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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. the 1290 guys were talking about the "hate Winnipeg" thing this morning and I really think its over blown. Sure, Winnipeg is on most no trade lists but if you have to provide 10+ teams why wouldnt it be? 9 other teams are on the list too. I think its really over blown. Guys have to play somewhere and 400 players can play for New York or Florida or Phx. Really, every player should want to play in Florida due to no State sales tax and great weather but they dont. Some players want to be in New York or Toronto, some dont want the big city thing. Every team has pros and cons and every team has a player who didnt like it and players who did. I think Winnipeg has universally (almost) been liked by the players that spend time here. If anything, its the influence of family that makes the difference. If you're young and want to chase tail and get drunk, sure maybe you want a better night life. But most players are focused on hockey and training and playing. Traveling most of the year and during off-season and Christmas breaks they "go home" or on vacation anyway. Its the wife being bored that can be an issue. Then again, you have kids and you want a decent school that is pretty safe and are treated well in the community. Jets hired Trouba's brother and signed one of his buddies. They took his family on a tour of the city. Even had Chipman's daughter take him to Swift concert. They've done everything to make him comfortable. So either he plays his best as a pro and sucks it up or he lets the Jets figure out the best value. Either way, Trouba has limited options. But then again, he might love it here...and simply want to get paid.
  2. There have been rumors of Duchesne though Colorado seems to be throwing cold water on that.
  3. If so thats not terrible because he's a RHD. So it would then be Buff, Myers, Barrie. And Toby, Morrissey, Stu/Chiarot. Would rather keep Trouba forever but if we cant, getting that extra high end draft pick would be nice...and plan for the future past Toby/Buff.
  4. I think its very difficult because there are the public faces of the party but so many people behind the scenes and those people are saying hold your nose and support Trump because not supporting him is akin to supporting the Democrats and it hurts the party as a whole. In their mind they can stomach Trump for 8 years and then move on. But if you damage the party too much, you're screwed. They damaged the party enough by letting the nuts and homophobes and racists gain power. So they reap what they sow. Im a conservative that will be cheering for Hilary.
  5. Yeah it's being re-branded and renovated but not closed. I liked it because its near the new arena and out door plaza. And the pool. But Planet Hollywood is better priced and I've always enjoyed it there. Plus Brittany is playing there and Im tempted to go...
  6. Need to decide on a resort for August. I've been twice and stayed at Luxor and Tropicana so Im not overly concerned with "luxury" just a cool, fun place to hang out. Was going to stay at Treasure Island due to price but now leaning towards Planet Hollywood or New York New York or possibly Monte Carlo. Im always interested in where people stay and how they enjoyed it... Thoughts?
  7. Strippers is great. Have topless review during time outs. But the downtown folks wont be so excited by that. They could get crazy and ditch Las Vegas altogether. Sin City Saints or Rollers or something like that. Am I missing how "Knights" relates to Las Vegas?
  8. In Brandon they used yields and stop signs at the same intersections. Thought it made way more sense. Calming circles are basically just removing stop signs and throwing a barricade in the way for you to drive around.
  9. They call them calming circles because they are stupid. The stop signs they previously used slowed traffic down too.
  10. That sounds stupid. Aces would be better. Las Vegas Aces. Almost rhymes.
  11. So lets say it's Colorado and they want to trade Barrie for Trouba. What gets it done?
  12. I lived on Willowlake before the Roundabout and it was horrible during rush hour. The small round abouts Winnipeg loves so much are moronic. To small to be effective and difficult for firetrucks, snow clearing and other large trucks (delivery etc). Useless really.
  13. Call them the Las Vegas Raiders and get a jump on Oakland.
  14. Thats very true. Similar to Coyotes. But Vegas has 14,000 season ticket deposits so they might have a fan base though probably with cheaper tickets due to the Vegas economy. New people every game. Might be tough for the players. I bet its very popular for the first few years with lots of local support though. it will be "cool" for awhile.
  15. We were just talking about this in the office actually. Im not a big fan of Vegas in the winter but assuming there will be packages available for Canadians that include NHL tickets, I will do it for sure. Would be a fun experience. I love Vegas so Im excited and looking forward to it. I think Vegas will be successful, maybe not in the traditional sense, but I think its going to be good.
  16. Vince sees him as special but more so because of the financial investment. WWE doesn't know how to book special or really outside of their very specific formulaic way of booking. Which is why there are really no stars outside of John Cena.
  17. I believe that post was deleted. And the filtering thing is a bit over-zealous. If I recall, some words are automatic and Mods have to actively go in and remove them. Cant remember the "D" word being used so often it warranted that. I've used a couple of words in innocuous ways that have been filtered. ****** maybe? Yup, S word rhyming with catch (and meaning the same thing in some contexts). lol
  18. Im not sure Shane has much say in anything as when he came back, certain promos were altered and not in a way favourable to him. Its sort of weird because I minded her less last night. When Shane is on she tries to out babyface him and cut his balls off since she's a better promo. Watch the entire Hunter/Steiner program...he did the same thing. Whereas last night, without Shane, she could be more of her heel self. And they play into her ego. Bringing back Long was cute as a way to promote Smackdown moving to Tuesdays but it seemed to devolve into an excuse for her to bury him. And I really hate when we're supposed to know the camera is there and other times it isnt. Like when Steph calls marketing and pretends the tag match idea is her. We're watching, we know it isnt. Stupid. There was a time when WCW actually treated all of their backstage vignettes as though the camera wasnt there...which is bizarre.
  19. Sounds like Vince McMahon style. I dont think Trump would be a disaster as much as some do but he will be tough to deal with as President. Im still betting on Hilary. Bill back in the white house should be fun!
  20. So...will any news break about the Exec Committee decision on Expansion today??
  21. Yes but often where there is smoke, there's fire. If there is speculation that Trouba's demands are high, that the Jets dont like his fitness commitment, if Trouba isnt a fan of the city etc...there are probably elements of truth to it. Remember, everyone covered up for Kane and he had been asking for a trade since Day One. But really, its perfectly reasonable for people to discuss a player the caliber and potential of Trouba when his contract is up. Happens all over the league so Winnipeg is no exception. But because we're Winnipeg we always have to deal with the added speculation concerning money and desire to live here. Then again, why on earth would someone, if they hate Winnipeg, want to play in Edmonton?
  22. It could be an advisor saying "do not answer questions about being a racist" because then he headline is "Trump Insists He's Not A Racist" which really is a story about Trump being racist. Ive seen some of the questions being asked and Im not sure they're entirely fair. One reporter asked him basically "isnt saying his ethnicity influences his judgement, racist?" ie. Trying to get Trump to say its a racial thing. But I dont think anyone would find it unreasonable for a person to be influenced by their ethnicity. Especially in America where everyone wears the flag...so if they can be influenced by being American, why cant someone be influenced by being Mexican or whatever? Not saying thats the case but its not racist to ask the question. Trump U was a scam anyway and Donald is just trying to influence the judge himself.
  23. I would guess he knows the next question would be "then why did you say....." and he likes to control the message, not have them control him. Possibly he also believes its so obvious he isnt racist (not saying its obvious, saying HE thinks its obvious) that he considers the question stupid and irrelevant and therefore must be a set up.
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