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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Im not thinking a huge throw in. But something a long the lines of a bigger deal. Say Hamonic and Okposo or Hamonic and Bailey for Trouba+. Maybe Leddy or Palech to help out our LHD situation.
  2. The whole "dont blame an entire religion" thing is interesting. While there will always be some that blame all of Islam or all of Christianity when these things happen, I think generally people get it. But Bernie Sanders today said "this was the act of one man, not a religion". Well actually, if what we hear is true, that he WAS at least partly inspired by his religion devotion then religion was a big part of it. Islam? Okay, we can say no. Radical Islam? Absolutely. But for so many lefts its so hard to say that. There are issues in both Christianity and Islam. Let's not pretend that there isn't. Let's not pretend that moderate Muslim's arent ignoring or passively interpreting certain aspects of their religion. This issue wont be overcome by declaring war on Islam, especially be predominantly white Christians. It really requires more Muslims to stand up and educate their young people away from radicalization. But burying our heads in the sand doesnt help either. I think we can separate Islam from Radical Islam. We can blame Radical islam and that IS a religious movement.
  3. I want something thrown in. Because I think other teams offer more.
  4. HA! Funny, on a different forum I referred to someone as "acting anal" and another poster was very upset, thinking it was a reference to anal sex. She must have googled it too. Or perhaps I should include "retentive" at all times lol
  5. I hope everyone remembers his name come election time.
  6. Yup. I have never heard a reasonable argument from anyone, NRA included, about these types of weapons. It generally comes down to "well, if you take that away, when will it stop", which is a silly argument to begin with. And holding up the Constitution and claiming that it must be adhered to as if something written hundreds of years ago somehow included issues pertaining to the modern world...and forgetting that it has been amended many times. Anyway, I'd like to hear this MP explain his need for an assault rifle. The NRA has defended their position in the wake or Orlando and blamed the attack on political correctness. They have said terrorist wont respect fun control laws. Which has to be the silliest argument since "if trans people can choose their bathroom, the country will be overrun by straight guys dressing up as chicks to assault children".
  7. http://nypost.com/2016/06/13/shooter-used-to-visit-orlando-gay-club-use-gay-dating-apps/ Interesting if true. Considering his fathers remarks about God punishing gays, it certainly wouldnt surprise me if he, being gay, had huge issues as a result. Also interesting is the claim the FBI asked the ex wife not to tell American media this...
  8. ladies and gentlemen, meet the only human on earth who has never made an error on the internet! Also, recipient of the Anal Award.
  9. Yeah I think the intent of saying that about offer sheets was to prevent a fruitless offer that doesnt do anything but drive up salaries. So basically a team would have to over-pay to an extent that even the Jets, with more cap room than anyone, would balk at it. And that would likely hurt the offering team more, to be hamstrung by the contract and lose significant draft picks. So I dont see an offer sheet coming. Because its either reasonable enough that the Jets match or unreasonable enough that no team will be able to offer it. If anything, a team might offer a bridge deal, if Trouba's agent hustles for one, just to get the Jets to match it. But again, every team knows the Jets will match so no reason to be used as a pawn for Trouba.
  10. Perhaps. Also interesting his said he didnt favour bridge deals and that he didnt think about offer sheets because they have plenty of cap space, implying they would match. Effort to chill any attempt at an offer sheet. Reading between the lines, I'd say Chevy is saying he wants a long term deal with Trouba, will match any offer and isnt opposed to trading him if need be. Which could all be pressure on Trouba's camp if the player *wants* to play here. Chevy is pouring cold water on the player's leverage (bridge and offer sheets) and basically saying if you dont want to do business here, then we will trade you and you might like that option even less.
  11. It is rather interesting. Is it "white guilt"? The question of how a guy who had to have been vetted for a gun-carrying security position while being questioned by the FBI for remarks about suicide bombers is something that needs to be answered.
  12. Old and lame joke. To be clear, "resign" is to quit. "Re-sign" is to sign again. I think we all know what we're talking about. However, I am resigned to the fact we will hear this joke again and again.
  13. Would be nice to get some RFA's resigned sooner rather than later. Cant imagine it will be difficult to re-sign Scheif and Lowry.
  14. I didnt get a chance to watch RAW beyond the first couple of matches last night but from what I read, Titus is getting a push so I wouldnt think he's being punished.
  15. Many northern states' residents see Canada as very similar to their American lifestyle. If I recall Brock's big issue was that he was in intense pain and couldnt understand why he couldnt get a CT Scan immediately. But like you said, he's surely be going back to the US for any major health concerns. Also, if I recall, his brother lived up here for years prior to Brock...somewhere near Brandon as I remember hearing about him attending WWE shows in Brandon.
  16. Interesting talk of the salary cap possibly declining if the PA doesnt vote in favour of their yearly cap escalator. This would put several teams in big trouble, including the Pens. I wonder if they could keep both FLeury and Murray for the season. Then trade Fleury to Vegas for future considerations, which would be that Vegas would not pick someone the Pens wont to keep but cant protect. Vegas then gets to make a splash before the expansion draft in adding a player the caliber of Fleury and making him the "face" of the franchise. Probably not. But it wouldnt surprise me to see Vegas swing some interesting deals.
  17. Chevy to have a presser today at noon. General media Q&A or something interesting?
  18. I think that was more specific to Brandon. And probably rightfully so considering he lived near Minneapolis and being wealthy (and a local star) likely meant he was used to a certain level of service. Imagine him having to sit in the HSC ER for 8 hours some saturday night. He would have started F5'ing people out of frustration and anger. I bet Brandon isnt as bad, but I bet its just as long with even less resources than Winnipeg.
  19. Well it's Dreger so it's probably not true lol but I bet coach and players all say wonderful things about how they've all matured and everyone gets along now. And then something happens mid season
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