a guy in a photo truck at 5:25pm when the area is abandoned. Meanwhile, at 6:00pm a kids soccer game or school event starts and there is no enforcement. I guess we dont care about those kids. Its not about safety. And thats why I dont support it. There are more efficient ways to enforce laws for safety reasons. My understanding when I got my license was that during school zones there was a lower speed limit when children were present. This wasnt posted. The school zone signs were posted to warn you that you were in a school zone and should slow down when kids were present. It worked just fine. If 1000 cars handle this and 1 car speeds, go take down that 1 car, not the other 999. But they need the 999 to pay for enforcement for that 1. Ridiculous.
  9. Good. Should be the same with no kids presents. Should I not slow down when a soccer game lets out at 7pm and kids are streaming across the street? Ofcourse I should. And if no kids are anywhere in the vicinity then why is some jackass being paid to nab drivers for doing something that isn't unsafe in the name of safety?
  10. Interesting if true. Because as I mentioned earlier it would make the Bruins, whose owner is chairman of the board, look awful. Rich team attacks small team and drives salaries through the roof. So while it doesn't surprise me the other GM's would be hot. It would surprise me if the Bruins care
  11. Habs reporter on H&L saying there have been lots of issues with PK that went unreported. Things like missing curfew and being Late for team functions. Not getting along with team mates etc.
  12. Makes you wonder why Edmonton and Montreal didnt just cut out New Jersey and Nashville and make the deal themselves.
  13. Goes to show that to some players, winning is more important than money.
  14. Confirmed? Because the rumors were Buffalo and Detroit offering $10m per year. Im somewhat surprised Tampa wants to pay to be honest if for no other reason than the playoffs showed they could win without him.
  15. Totally insane trade by Montreal unless there is something going on with Subban. Even then, Montreal should have done better if 20 other teams knew he was available. Or wait til next summer and trade him to Vegas for something.
  16. Also, Stamkos was just in Toronto TODAY so for him to decide to stay in Tampa, which shocks me by the way, he obviously didnt like TO's offer.
  17. I think Weber had 4 $13m bonuses which should make the last of those bonus payments done. So its, what, around $5m actual cash remaining per year?
  18. Wow. The sports networks are going to be sending an angry memo to Bettman. Save this **** for tomorrow! lol
  19. This is his Wiki page right now: NHL team Former teams Edmonton Oilers awful trade Skellefteå AIK
  20. Oilers fans are losing their minds right now.
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