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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. And racism. The idea of "enforcing immigration law" is just a political way of being an open racist. Facts no longer matter. Its funny, cause I think back to all the conspiracy theories about W. and it was laughable, but now...if Trump wins, it could get very very bad. History tells us what can happen but people wont believe it can happen here.
  2. Another great episode tonight. Darby Allin is going to be a huge star. Same with Sammy. I wouldn’t even mind him using some Eddie moves. Isn’t it funny how AEW uses legends vs how wwe does. Aew treats them seriously and with reverence and respect rather than comedy relief and it pays off. Hell of a promo by Jake. Interesting that Archers debut was cancelled. Either he’s jake’s client or they wanted to leave open the possibility. Someone on line pointed out some references to Caesar. Killed during the ides of March. Which is March 15th. Aew runs March 18 in Rochester. Brodie Lee is from Rochester. Ohhhhhh lol Great jake music too!
  3. Guess which party voted against
  4. Samberg, DeMelo and maybe Hamonic would be a strong revival of the Jets D. With Ville and Niku coming too..
  5. Signing DeMelo helps a lot. Free Agent wise: Alex Pietrangelo - 30 years old Justin Schultz - 29 Tyson Barrie - 28 Tory Krug - 29 Sami Vatanen - 29 Cody Ceci - 26 Travis Hamonic - 29
  6. Racist, serial sexual abuser, rapist, misogynist, moron, criminal. Which qualities do you like the most?
  7. Went over your head didnt it? Dont blame you for being testy about that given your support of a guy with...ahem, questionable beliefs.
  8. wow James Bond Sequel No Time to Die Postponed Due to Coronavirus Outbreak https://variety.com/2020/film/news/james-bond-no-time-to-die-coronavirus-1203523859/ "No Time to Die" will be postponed until November, the James Bond sequel's backers announced on Wednesday. The film was originally supposed to be released internationally on April 2 and in the U.S. on April 10. However, the spread of the coronavirus has led to closures of theaters in major
  9. Well I guess that's a pretty big indication of where he's going (dont watch if you dont like spoilers)
  10. Free Agent Centers Nick Backstrom - 32, $6.7 million Eric Huala - 29. $2.75 million Derick Brassard - 32, $1.2 million Joe Thornton - 40 Yup, pretty thin. Pageau was the guy.
  11. This is what terrifies trump. He’s a racist president running against someone who, for whatever reason, can excite the black vote. And those republican voters sickened by trump can see a way towards voting for Biden. It really should be a land slide for Biden Even if he has some gaffes or forgets something or baubles a line, it’s not like he’s running against a great orator like clinton It’s trump, who has basic issues with the English language
  12. This is what terrifies trump. He’s a racist president running against someone who, for whatever reason, can excite the black vote. And those republican voters sickened by trump can see a way towards voting for Biden. It really should be a land slide for Biden Even if he has some gaffes or forgets something or baubles a line, it’s not like he’s running against a great orator like clinton It’s trump, who has basic issues with the English language
  13. Jets should be swimming in money this summer. Get a Laine extension done? Sign Demelo. And find a 2C
  14. And look what happened. A lot of people embrace the "anti-politician". But as much as we criticize, its a pretty skilled job. Look what happens when an idiot falls up into a key position.
  15. Bloomberg dropping out and endorsing Biden.
  16. Not to mention, the poster made a great case for the stupidity of the alt right.
  17. Plus, Im hoping the Dems are united. We havent got Obama in whatsoever. Him campaigning for the nominee will be big. Clintons too, will help. Warren and whomever else loses, campaigning for the nominee is big also. Perhaps Bernie can make a backroom deal to endorse Biden in return for some policy initiatives if Biden wins.
  18. Agreed. Warren is the obvious choice and look what happened. The second she dared stand up to Bernie and Bloomberg, she plummeted. Americans like their women to get in the kitchen and keep their mouths shut. Hilary was unbelievably successful and popular when viewed through that reality. A Bernie nomination risks moderates voting for Trump or staying home and risks black voters staying home. Can he deliver enough new votes to make up for it? No. I like Bernie's policies too. But I'd like them more as real options and not the crazy outside which it will be forever if he's the nominee. Not to mention, Biden is more likely to help with Congressional seats too. Bernie winning but losing the House and not winning the Senate doesnt accomplish much.
  19. Thats why the running mates are going to be important. its why so many people think Trump wants to replace Pence. At this point two old white guys is inevitable. Its a matter of Biden or Bernie. It should be Warren but it wont be. I honestly believe Bernie delivers progressives who maybe dont usually vote, but Biden gets the black vote and the moderates. If Bernie's supporters wont vote for Biden, if they help Trump win, are they democrats? Either guy, whichever one loses, *must* full throated endorse the other and campaign for that person. I think Biden would. Im not sure about Bernie.
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