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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Media will no longer be allowed in nhl locker rooms due to Coronavirus concerns. Also
  2. If it’s not Matt they’re sure trolling hard lol
  3. There’s no difference between warren or tulsi right. Lol
  4. Im generally opposed to the minor reductions in GST/PST as I dont think the vast majority of Canadians notice. id prefer a reduction in Income taxes. But it fits the Pals MO to lower a tax if a new one is coming.
  5. I love this series. Julia Garner is awesome. And Jason Bateman is great in everything. Also, HBO is developing a series based on the video game The Last of Us (Highly acclaimed but I am an Xbox guy so Ive never played it). Developed by the guy behind Chernobyl.
  6. Big win for AEW and they deserved it. I thought NXT might be a drag on them since they promoted TWO cage matches. Obviously curiosity off the PPV and Mox winning the World Championship made the difference. Perhaps the Matt Hardy stuff helped too.
  7. The next time those three run for President, Ill take it under advisement. You seem to support that conduct right now. Why is it okay with you? Do you share those beliefs?
  8. You can justify (and minimize) it all you want but it doesnt change who he is...or his supporters are.
  9. Possibly the best thing to happen is Trump wanting a debate on health & wellness of the candidates. The guy who stole medical records, had a fake doctor's assessment, bribed his other doctor to lie about his health, has had several unexplained trips to Walter Reed, continues to slur his words, forget whats he's talking about and have a big issue with facts. I mean really, it would be like if Bill Clinton accused his opponent of being a womanizer.
  10. Ill settle for a President who isnt a serial sexual abuser, moron, and racist. Your standards are a lot lower as is the norm with the bulk of his supporters who share much of those moral shortcomings. A tree stump would be better than Trump. Its not even a debate.
  11. Infinitely better than Trump though.
  12. If its Biden, we'll learn quickly what kind of person Bernie is. Anything but a full throated endorsement and support would make true everything people say about him. Im optimistic.
  13. I really believe it could be for the best. Like a calming, familiar, presence to repair the country after Trump (not to mention a lot of investigations are going to be conducted into his admin)...I see Biden as a one term pres obviously. He ushers in a more progressive era. Slow and steady. A slow turn to the left rather than an immediate sharp jerk to the left. With Sanders & Warren, there are very strong progressive influences. Plus several younger "rock star" type Democrats. Its the way their going. But the moderates are important too.
  14. Yeah I saw a lot of chatter that if she didnt endorse, her peeps would more likely go to Biden. But it sounds like a lot of backroom talks happening. I saw someone mention that she would have played a key role in a Hilary admin as sort of an influencer and would get that with Biden too.
  15. There is a lot of space between "everyone" and "you".
  16. He's seemingly trolling and exposing some very...ahem, unflattering personal opinions that most places wouldn't tolerate.
  17. So Warren drops out but it looks like she wont endorse anyone. Smart. She'll be the kingmaker eventually, even if only behind the scenes. Where will her supporters go though? Seems that many will go to Biden
  18. Well he is generally a low self esteem person. Everything he does indicates that. Say what you want about Avenatti, but Trump was implicated in a federal crime thanks to his efforts (and his clients). But I must have missed when he conspired/extorted/bribed a foreign nation to try and kneecap those other potential opponents. I sort of miss the old days of unabashed Trump cult members pretending to hate him and just "playing devils advocate". But I suppose, score one for honesty, even if its gross.
  19. A brazen racist and terrified of Biden
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